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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. One incident of 2014, that led to the Alcohol Ban on Thai trains. Thai man gets death penalty for train rape, murder | AP News Bangkok Post - SRT chief in hot seat over train child rape, murder Thailand horrified after girl raped, thrown from train | CNN
  2. More Brawls & Altercations expected. This time, on the train...
  3. Did he face police questioning after he woke up? Cannabis production is one of those Thais-Only jobs/business...
  4. Cockpit crack. Any bird strikes? can a bird strike crack plane cockpit? - Google Search
  5. Bust. Deport. And blacklist(future re-entry ban) Riff Raffs from outside. Problem solved.
  6. Busted while selling Laughing Gas? The most Bizarre sort of illegal workers caught...
  7. Need to Import Ukrainian troops to battle them...
  8. BKK is the only area in Thailand with developed public transport. In all other towns, it is literary Non Existing.
  9. 9 deaths out of the 100,000 infected. Such a big deal? Road accidents kill average 50 daily here though... average road deaths in thailand a day - Google Search
  10. False: Salt tax for lesser Sodium Consumption. True: For another Easy Billions.
  11. I have checked out Pai's population: Only 38000, or so. There are 3000 Israelis. Locals' fear of "Takeover" by them, doesn't look completely groundless... population of pai thailand - Google Search population of israelis in pai thailand - Google Search
  12. Hi, thank you for your reply. So, Thai immigration did it to try their luck(not fully expecting the result they wished)? But to their surprise, it turned out to be as they like? I have heard Thais often do this trick to test their luck though...
  13. Other countries you listed, stopped that practice as early as 2017, as far as I remember. Due to the demand from Thai Immigration Bureau.
  14. I have often heard of Rus mafia in Phuket. But have never heard of Yakuza things in Pattaya. In a country where ordinary people can arm themselves to the teeth lawfully, Yakuza cannot be any real threat unlike their home country where the law-abiding are totally disarmed and powerless.
  15. The way of thinking and doing by the followers of Monotheism(single god religion), often look very similar. When they are Extremists, Tunnel-Visioned, highly Dogmatic, and Dangerously Aggressive. That's what I meant.
  16. What happens mass of Pai Resident upset with them, started to display Swastika, or Hitler's images all over the town?
  17. I have learned it in early 1990s. That practice is based on common readers' tendency; looking at only first 3 lines of the newspaper. Yeah. Load of Rubbish, Printed Mass Garbage, lamestream media, certainly not worth paying A Cent.
  18. Looks pretty much like Sharia Law rule, imposed by Their Enemies...
  19. Well before the issues in Pai, Israelis often seemed to have had bad reputation among Thais in tourist industry. Refusing to pay the overseas call cost when the amount is more than they expected(phone call charges calculated by second) when they used such services in internet cafe(used to be more common sometimes ago). I have also heard of the cases some of them have beaten up prostitutes in red light district, with the ash tray... I hate to say something like a racist, but technically Israel is the Worst Hated Nation in the world. Many Muslim-majority countries usually refuse their entry(not recognizing Israel, and their passport). So they can come to Thailand, but not to its immediate neighbor(Malaysia), except for the case Special Permission is issued by their department of interior... do muslim states reject israeli entry? - Google Search
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