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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. The biggest problem is, the recent refugees show little willingness to live peacefully with others who are already there. Theya are said to refuse integration programs kindly offered by the host nations: Language learning, children's education, job training for adults etc. Often showing only the greed for monetary handout.
  2. With the active support by the "Enemy Within".
  3. No wonder they often defy the laws of the land they newly settle. To them, their religion is the only correct way of life(justice) in the world. And Anything and Everything is deemed wrong(therefore needs "Correction" in their term).
  4. Ms. Wiyada received a 15% commission from the credit card transactions processed through her machines, amounting to approximately 130,000 baht. The remaining 85% was transferred to the gang’s accounts. However, she denied any involvement in the theft or fraudulent activities and stated that she was no longer in contact with the suspects. ----------------------------------------------- Renting out own transaction terminal to the criminals. And getting a kick back. Stil, l insisting not guilty. Having own business is one thing. Having intelligence is another...
  5. From now on, she can live without any expenditure, but behind bars...
  6. In Thailand, freedom of religion has been established since 1932(at the time of their revolution). But when it comes to the issue of law and religion, looks like a Grey Area...
  7. In Thailand, those in public services are regarded king's subordinates. And aren't usually fired(even if they made some negative headline). So, transfer is the common practice after some petite crime. Unsure about more serious cases(e.g.murder/drug trafficking etc).
  8. Covering face. But showing off some other parts that should be covered?
  9. If she has been studying Buddhism, she should have known Cultural Don'ts...
  10. When I saw the headline, I first thought the trafficker must be the young stupid one. But to my surprise, as she looked like over 65...
  11. Singapore recently reduce the penalty for drug traffickers(inacted in 2012, enforced in Jan.2023). But with Methamphetamine over 250g, still Death Penalty may apply. Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore | Home
  12. Click on the web address below: Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore | Home They got a listing of various illegal drugs. And click on Methamphetamine and its penalty. You can see the following info. Methamfetamine over 250g. Death Penalty may apply.
  13. The authorities promptly charged her with attempting to export illicit narcotics without permission.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any cases where Illicit Narcotics are exported With Permission?
  14. Busted while smuggling out narcotics, one way ticket to BKK Hilton..
  15. an American woman attempting to smuggle 4 kilograms of the drug “ice” (methamphetamine) en route to South Korea via Singapore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4kg of methamphetamine. Certainly subject to Death Penalty when busted in SGP. Does she have any strong Death Wish? Or looking for a Free Accommodation for the rest of her life? Was she rather lucky, arrested here, instead of at her next stop? singapore's penalty for drug traffickers of 4kg methanfetamin - Google Search
  16. It was 350BC when Aristotle, a Greek philosopher established the theory that the world is sphere. And his idea was physically proved in the 16th century, by Ferdinand Magellan (Spanish explorer), through his around the world voyage.
  17. Regarding that belief(The World is Flat). That is the perception of medieval age Europeans. While some country in the world is said to have 6 millions of people supporting that idea. Is this their Current World Map? PTOLEMAIC WORLD MAP, 1493. /nPtolemaic world map, including depictions of Noah's sons, Japhet, Shem and Ham, progenitors of the human race in Judeo-Christian tradition. Woodcut from the 'Nuremberg Chronicle,' 1493 Stock Photo - Alamy
  18. If the world is flat, the range of radar detection won't be limited to the horizon.
  19. Most of us are said to walk pass 36 murders during our lifetime. That number might slightly increase after this... most people walk past average 36 murders during life - Google Search
  20. Very true. That's my long standing belief. Especially, in case of fraudsters. They often come in a neat tidy attire. In a smiley friendly manner, and look confident and well organized. To them, those who judge others by appearance are just like Sitting Ducks...
  21. Hitchhiking might look fun and cost saving. But it is a kind of risky business; to both parties. Good driver VS undercover muggers. Good hitcher VS maniac killers etc. If the vehicle happened to carry anything illegal(e.g. large quantity of narcotics), and the driver falsely claimed his passenger is the culprit when busted, the free rider can get into a big trouble. This time, he was lucky to be safe, in good hands. But his luck may not last forever...
  22. Good afternoon. Today's breakfast: Tuna Vegetables Stew Bowl and Bonito Stock Soup. Ingredients of the Tuna Vegetable Stew Bowl: Warm cooked rice(underneath), (canned) tuna, carrot, onion, and snake beans(chopped to 1/2 inch), water. Seasonings: Bonito stock, soy, oyster, and fish sauce, salad oil. *In case of tuna with soybean oil, no need to add any oil in cooking. This time, the canned tuna was in brine. Canned tuna tastes a lot better with oil, than without it. Ingredients of the soup: Chinese cabbage, okra, spinach. Seasonings: Bonito stock, soybean paste.
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