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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. rename Pattayamail

    Whingers weekly.

    Some people just naturally like to moan.

    They moan on thier lunch breaks back in their home country about work.

    They finish work, go home, moan about the tv.

    Then come to Thailand and carry on their moaning about something else.

    If you sat these people on a beach surrounded by bikini clad models and free cocktails it would be too hot!

    Of course you yourself are having a moan too so perhaps your one of these people at heart as well? :o

  2. Hmm

    I think any Thai who makes it good,and has some visible wealth becomes a target for the not so wealthy relations.

    Sure Thais imagine falangs are wealthy and if a relly marries one she will be wealthy thus a source of loans,investments etc.

    We try to help but wont give cash!!!

    We bought two tuktuks for some family in Ayuthya..they work for a living paid us back and have now bought two more.

    Sometimes the cousins make a pain of themselves coming up with plans for my wife to participate in/with.  Usually it is some big favour, like drive a few hundred KM to taxi some derelict relative.  She refuses and they lay guilt trips on her.  She tells me she wished she had no contact with any cousins at all.  Most family members have put in requests to her ranging from buying her brother a car, a cousin a computer, bizarre car rides to name a few.  Why do extended family believe she owes them a living?

    Good guy

    Change your avator from 'good guy' to 'stingy guy', farang khee neeow -and the requests will cease; of course your wife may cease to play her role too, but that's a risk you must take.

    How will changing my avatar help my wife? Maybe you could change your avatar from Bannork to Farang Kon Baa.....

  3. No question she is there under false pretenes if she is not living with you and living with another male.

    Dont know the full story ,but sounds painful for you.

    I would call immigration and have a chat if you feel strongly about it.

    On the face of it She sounds like a mercenary bitch.

    Hi all, I don't normally post on these forums, but with recent events in my life I feel compelled to.

    My background is this: I am 25 and my ex is also 25. I was living in Bangkok with my ex thai gf for over one year. I headed back to the UK in march 2005 with the intention of my ex following me soon, so we sorted out a fiancee visa for her, which was by no mean easy or cheap, but I was in love so I was determined that she would follow me to the UK.

    I sent her money for her flight and also helped pay for her flat whilst she was in Thailand and I was back in the UK. She came to the UK in early May and was supposed to stay with me for about 6 months before we had the intention of getting married. Unfortunately she only stayed for a week, as she was complaining she was homesick, didn't like food etc.

    I tried to persuade her to stay but her mind was made up, so I took her back to Heathrow and left her there without checking that she checked in for her flight.

    I then assumued that she went back to Thailand where she was supposed to be looking for a job. However I discovered via a friend of her's last night, that she is now staying with another guy that she met in Ko San Rd last January, when we were going through a rocky patch. This guy lives in Leicester and I called them up after her friend gave me his number. I have never been so shocked, upset, gutted in all my life. This simply is not right, she is staying in the UK on a fiancee visa with my name written on it, surely there is something I can do to get her out of the country?? Any sensible offers of advice would be much appreciated.

  4. And another.

    Its these issues beyond the general arrogance and culture of disdain and distrust of the BKK Dima office that make life very difficult for Aussies wanting to bring their young females into the country.

    Hung jury in sex slave trial

    May 27, 2005

    From: AAP

    A MELBOURNE brothel owner and her manager accused of keeping five Thai women as sex slaves may face a retrial after a jury was unable to reach a decision on their fate today.

    The two accused, brothel owner Wei Tang, 42, formerly of Rae Street, Fitzroy, and her then manager Paul Pick, 46, of Panoramic Road, North Balwyn, have pleaded not guilty to five charges each of possessing a slave and five each of using a slave.

    After three days of deliberation, the jury found Mr Pick not guilty on eight charges and were undecided on one count each of possessing and using a slave.

    The jury could not decide on the 10 charges against Ms Tang.

    During the landmark trial, the first of its kind in Victoria, the prosecution alleged the five Thai women, who cannot be named, were brought into Australia with the promise they would eventually be able to work legally in the sex trade.

    But it was alleged the women were each told they first had to work off a debt of $45,000, which meant performing sex acts for no pay six days a week.

    Ms Tang was the legal owner of a brothel known as Club 417 in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, in Melbourne's inner north, and Pick was her legal manager, at the time of the alleged offences between August 2002 and May 2003.

    Lawyers for the defendants said the five women's stories lacked credibility, the women had changed their stories during several statements made to police, and the women came to Australia with their "eyes wide open" to work in the sex industry.

    A spokesman for the Commonwealth Public Prosecutions said it would have to decide if there would be a retrial

    heres a major reason why its so hard to get young thai females into AUS.

    A SYDNEY brothel owner accused of buying a Thai student as a slave has been found not guilty by a New South Wales District Court jury.

    The verdict is the first in an Australian sexual servitude case.

    After a trial lasting almost ten weeks, Sally Cui Mian Xu, 41, was acquitted of slave trading.

    However, the jury failed to reach a verdict on charges that Ms Xu and her co-accused, Ngoc Lan Tran, 52, and Lin Qi, 28, had kept the 20-year-old woman in sexual slavery.


    Their alleged victim told the court she had been studying law in Thailand when she was promised a well-paid waitressing job in Australia. But when she arrived in Sydney in December 2002, she was forced into prostitution at a string of brothels run by Ms Xu and Mr Tran, she told the trial.

    Police discovered the woman at Ms Xu's Rozelle brothel on January 5, 2003, after she phoned triple-0 for help, the court was told.

    Ms Xu, Mr Tran and Mr Qi both pleaded not guilty to three charges of keeping the woman in sexual servitude, running a business involving her sexual servitude and detaining her for advantage as a prostitute.

    Mr Tran had also pleaded not guilty to trading the woman as a slave.

    Defence barristers for the three told the court the woman, who cannot be named, was a willing prostitute who was never held against her wishes.

    After deliberating for two days the jury was unable to reach a verdict on the 10 remaining charges.

    Judge Anthony Blackmore discharged the jury and released Ms Xu, Mr Tran and Mr Qi on conditional bail.

    Except getting a Thai visa for an Aussie is only a formality :o

  5. Clearly innocent

    Jeez her sister lived there for christs sake so Schapelle would have been well aware of the risks involved in something so stupid.

    Its widely known the baggage handlers in Aust have been doing this for years amongst those in the know.

    Its fairly widely known the airport security in denpasar are not up to scratch.

    Last time I was there I got caught with 4 undeclared bottles of aussie reds.

    The customs guy said duty 50.00 usd.

    I said only have 50 aud

    He said give me......needless to say where that went....no reciept given.

    Just walked past a electronics retailer in downtown sydney that had this on TV.

    People were actualy crying for her.

    Howards gutless foreign policy yet again.

    How many years did the latest Bali bomber get...5?

    Bashir was guilty of taking part in a "sinister conspiracy" that led to the 2002 bombings and only got 2.5 years...######s.

  6. Yep

    Pattaya is prob the worst place you could be at songkraan ,unless you are happy being soaked for two weeks,by moronic falangs in second childhood.

    Havn't heard of this topic being discussed so i thought i would relay an experience of mine..... I was in Pattaya for Songkrahn (spelling?) and decided to go for a walk. I am used to the usual behavior thats associated with the festival period, mostly, poeple are generally behaved, aside from a number, being more than a few, of farang who insist on taking it to the next level. While walking down a soi near a beer bar, i was aware that people were drinking and having fun etc, i crossed to the other side of the street so i could possibly avoid the water pistols etc. There were not many people in the soi at the time and it was a full day before the Songkrahn was due to begin. I was on the other side of the street when a female farang,who i did not see, came from the bar to the other side of the road and smashed a bucket of water into my face while i was looking down at the ground. The water went into my eyes and i was stunned and temporarily blinded. I grabed the females hand and when i could see again, i actually worked out what had happened. I let go of her and kept walking, i noticed that 3 of her male friends at the bar were laughing, until i gave a  stare, but none of the thai workers at the bar were. There was nothing to do but continue on walking, being a victim of drunken rude behavior. I took on board the behavior and started to watch that of other farang over the next few days and could see that there wasnt much respect for any one, farang didnt care who they wet, elderly, people in buisiness clothes etc. Saw some heated arguments as well......Dont get me wrong, its a festive time and you are a part of it if your there but why do farang use it as an excuse to exhibit poor behavior? One of these days someone will respond and it may just be me..............          :o

  7. I had a good look at these


    Building standard was pretty high by Thai Standards.

    Place is pretty much 100% sold but some are avail on resale I believe.

    The early buyers have doubled there money.

    Prices range from 4m to 10m baht.

    Near the development you mention,so you may have had look already.

    Mainly expat buyers once again.

    i think its a big gamble.

    a lot of those million dollar homes are standing around unlived in and unsold.

    all these gated communities seem to be devoid of inhabitants apart from the maids and  swimming pool maintenance crews who seem to be living a life of riley.

    not so many regular inhabitants that give a neighbourhood some life and character.

    **First I don't think there are many million dollar homes on Samui so it's hard to say they're unlived in and unsold as a rule.  Same for the gated communities, there are a some and I wouldn't argue that they have few inhabitants, little neighbourhood life and character but that can also be translated into 'privacy'. 

    For the purposes of the rich coming from HK or Singapore or wherever to a high end gated community.  It's not for the social life, it's for a James Bond style exclusive and private place to not be bothered by anybody.

    the infrastructure on the island is not yet up to scratch and there is fck all to do on samui except sit on your verandah by your infinity pool and balinese fusion style sala and count your money or watch it disappear.

    **I agree the infrastucture is weak, hopefully it'll improve over the next few years.  Rich people coming to all the new 5 Star resorts as well as to the James Bond villas will help the economy and hopefully we'll see the infrasture improve.

    some of the recent "immigrants" leave a lot to be desired too , it must be said.

    buy some land and sit on it or rent a place would seem a better bet to me.

    **I've thought a lot about that option and may do just that as well but the potential, albeit with some risk to turn 20M baht into 30 to 40 Mil is compeling.

    i bought some land there three years ago with a view to building , but i left the island recently , i'd had enough of the high prices ,increasing noise and traffic , poor service , dirty water , power cuts and the greedy take it or leave it attitude of all who do business there .

    **I guess I wasn't there long enough to get that distaste but again, that's not my primary concern.  I'm more into this from an investment perscpective. 

    Still have your land???

    it is also losing all vestiges of its "thainess" , its sold its soul to foriegners , and is becoming more like majorca or the spanish coast every day.

    **Well if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  Change is constant, it's Samui now, it'll be Phang ngan next.  What can you do, keep paradise unspoiled and unknown to the world?  My plan here in fact contributes to the Spanish Coast or Hawaii like evolvement but if I don't buy it, some other rich guy from HK or wherever will. 

    that may not bother some people , but it bothered me.

    its a lovely island for a few weeks or a few months if you enjoy living a low key relatively low expenditure kind of life , and no i dont mean counting your baht each mealtime backpacker type life either , you dont need a james bond style house to live comfortably there , in fact for a relaxing existence there you should downsize as much as possible ,  but i would not want to invest large amounts of money on that island.

    buy your luxury home on the mainland in bangkok or hua hin or phuket and have a simple cheap low maintenance holiday home of 150 sq. meters on a hillside there , you could do it for 3 or 4  mill. including the land and leave the luxury estates to the posers with more money than sense

    **To buy in BKK or Hua Hin or even Phuket is higher in price than Samui and I believe has less potential to go up, actualy HH may not be more expensive but it isn't the int'l destination that Samui is.  My goal isn't a cheap low mtnc holiday home, myself, personally I'd rather go to different places when on vacation.  I can't afford a hi end place in BKK, it's already priced to crazy levels and the upside potential altho possible is far less likely lucrative than the Samui opportunity.  I'm looking at this as a business opportunity.

    selling those big houses may take years , selling a piece of land without a house is a lot easier and your profit will be better.

    **It's supply and demand, the island is not getting bigger, there can never be hundreds and hundreds of high end homes.  The demand is there, via direct flights, great weather etc.  Tourism is only increasing in Thailand and Samui has already evolved from a backpacker place on upward, it's now on the radar map of the world and that will continue, that's life.  There is high demand there.

    hundreds of land agents have descended on the place promising the earth in the way of rental returns and a luxurious palm tree framed dream lifestyle , take it with a pinch of salt. its a huge gamble in my opinion.

    **The rental return thing on only a 'bonus', if I can rent it out for big numbers, then great, if not, my plan would be to flip it.  BTW, a friend from HK and his wife and 3 other couples came to Samui last Xmas.  They paid US$1000/night for 7 nights for a high end villa.  4 bedrooms, infinity pool, really high end.  That's the going rate today for these types of places.  It was then only US$250 per couple and they had their own villa not shared by other tourists, their own maid and chef to boot.  Those rates are obviously only during the really high seasons, Xmas, NY, Chinese NY and a few other short periods of time.

    you will pay a fortune to the developers in commission to manage the place and rent it out whilst you are not there.

    **This isn't true, you only have to pay 10% of the total rent and only when it's rented out. 

    they are experts at selling the dream.

    go and live there for six months before spending a large amount on building a home.

    i wont even start on how to deal with builders and their "contracts" and elastic budgeting.

    1 mil USD is nothing to them, or anyone now who lives in the real world.

    earth to tornado , earth to tornado , are you receiving me !!

    come down to earth immediately , i repeat.............

    1 mill u.s. is a lot to 95% of the planet , all of whom live on the real world.

    ** Altho a mil US is a ton of money to most of the world, it's the 5% of the world that it's not a lot of money to that I'm concerned about here. The HK and Singapore money is big, a mil US is really chump change to many there. A US$1M apt in HK is available but it's not even close to being nice especially in the falang/guillo areas. Compare that to the place I can get built for 20M baht, half a mil USD!!!

    as a developer its in your interests to promote that kind of lifestyle , but realistically speaking , that kind of lifestyle is more suited to the caribbean , the french riviera or florida , where the infrastructure will give the heavy hitters what they require in the way of shops , restaurants , hospitals and infrastructure and the kind of service that the rich take for granted.

    samui is way behind on those fronts , there is no shopping there apart from tourist tat of the lowest quality , the restaurants and pubs are ok for boozers and singles on a package holiday island , but way below the standards to be found where millionaires gather , and the hospitals are pure rip- offs. the roads flood regularly after each shower , even in the main centres , and the island is slowly but surely being uglified by inappropriate construction almost everywhere you look.

    **You're right there, the infrastucture isn't there now. The flooding is particularily annoying. Course rainy season isn't when the $1K/night renters are coming. Have to count on improvments happening anyway, progress and all. It's come a long way, not always for the better as you point out but it's changing, at least it has multiple hospitals now, an international school is coming soon too. Lots of not so nice development and construction but lots of good product too.

    samui just aint got no class at all ! in spite of the picturesqueness of the place its just not a very nice place to be anymore , and a lot of that is down to the general unfriendliness , unreliability and lack of sincerity of the people there.

    the attitude of the business people there towards customers leaves a lot to be desired.

    ** Got to be the same as anywhere else in Thailand where Falangs and locals mix.

    to buy a $1,000,000 home on a $9.99 island is pure folly.

    samui is definately more suited to a lower key kind of existence.

    **I believe that was yesterday, today and tomorrow it's going upscale.

    also the quality of the construction is another factor ,if the place falls apart after its sold i very much dought if there is any recourse

    ** need to be very careful on that front. My original plan was to buy the land, build the villa and then sell it, and you're right it's buyer beware, the buyer has little recourse. I do however want to ensure it's built to very high standards and will be monitoring the construction (actually, I'll have some other people I know involved to do that).

    Overall I'm still leaning heavily towards making this investment. I don't have 20M baht to lose but I feel pretty good that when it's said and done, the place will be worth at least 20M, that's based on the crappier stuff that's selling now at prices far higher than that.

  8. BRITAIN is suffering a sense of humour failure, with laughter levels three times lower now than 50 years ago and nearly half of all adults unable to enjoy at least one big guffaw a day, research has revealed.

    Money worries, relationship woes and even political concerns were among the reasons given for the collection of grim faces, according to the data, collected for the cruise company Ocean Village.

    "Laughter is an essential ingredient of a healthy, happy life and is one of the most effective and immediate antidotes to stress and tension - it really is the best medicine," said Amanda Bate from Ocean Village.


    "The findings of this study show a worrying trend towards glumness. In the 1950s we laughed for an average of 18 minutes daily but this has dropped to just six minutes per day," she said.

    Morning misery is rife, with almost half of Britons - some 45 per cent - admitting they frequently wallowed in gloom until lunchtime.

    Around 16 million adults, totalling 40 per cent, said they failed to muster even one proper belly laugh in an average day.

    It is not all sulking and moodiness, however, as the research found that single women aged 18 to 24 in the northern city of Manchester were the happiest people in the country.

    In addition, Bristol, in western England, was named the most cheerful place for couples aged 25 to 34.

    Factors such as weather, time of day and age, were all cited as being able to spark the blues.

    July and August were the happiest months of the year according to three out of four people quizzed, with January the most miserable.

    The study was carried out by ICM Research on behalf of Ocean Village who interviewed a random selection of 1000 adults aged 18 or over.

  9. A THAI policeman has been convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering two British tourists last year after a row outside a restaurant in western Thailand.

    Somchai Visetsing, 40, was charged with two counts of murder for shooting dead Vanessa Arscott, 24, and her boyfriend, Adam Lloyd, 25, last September 9, close to the famous 'Bridge on the River Kwai' in Kanchanaburi.

    Somchai was handed two life sentences for the killings, and was also convicted on two separate weapons charges.

    Provincial judge Rungrat Vijitjongkol said several witnesses had testified that Somchai's car was at the scene, and said they heard gunfire and had seen the suspect with the two tourists.

    "The witnesses' testimony was credible," the judge said.

    "None of these witnesses had any reason for bias against the accused."

    Somchai confessed to the killings during the police investigation but later denied murdering the two and pleaded innocent during the trial.

    "For the murder of Adam Lloyd, the sentence is life in prison," Judge Rungrat said.

    "For the murder of Vanessa Ascott, to cover up the crime of murdering Lloyd, the sentence should be the death penalty, but, because he confessed during the investigation and provided useful information to authorities, the sentence is reduced to life in prison."

    Somchai's lawyer said he would appeal against the conviction.

    Lloyd's father, Brian Lloyd, 57, said the families of the victims were pleased with the conviction, but he urged the court not to release Somchai on bail during the appeals process. The policeman was granted bail during the trial.

    "Even though he may not have directly intimidated witnesses, we believe that the fact that he was free was sufficient to scare many of them," Mr Lloyd said.

    "We appeal to the Minister of Justice and the Attorney-General to ensure that this convicted murderer remains securely locked up, and is not granted bail."

    "No form of punishment could ever bring our children back, and we trust that the sentence given to this butcher of our children will be served in full."

    Somchai confessed in October to killing Lloyd, from Northampton, and Arscott, of Torquay. He had spent a month on the run in neighbouring Burma, before giving himself up to Thai police at the border.

    But during his trial in November, Somchai insisted on his innocence, telling the court his confession had been given under duress.

    Somchai has denied suggestions of a love triangle, saying he had never met the Britons.

    But a British tabloid on Sunday published pictures from Arscott's camera, which showed Somchai playfully kissing her on her cheek.

  10. Yep Samui is hot right now.

    Helped by the Bangkok air flights direct from Sing and HongKong.

    Wealthy expats are coming to play.

    Its good news,but I wonder whether the islands infrastructure can support all the development.

    I believe next to that development or very near a very large shopping,entertainment,movie center is to be built.

    If you have the cash to risk its prob a reasonable speculative play.

    I've just traveled down to Samui and looked around the island for property.  I looked all over the island and one area that jumped out at me was in the Northeast corner of the island.  The area is called Cheong Mon (spelling?).  It's on the other side of the mountain/hill from the airport so no airplane noise.  It is however only a 5 minute or so drive from the airport.  Specifically there is a new subdivision being built by a developer called Samui Estates.  The first phase of the development is called Narayan Heights, there were 18 lots being offered at a price of 8 million baht per rai.  The plots averaged about 3/4 of a rai each.  The total subdivision is about 25 rai, so the extra space is for park land and a 6 meter wide road through the subdivision.  This place sold out in 2 months, phase 2 is now being built next door and the price per rai is now 10 million.  The sales pitch is that, if you buy the land, build a villa yourself (rather have it built by a pro for you), after the villa is complete, the subdivision is completely finished, you will be left with a home worth 30 to 40 million baht.  This is presuming you build a fabulous home anywhere from 350 to 650 Sq meters.  You also have to build a home according to the developers design criteria, which is high end Bali/Thai style.  The price to build a home like this is about 20,000 baht per sq meter so a 500 sq m home will cost 10 million to build.  Toss in another 2 or 3 million to landscape the place and buy nice furniture, you're looking at close to 20 million baht.  The trick is, can you really parley that into 30 to 40 million 2 years later when all the homes are built and the subdivision is finished.  Since phase 1 (Naryan Heights) is sold out, phase 2 (Gentara is the name of phase 2 I think) is now for sale, phase 3 and 4 are in the early stages of getting mapped out and won't be even offered for sale for at least a year.  You really have to see the plan for the subdivisions, these relatively few homes, maybe 40 in total for Gentara and Narayan Heights are going to be in a gated community that goes up the mountain side with a spectacular sea view, the homes will be spread out for privacy, i.e. less than one home per rai, the slope of the mountain guarantees perfect views from every house.  I've looked around this NE corner of Samui and it's sort of the new super-hi-end area.  5 Star resorts are going in, Kapinski just bought a 50 Rai plot bordering on Gentara/phase 2 and will build a super exclusive 5 star resort.  Another good thing about Samui is the 3 story height restriction, so you'll never see the high rises of Phuket.  As of this year, there actually are US$million dollar homes on Samui and I've looked at about 6 of them, don't think there are currently many more than that.  I can't see why if I buy a 3/4 rai plot in Gentara for 7.5 M, build a home, furnish and landscape 12M, why wouldn't I be able to sell it for 40 million as these other houses I've seen are getting.  These other homes don't have a better view, better location, better layout, more exclusivity or really better anything as far as I can see.  I really can't comment of the quality of the buildings but for 20,000 per sq m by an experienced builder has to be of equivalent or greater standards than these homes.  Bangkok Air now has non-stops from HK and for a lot of people in HK, 40 million baht is not a lot of money for a beautiful home in an exclusive gated community to go to for Chinese New Year or whatever.  I've been thinking about this and would love to get some other peoples thoughts on this prospect.  I know, if it's that easy everyone would be doing it, but if people aren't aware of this opportunity or they are too gun shy or conservative or just don't have the vision of what Samui is going to look like in a few short years time.  The island isn't getting any bigger and most of the land is already snapped up, there is only so much room for high end subdivisions like what is currently being developed.  My goal would be to either flip in after it's built for the 30 to 40 mil, or keep it and have it rented out especially during Xmas/NY/Chinese New Year/Euro Vacation periods for a lot of money per night. What am I missing? I would love to hear from somebody that has thoughts and knowledge on the subject especially specifically that area in Samui.

  11. heres a major reason why its so hard to get young thai females into AUS.

    A SYDNEY brothel owner accused of buying a Thai student as a slave has been found not guilty by a New South Wales District Court jury.

    The verdict is the first in an Australian sexual servitude case.

    After a trial lasting almost ten weeks, Sally Cui Mian Xu, 41, was acquitted of slave trading.

    However, the jury failed to reach a verdict on charges that Ms Xu and her co-accused, Ngoc Lan Tran, 52, and Lin Qi, 28, had kept the 20-year-old woman in sexual slavery.


    Their alleged victim told the court she had been studying law in Thailand when she was promised a well-paid waitressing job in Australia. But when she arrived in Sydney in December 2002, she was forced into prostitution at a string of brothels run by Ms Xu and Mr Tran, she told the trial.

    Police discovered the woman at Ms Xu's Rozelle brothel on January 5, 2003, after she phoned triple-0 for help, the court was told.

    Ms Xu, Mr Tran and Mr Qi both pleaded not guilty to three charges of keeping the woman in sexual servitude, running a business involving her sexual servitude and detaining her for advantage as a prostitute.

    Mr Tran had also pleaded not guilty to trading the woman as a slave.

    Defence barristers for the three told the court the woman, who cannot be named, was a willing prostitute who was never held against her wishes.

    After deliberating for two days the jury was unable to reach a verdict on the 10 remaining charges.

    Judge Anthony Blackmore discharged the jury and released Ms Xu, Mr Tran and Mr Qi on conditional bail.

    Except getting a Thai visa for an Aussie is only a formality :o

  12. Well deserved and gives some confidence in the system in Thailand.

    I would still like to know the real story now its all done.

    I mean those pics made them all look like friends?

    Plod looked like he was coming on to her?

    Then it turns ugly,he spits on him?????

    Cop chases and shoots him??

    etc etc

    Unfort its only Somchai who can come clean on this.

    He faced the death sentence but Judge Dilok Boonthawinant said a confession to police made him change it to life imprisonment.

    Hang on...didn't he rescind the guilty plee????

    Thats what I was thinking...?????

  13. Agreed The Qantas trolley dragons are right up there with those old Bullies on United International.

    Horrible culture in that airline.

    Mind you its driven by the CEO who is not a nice person.

    Who voted for Q(u)antas?  :D Ugliest and worst mannered old hags working the trolleys. Can't be fired because of the bullshit work place policies Australia maintains. Generally poor service from check in to arrival. Domestic is worse! :o

    From an Aussie who voted for Singapore Air and flies alot with Thai.

  14. Wow I was going to book emirates b class syd -bkk for my next trip.

    Are the seats worse than thai biz class?

    No full sleeper??

    I usualy fly BA .....Only for the sleeper seat...food and service is <deleted>.

    Emirates is THE WORST business class I have ever flown..FACT. If anyone disagree's I would say they haven't flown business class on many airlines.Its CRAP. The seats are barely bigger than economy, the recline is pathetic.The only good thing with Emirates is the service.

  15. They seem to look at situation.

    Obviously she will be coming and staying with you?

    If so you must plan ahead.

    They prefer to see proof of the relationship of at least 6 mths pref more.

    Its better if she has a real job.(not bar)

    And better still if she has a house.

    For your proof of relationship you need dated photos,emails,phone,records,letters,western union ....the more the better and the longer the trail the better.

    People do get around things by getting student visas,if you can afford the course fees...seems to be how most of the thousands of chinese get around it in aus.

    At the end of the day its about the money,the wealthier you are the easier it is.

    So much for egalitarian Australia.

    Ok after reading a few rescent posts im getting the impression that for a 3 month tourist visa there is no interview for the Thai lady. Can anyone confirm this because if it is the case then i feel my GF chances of getting a visa have just improved 10 fold.

    Congrats to all the happy couples who have had success.

    Why is it so f--n hard for them to come here when we can travel there so easily. There f--n human to for gods sake. The Australian Gov is treating them like dogs. :o

    Mate my fiancee had a 3 month tourist visa refused 12 months ago,only because she couldn't prove she had employment in thailand,they look at the risks involved with the return to Thailand along with financials.

    She still had an interview from a smart ass in the Embassy that told her not to jump off a bridge as she was going out upset with the result.Just as well I wasn't there I might have ended up in a Thai jail,but thats the sort of crap we have to put up with in our own Embassy in Bangkok.

    Any way there are other threads in here about Australian vistor visas,I wish you luck.

  16. Scampy

    You are still so young with a long life ahead of you.

    Dont be so depressed,many of us older guys on here would swap places in a heartbeat.

    And why would you want to settle with a 22 year old.....thats way too young to be getting hitched these days.

    I'm very far from Marie these days but we're still in touch.

    I recently had a wonderful re-union, well...  reprise actually, with a girl called Gemma who was a little young for me when we dated for a couple of weeks back in 2000 when she was just 17.

    Now, with a bit of life experience and wisdom behind her, she's ripened into a woman... I hope I don't get flamed for that comment like I have in posts about my preference of Thai girl and lack of interest in 'innocent' and inexperienced girls.

    She and Marie are two of the three soulmates I've met thus far yet very different.

    I would love Gemma to come to Thailand and my first post in this forum was about her, but I don't think she would.

    She did discuss moving to Scotland with me next week but after giving it some thought she said she didn't think it would work out.

    What she actually meant was that I am still genarally unsettled, don't drive or own a home or have any financial security and therefore I would be an unwise choice to start a serious relationship.

    I fully understand this, it's nature of course... The woman wants a secure provider if she's to ever contemplate children, so I have to not get depressed that I've yet to find out what I want to do, where I want to do it and who I want to do it with and just keep on trying.

    I can't have my cake and eat it, but we had a good night and we're still the best of mates.

    Anyway farang ladies...  I'm right aren't I. :o

    But I also know I will land on my feet someday. :D

  17. Definitely angry about something.

    He does make some interesting points though.

    Many postings on the forum are about ,Weirdos,Perverts and Depraved English teachers!!! :o:D

    will as i understand that  there’s not only jobless and cheap education falang are in this web sit , i nearly believe that , you have gay and sucker and sex broker as well . chuchok iam sure  your grand father do this mistake same time .. or may you lern this from your father , . and  your mama pass she is time with you nightly .

  18. Well all those lovely white skinned Tv Actresses dont have them....well not that I have noticed....they seem to be what most Thai Girls want to look like.

    I think like any Good family a girl coming home with a tatoo would horrify them.

    Those hideous lower back tatoos so popular with fat falang slappers (yuk nothing worse than a wide ass with g string up the crack and tatoo)seem to only appear on the BG fraternity.

  19. The OP pretty much sums it up

    A few hundred poor applicants get this runaround every week.

    You cant get thru on the phone,its hard to speak to anyone who knows anything.

    The interviewers are <deleted>.

    Seems they are desparately trying to stop any Thai entering Aust.


    Anyone tried for the 4 year multi entry visa? http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/983i.pdf

    Indicates you can get one that allows 3 or 6 months visits at a time for 4 years.

  20. Well,I think its a global thing,not many places in the world if any pay their teachers well.

    I cant see how Thailand can afford to either.

    Guess I can understand teachers from the UK wanting to teach anywhere but there.

    One of the concepts re accent is valid.

    My daughter is at a very good state school in Auckland.

    She has had a problem with a teacher of Indian extraction in that he talks to fast and she cant understand him....another is South African with a very thick accent.

    Seem to remember a history teacher from my day with a scotts accent so thick you struggled to know what he was blathering on about.

    I had to raise this with the Head who said well....Its hard to recruit.

    In my opinion their are two groups of important people that if good are truly underpaid,thats Teachers and Nurses.

    I love Thailand and its people with a deep passion, but if I was a young (or older

    teacher) looking for a country to teach in I would circumvent this big circus and go to China, Vietnam or Taiwan. For the life of me I can't understand why Thailand makes everything so difficult and botched for the expat teacher. Even Indonesia is more welcoming and accommadating than the LOS. Oh well. :o

  21. best idea i have seen for a while


    I want to know about the procedure for opening a Language advisory service as opposed to opening a language school.

    I understand that opening a Language advisory service is cheaper and lets you do all of the things that a school can do, as long as you say what you want to do when you register the business. I expect it will be cheaper and less hassle to do it in my wife's name. It's the legalities that concern me, so any advice in that direction would be most welcome.

  22. The only question now is Top or Bottom for the day!!! :D

    Is there some sort of "Gay test" that has to be undergone before a post can be allowed to stand.

    "Sorry you're not gay enough"

    Anyway, Scamp is ambiguous, if you met him you'd know he was confused sexually.

    Very poor reaction from militants who are unwilling to support this member in his delicate rite of passage as the closet comes flying off.


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