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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. not forgetting those who live on the officers' properties including ex officers' gardens /houses.
  2. must be a massive misunderstanding, Mother China would never allow it ????
  3. unfortunately, most don't care - they just want to survive and have something to eat tomorrow morning.
  4. Would think the bar girls are happy with cocks what ever time it is ????
  5. Would it be OK if they were Canadian geese honking?
  6. Wouldn't make one bit of difference to a useless inexperienced driver. Experienced drivers drive to the prevailing conditions.
  7. Why the fuss? because it's really really exciting news and needs reporting.
  8. "tops of rises or hills" as I said earlier- Thai water can run uphill.
  9. very funny joke, hilarious - not!
  10. Superheated
  11. And will remain so.....
  12. What ever it means, rest assure it will favour the "important " people.
  13. More than likely something that was true.
  14. No need, they will just organise a rotating roster to make sure there's no overcrowding.
  15. Time for a quick exit from Thailand, normal proceedure for the privileged. Note there was no mention of passport surrender.
  16. It's ok, standard proceedure is to put the drain at the highest point as Thai water runs uphill, unlike the inferior western water that can only run downhill.
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