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  1. Haha, Trump will be the next President and he will be putting Harris in jail!!!
  2. Because he will win and be even better than last time!!!
  3. Face it China is trying to take over Thailand just like it has Laos and Cambodia!!!
  4. Stop believing the democrats fake news. Trump will be the next president and he will be better than last time!, Trump/Vance 2024
  5. He is a good man, but the corrupt media won’t give him a chance. Glad he’s backing president Trump!
  6. She can’t compete with President Trump! The Democrats are totally corrupt and incompetent!!!
  7. If you haven’t noticed this publication is very left leaning and very negative towards President Trump!! A good publication remains neutral!!! FYI
  8. How can you not like Trump after all he has done for Americans. When re-elected he will stop all these useless wars and bring peace back to the world. The clowns running the US now have no idea the damage they are doing, not only to the US but the world. If this election is rigged again there will be much bloodshed and it will be the end of the USA. Then who will you go to for help when Russia and China take over your country? God bless Trump and the US! Long live Thailand!
  9. He didn’t back down, she did! She is terrified of President Trump. He will embarrass her so bad because she is clueless about her position. She has absolutely NO experience, neither does her VP pick Walz!!! Trump/Vance 2024
  10. Tim Walz is just another coward draft dodger who was scared to go fight for his country!!! POS!
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