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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Including mass tax evasion. 1minutes of fingertip search got heaps of the references LOL. Judge imposes $364 million penalty in Trump’s New York civil fraud case | PBS News The Trump Organization is found guilty of a criminal tax fraud scheme : NPR Trump Organization hit with maximum fine over years-long tax fraud | Donald Trump | The Guardian Trump Organization fined $1.6 million for tax fraud | AP News Trump hit with $354.9 million penalty, 3-year ban in NY civil fraud case | Reuters
  2. Stealing at warfront. As well as in the Land of Smile. Empire of the Bandits.
  3. New C/in at BKK Hilton. Losing all of the trophies gain in illicit trade.
  4. Have never waited that long. Usually no more than 5-10 minutes.
  5. Which bank? Mine got quite a few. Looks like 3-4 types: Cash dispensing only. Deposit/Withdrawal and passbook filling. Updating only. My bank's symbol color is purple.
  6. Looks like some of them got human intelligence, learned shopping...
  7. Waiting for a while, in an air-conditioned comfort, isn't the issue to me. As a retiree, time isn't money to me. Enjoying every second of my life in this kingdom. Farewelled chicken/rat races 2 decades ago...
  8. My Fundamental Question: What makes Trump So Strongly Pro-Russia(Poo-tin)? Did he get Any Big Cash Injection from that bald-headed lunatic dictator?
  9. And quite a few cash dispenser come with Update capability as well. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't(with my passbook). So I stopped using that function. Instead, I always go to bank teller for deposit and passbook updating. Always on the spot confirmation of deposit on the bank book. That is the meaning of Peace of mind.
  10. Hi, thank you for some interesting remarks. At ATM I use, I noticed something(for the past few years). Displayed notice , No-Card Withdrawal (some sort of cash dispense option without conventional ATM/Debit card)? Is this the one you are talking about(for Thai national)? Using Thai ID, instead of bank-issued debit/atm card?
  11. So what? Did they ever request US takeover of their territory? Did they ever say Yes Please, when Trump suggested that US might grab it by force? If you say something, can't you quote something relevant?
  12. Don't you know that quite a few Thai ATMs come with passbook updating function(some without it). Where are you? In Thailand? You better expand your knowledge before calling a stranger troll or dumb. I kindly attached some photographic evidence(Thai bank's ATM images). Look at the middle one. Can you read what it says? Passbook Update.
  13. Did Trump bring shame upon the US... Doesn't surprise me anymore. How many time did he do so? Calling Haiti <deleted> hole, years ago. Recent remark of Military takeover of Panama and Greenland...
  14. Just for the peace of my mind. For unknown reasons, my passbook doesn't work with ATM. Unable to update at that machine while there are no problems with the bank teller. Even if deposit comes with ID, won't really trouble me, as I always carry my passport when I go to bank.
  15. Since when, Thai bureaucrats are that Hard Working? Increased workloads, while it is quite fruitless. Tracing every baht, won't really come with any reward. Just like 90 day report(while visa extension yields them income;B1900-each time).
  16. Often, their biggest problem. Taking for other countries' leniency; multi-culturalism, for granted. But no Vice-Versa; no sense of Mutualism(granting each other's freedom evenly). While in the 1st world, they often pose the victim of the west(with the help biased media) . But back home, quite oppressive against Non-Muslims. More than a decade ago, I have heard an awful story from someone from Canada(originally from Iran). Just because he and his family practiced other religion(not Islam), they(his family and his kinds) always met social oppression by the Muslim majority back home. Constant harassment/bullying to his community. And if anyone in his groups cracked and strike them back, they met 10-times Retaliation; e.g. Islamic mobs came to destroy and burn their houses... Close resemblance to Nazi persecution of Jews after the establishment of Hitler's 3rd Reich.
  17. A child gives a birth to child. Certainly not qualified to be a mother.
  18. Are you currently in Thailand? If so, go the embassy or consulate of your country here. Then, they will issue one for you.
  19. Do you(or your wife?) know how to build a bamboo house yourself? Or are you going to hire any carpenter with that skill? Anyway, good luck.
  20. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to share my experience with the bank I deal with. Yesterday, the teller advised me that it is now necessary for a customer to show Identification document for cash deposit as well. ID is always needed to: Open/close an account. Fund withdrawal/Term Deposit rollover. But previously, ID was never requested for deposit. Has anyone else got same experience with me?
  21. 2 of the total strangers. One provoked another and threatened him. Then, struck back, and half-killed? And he had always been like that(drunk and abusive to others)? 100% own fault; self-inflicted. One trash of this kingdom, simply met own consequences he deserved.
  22. It is often called Pandora's Box. Once opened up, all hell break loose...
  23. Hello, folks, Today's late lunch: Chunky Pan Fried Yellow Noodle. Ingredients: Yellow noodle, chicken thights, bean sprouts, cabbage, carrot, onion, garlic shoots. Seasonings: Chicken stock, soy, oyster, and fish sauce, grated ginger, and salad oil.
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