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Everything posted by PuiPuiHarry

  1. Where did you ghet all that nonsense from ? Form a collection of papers organised by the founder of Christianity, Roman Emperor Constantinus ?
  2. Trump... is that nog the man, who is lying, lying, lying and.. lying ?
  3. When I would like to have Australian snake tails in Poland, Czechia, Slowakia etx, it probably also would cost a fortune.
  4. Again, an US American, who is to lazy, to stupid and to ignorant to read the real details. Does he know, Europe is to the East of the USA ?
  5. When Americans finally going to use their own brains, and a normal human evaluation of what they see/hear etc.
  6. Anutin... is that not the water-genious, who wanted to use the propellors of the ships, in the Chao Praya river to propell the flood water out ? Go to Netherlands, and see what the Dutch build in dykes the last 1000 years. see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-M2sORduKI Why The Netherlands Isn't Flooding (Anymore) Flood defence - dyke construction on the River Waal
  7. Any idea where "Marxist" stands for ? Or just typical American = not any idea at all !
  8. In the Netherlands we HAVE a Muslim party, DENK. .And in NL, every vote counts to get a seat in Parliament ( We donot work with the medieval baronies, with the "winner takes it all"). We have 150 seats te divide, with in 2023 "10.475,293 votes brought out, of which 10.432.726 were valid. DENK got with their votes 3 seats. ( so just 2%, with a 5% Muslims in the NL)
  9. Sorry, but... do we have to read all the US election crap here on a Thai website ?
  10. Sorry, but./.. why we should have to read so much about the US election at a Thai website ?
  11. I advise Dr Sopon to look at some other countries, like Philippines, Vietnam, but also Latin America. As soon as it is known the possibilities in these countries are better, many will leave, and Thailand will wean about the goose who laid the golden eggs disapperared to another nation. I could already convince my Thai lady NOT to settle in TH anymore.
  12. When the Americans finally are going to understand this man is completely insane ?
  13. For many jobs and functions you need to pass a medical and often a psychological test. For president of the USA.. you only need 270 votes. Not even the majority of the peoples votes.
  14. Why bother ? Myanmar illegals have no right on a decent life in Thailandanyhow, and farangs.. should have dumped their money art Suvarnabhmi anyhow, and then return per direct. Did somebody already filed a claim against Thailand for neglecting their Tsunami warning system + any measurements to avoid damage/losts of life ?
  15. Typical American thinking again. Also a ring with a stone. I am not familiar with other European nations, but in Netherlands we give each other a ring, blanc, round, smooth. And we select and buy it together, AFTER the marry-question and answer.
  16. When I am not mistaken, it was the US people, who voted for theri presidents, NOT a foreign army who forced these on the USA
  17. Marvellous marketing idea. Not so many men want to confess they have a small or even medium size ( bye-the-way: what is small ( < 5 or <10 cm length ) same medium: < 10 of < 15 cm ? ?)
  18. How is it possible one of the two US policical parties, the Republicans, can nominate such a person for the highest office in the USA. It says something about this nation.
  19. How is it possible, that such a person can get the nominee of the Republican Party for the highest office in the USA ? Must say something about that nation.
  20. I would advise this docter a trip to Auschwitz or another Nazi termination camp. And then the experience on Thai TV, with the remark: also YOU were seen as Unternensch = sub standard living creature, and could be wiped out, like rats. Curious, if then the name "Hitler room" still would be used.
  21. For only holding hands and hugging ? ? Oh wait... it is the USA, where a jogging Afro-American can be shot as seen by WHITE people as a criminal.
  22. Are we also going to see discussions about the private life of Americans on a Thai blog ?
  23. There is a H U G E distance between the Nazism phylosophy and the ideas of AfD. A H U G E. THE problem, because so many Germans vote for Afd, or French for Le Pen, of Dutch for Wilders of Italians for meloni, or... is the noin-integration of MILLIONS of Muslims,who came to our countries. Even in Hamburg there was a Muslim demonstration as they want to found a Caliphate in Europe, inclusive Sharia, so an Afghanistan / IS here. Second the killings my IS etc followers, living here for years. But as usual, Americans do not have the slightest idea about these. That's why Trump can call Harris a Marxist.
  24. Yeah, start with (motor)bikes and finish with heavy lorries etc. I believe in Thailand they are also switching, as I see many driving on the wrong side ( since 1993, my first visit)
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