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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Underage bastar*s. Thai juvenile judicial system, just as sick as the 1st world. Even when they are arrested for crime like this, won't face any real punishment. In the hypocritic name of "Mercy and Protection" for the minor. Recent prohibition of parental corporal punishment in this kingdom, will only worsen the situation.
  2. Abductors now fell into captivity. Those SO*s deserve long hard time behind bars...
  3. So this bust is pretty much like a Showcase Event. Some "Hardline" gesture, to the bunch of careless/reckless tourists. we are watching you. In the Broken Window Theory, uncontrolled petite offences can eventually lead to more serious crimes(deemed no one cares). Therefore it is important to show police presence from time to time. This operation perfectly demonstrated its importance, toward some unruly aliens. Hope this kind of police action serves a good deterrent...
  4. Looks like the real issue is their long standing Unruly Behavior. And smoking weed in public , was Just an Excuse to bust them. TAT's cannabis law explanation site. 10 Things Tourists need to know about cannabis in Thailand I don't smoke any weed, but checked it out, for curiosity.
  5. So, this particular case doesn't qualify...
  6. Luckily, an approaching car managed to stop just in time, avoiding what could have been a disastrous incident. The child, appearing dazed, quickly got up, and a woman rushed in to assist, leading them to safety. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best during the worst. Salute to the driver who could stop his car before impacting the unfortunate child. As well as the stranger who rushed to the victim risking own life. 2 Unsung Heros of the day...
  7. I felt exactly the same way as you did. By law, he is an Immigration Offender. But Not a Criminal; as long as he didn't do anything that victimized anyone innocent.
  8. He certainly "Violated" immigration rules. But he (allegedly) committed no other Crimes(victimizing anyone else). If he is otherwise innocent, bit too much to call him "Criminal", to my sense though. Better wait for further development; if he isn't guilty for any other illicit acts.
  9. It only covers people who abide by it. If they don't show up, no way they can find them out; certainly won't lead to any door knockings by the cops, without any common crime involvements. Looks like no real links between TM6(arrival card(with proposed address filled in) and TM30. Or they are simply too lazy to cross-refer these records. 90 day report and TM30. Their real aim is mostly to create an excuse for imposing fine on those who failed to comply with. More requirements, there could be more people who can't(don't) abide by.
  10. If he needs it, he will have to grab it from someone else...
  11. Good morning. Today's breakfast: Egg-Dropped Milk Bread Porridge. Ingredients: Milk, white bread(2 pieces), chicken mince, onion, okra, potato, pumpkin, garlic shoots, beaten egg(1-2), and water. *Chicken, onion, potato, pumpkin are pre-cooked. Bread can be any kind. Or can be substituted with rice/noodle(readily eatable) as well. First, put meat and vegetables. Next, seasonings. Then, milk, water, and diced bread. Mix them well. Finally, pour beaten egg all over on them. Will be tastier if you add some stock to the egg, too. Seasonings: Chicken stock, soy, oyster, and fish sauce, grated ginger. Cooking duration: 500-600w for 3-5 minutes(depending on your device). If you place your bowl in a Microwave-Safe container(big enough for your bowl) when you cook it, you can cover the possible spill out (might happen) during the cooking.
  12. They are said to start that scheme in April. When are your travelling to this kingdom? Full details are yet to be confirmed(at this stage, they are only talking about it). So that no one really knows what will it be like. Conclusion: Stop Worrying. And Start Waiting for anything solid comes out. In Thailand, quite a few things won't really happen as they were talked about...
  13. What really makes Thai bureaucrats so keen to deprive own people of their livelihood? Such a business often employs Thai nationals. And shutting down these establishments mean getting Thai workers out of their jobs. Empty Public stance, always causes More Harm Than Good on any occasions. Just like (BKK's) forced relocation proposal of the street food vendors to the designated area.
  14. You mean, he better have Big Budging Muscle to impress others with own nudity?
  15. He lived in Bangkok for 13 years, later moving to Chiang Mai for another 12.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even in case of the occasional onboard inspection(during long distance bus trip), the inspectors only see the passport cover. In case of the people from the 1st world, they rarely turn passport pages to check aliens' visa validity.
  16. Any chance of Guiness World Record Registration for the Longest Overstay?
  17. Does Thai immigration have access to the international MAL(Migration Alert List)? Or to the ICPO's Wanted Lists? Otherwise, such an online screening has little or no effects to prevent the intrusion of dangerous criminals. Only creating extra useless hassles to both frontline officers and the entrants. View Red Notices
  18. They might form a Coalition. As Misers Love Company. Or a War might brake out between the. As the result of Hate of the similar kinds.
  19. A Butt Naked man walked into a shop. Instantly reminded me of this movie scene...
  20. Didn't he say, 'I need your clothes, boots, and your motorcycle' ?
  21. a new requirement slated for April 2025 will see a shift in how tourists enter Thailand. All visitors will need to complete an online entry authorization form ahead of their trip, detailing personal, travel, and accommodation information. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Is this intended for pre-arrival screening of the aliens? Looks pretty much like another crap from bureaucrats' Empty Pride(feeling obliged to put up some hurdle for the potential entrants).
  22. If you are keen FX rate watcher, better check out the following site frequently. USD THB | US Dollar Thai Baht - Investing.com
  23. Good afternoon. Today's lunch: Marinated Pork Vegetable Bowl, and Potato Pumpkin Salad. Ingredients of the main dish: Warm rice, shredded lean pork, bean sprouts, carrots, and cucumber. Meat and vegetables(other than cucumber) are pre-cooked before mixing. Seasonings: Soy & oyster sauce, vinegar, sugar, grated garlic, and (tiny amount) of chili powder. Ingredients of salad: Coleslaw, onion, potato, pumpkin, and tomato. Onion, potato, pumpkin are pre-cooked. Seasonings: Mayonnaise, soy & oyster sauce, pepper.
  24. Diversity works positively only when the new comers are willing to integrate into their new home. If they accepts migrants from outside, power of Assimilation(forceful encouragement to establish common minimum basis of understanding) is essential. Without it, "Diversity " only creates ever growing cracks and divisions among the people in any countries.
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