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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Hi, it was one of the places struck by Rus force, on the very first day of Poo-tin's invasion(Feb.24, 2022). Fierce battle took place in capital's Hostomel Airport(AKA Antonov airfield). UA paratroopers and their tank unit successfully repelled enemy airborne attack. So Rus intention to use it as the logistic hub failed. While world's largest Ukrainian cargo plane was destroyed during the combat. The Battle of Hostomel Airport: A Key Moment in Russia’s Defeat in Kyiv | CNAS
  2. Central bank rate cut and higher stock prices. So as the weaker THB in FX rate, against all major currencies.
  3. As long as I know of, UK didn't become the stage of land battle(unlike continental Europe). That's the difference(between WW1 UK and today's Ukraine). Occasionally being air raided is one thing. But ongoing army battle on its soil is another.
  4. When President Trump posted that President Zelensky is a dictator without elections, --------------------------------------------- Trump's Idiocy, at its worst. Which country can afford the Political Blank Period(absense of the head of the state; decision maker) while facing ongoing mass invasion by land from the neighboring country?
  5. Fresh produce at the Untouristy Local Markets(often under the open sky). Fruit and vegetables are surprisingly inexpensive. A few days ago, I bought a bag of cherry tomato(10-15 of them), at B5-. As well as 1.5feet long snake beans at B10-. And a bunch of bananas(14) at B10-. If you go to the establishments with strong traveler orientation, everything looks a lot more pricy. One common phenomenon in any countries.
  6. Regarding Chinese visitors to Thailand, their peak time would be around their New Year holidays: lunar new years. And when it is over, they usually started to go home. In the apartment I live in, the same happening. several rooms were checked out this morning(used to be occupied by mainland Chinese). Nothing unusual though...
  7. Police can act only when they can see the clear violation of criminal laws. And rental property things are totally outside their jobs. The govt won't review their rule, because of the few rude renters. Condo tenants should rather collectively talk to the management, instead of forever expecting govt's policy change. Expressing notice of Mass Checkout (among the agreed residents) might serve better. 'Take some decisive action against chronically noisy short-term tenants. Or we are all leaving...".
  8. The editors should clarify the nationalities when they cover some troublesome aliens. Otherwise, it simply stirs up general Anti-Foreigners sentiments among the population. And it is unfair and dangerous; potentially increasing Xenophobia among Thai people. Pretty much like Sweeping Statement; mixing the good and bad altogether. Gentlemen and Riff Raffs must be separated. Not all foreign travelers/expats are behaving in the same way. Some are law abiding and good mannered. Some others cause stupid problems by their lack of courtesy and consideration to the others. So it is appropriate to single out the origins of the unruly ones instead. Some deserves to be hated. Some deserves to be favored. Depending on their level of conscience and etiquette exercised.
  9. Sounds pretty much like the draconian policy by Giuliani (former NYC mayor). Back then, .NYPD cops were said to be stopping passers by at random in the streets and train stations. And checking their belongings. In Thailand, I have never been stopped by any cops for passport in the past 20 years(other than the case of on-board inspection at the police check points near border regions, during bus trips).
  10. That Unused Airport, would well end up as China's new Airforce base. Since Pakistani govt is often friendly toward the free world as well, the west cannot strike it when the war against China breaks out in any future.
  11. That policy is called Debt Trap. And their construction works are often done by the imported Chinese laborers, not so many locals are hired. Seizing the newly built infrastructures, in return for the poor countries' Unpaid Debt. That is how they have been increasing their unofficial military posts outside the reach of the west. Often taking place in the supposedly Non-Aligned regions.
  12. The biggest difference is, it comes with Debt Trap. Offering mega development projects, well beyond the repayment capability of the 3rd world countries. When they cannot pay the money back to China, CCP often annexes the newly made facilities(as the port in Sri Lanka) and, its adjoining area. This way, China has been building new overseas military posts, outside US's reach. Extremely dangerous move to the west. Supposedly Non-Aligned regions are falling into China's hand, one after another.
  13. Hat Yai, long known as one of the prostitution capitals of this kingdom. Hotel staff often offers a prostitute to the foreign visitors. So what is the big deal for doing the similar online? Police should rather devote their manpower and energy to something more important. E.g. cracking down on terrorists activities. Hat Yai, in the province of Songkhla, is the area with active separatists terror groups (occasional bombing takes place in town, since 1950s).
  14. Also better maintained. Fall of these flying machines to the ground, just like death from the above...
  15. Expectation of further tourists increase. And more strict controls over the entrants. 2 things cannot be done at the same time; either one can be done at the expense of the other. Just like cannabis deregulation, once the gate is open, they cannot close it again, without great cost.
  16. One big attraction of this kingdom is, availability of wide range of accommodation that suits anyone's budget. If they only want those picking pricy 4-5 star hotels, they should do like Bhutan(strictly select the would-be entrants). But it dramatically cuts tourists numbers; 10 millions people will be out of jobs again(as seen during the tourism shutdown/border blockade by coronavirus scare). And it immediately triggered civil unrest(daily anti-govt rally in major cities 2020-2022).
  17. Looks like their old system was more functional than the proposed (troublesome) online entry screening scheme. Thailand is not really good at maintaining official interactive site. So once it malfunctions, it simply increases headaches to immigration officers and the arrivals. They are often keen to jump on something new. But often lack the capability to keep it well.
  18. When she visited Por’s house, she shockingly discovered her missing merchandise and personal items there. However, Por refused to return them unless she paid 23,000 baht for the moving services. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Abducting" someone else's goods. And now demanding "Ransom" for their safe return? Full time cop, part time extortionist.
  19. In SE Asia, moonlighting cops are not so rare. In the Philippines, cops are often said to work as security guards while off duty.
  20. So a Full Time cop, turned out to be the part-time thief... Not a surprise to those who have been here long enough. Some sharp shooters in uniform are even said to be moonlighting as the killer...
  21. Illegal. But openly sold online LOL. Amazing Thailand. Out of curiosity, I have made a bit of fingertip search. And noticed wide range of Disguised E Cigarette Lighter are also in market. They come in all sizes and shapes. Some are wrist watch, some in the shape of USB...
  22. Since my settlement here in early 2000s, I have travelled almost countless times, by long distance coaches. Especially during my visa run/repeat tourist visa application period, before 2012. The most shocking sight I have ever seen during that period was, one bus(in a overturned state) laid on the steep slope outside narrow passage. Looked like native vegetation(tall trees) stopped it from further fall. And that spot was only less than 30 minutes from Udon Thani(if my memory is correct). I now feel it was sheer luck that I could stay safe and alive, without any major incidents; other than occasional a/c breakdown, or a few hours of delay in their operation...
  23. Hi, thank you for sympathy. What outraged me most, is those beasts targeted the less fortunate(poor migrant worker from the poorer country; he must have had a family back home, to support(old parents, younger siblings and/or wife and children). Harming a man like that, means to destroy a little humble peace and happiness of those people behind him. I might have had a different way to look at this case if they ever attacked some wealthy arrogant mobster like things...
  24. Klong Toei, long known as the BKK's Biggest Slum(even though rapidly changing for the better in recent decades). School children from that area, are said to lose their friends instantly, when their classmates find out where they live(deemed 2nd class citizen from the bad neighborhood). So they often do their best to hide it. And this case, only serves strengthen long standing prejudice against the descent people living there today. Those rotten brats really deserve to die for that. Some Youtube footage covering this particular area.
  25. Mugging, holding up, and attempted to kill others with knife, only at 10? Better put them down, instead. Won't make any descent character in any future anyway. Just a bunch of human shaped vermin. I won't have ounce of mercy toward those little bastar*s.
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