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  1. Wake up and smell the roses. trump won!!! MAGAZINE
  2. Until China takes over Thailand!!!
  3. Use the Air National Guard……good training for them! If the countries won’t take them back, stop their foreign aid and imports!!!
  4. Because he is a winner and will take great care of America like he did before. The other party is a bunch of power hungry communists!!! Trump/Vance 2024/28. A world without a war!
  5. Trump/Vance 24/28 for peace!!!
  6. He never chickens out! She is to stupid to be in a debate, he’s not wasting his time! Watch FoX news will you?
  7. Strange, every Veteran I know IS voting for President Trump!!!
  8. No of course not! He will only remove criminal illegal immigrants. Stop watching the fake news! Trump/Vance 24/28
  9. Watch FOX news and get the truth. Vance won of course!!! Trump/Vance 24/28!!!
  10. They are preparing to WIN!!! Go Trump!!!
  11. Pollution!!!
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