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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. Would think he has his ar&e well covered to safe guard his well being.
  2. You are partially correct, it is illegal to pump-off the main supply, although completely ignored in Thailand and using a small dc pump combined with a water heater wouldn't cause any concern.
  3. Yep, sounds like good move - it will just reinforce to the Thai's that all foreigners are criminals. How are arrests to be reported now, xx number of non - Thai's were arrested in xxxxxx for zzzzzz.?
  4. Tombstone
  5. After reading Thaibpsworld news report, I think it's fair to say it seems like Thai kindergarten is in session....
  6. Let's face it, the first priority is money, closely followed by food, so in this case the first priority is probably Ok meaning food now takes precedence .....
  7. Think the question should be expanded, are the Thai defence forces prepped for anything other than glitz and glamour? all shown and no go.
  8. Maybe they were only just informed .....
  9. Transparent full report -- you must be trying for joker of the year award.
  10. the truth, are you forgetting who you are talking about, analysing a simple incident of someone running a redlight and causing an accident is beyond them.
  11. think there is provision for her to apply for a visa or extension to look after her kids - she should contact immigration or a lawyer upto speed on the rules.
  12. and if it did (enter the exhaust pipes) where would it go from there - into the engine that would certainly be a major restriction to water entry into the ships engine room. Just more nonsense reporting from ill-informed journalists.
  13. Correct, but grammar skills don't make for a good teacher to teach spoken English - and herein lies the problem, many Thai students, taught by non-native speakers have reasonable grammar skills but can't put more than 2 words together in a sentence.
  14. Sure, stand your ground and see how easily your next extension will be processed,
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