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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Post the photos here Bob.
  2. Bobs stories always have holes in them!
  3. Well, I would say you are making the claims. People are doubting your claims. So if it didn’t happen there would be no link to back up your story. So I declare the onus is on you to provide proof or apologize.
  4. Well that is right Aussie. Alzheimer's doesn’t get to everyone and you are a prime example. You probably have a much younger wife also that helps. One of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s is a “nastiness” in general.
  5. Well there we have it. The reason his insurance is not paying and the reason why the fluff piece to get sympathy for his gofundme didn’t mention the details of his accident.
  6. He is elderly, maybe he doesn’t have good computer skills. Probably a bit forgetful as well.
  7. Well, he lost a leg, and messed up internally and stuck in south east Asia. I think he is up there. You can’t really on our government so when one of our boys is in trouble we must help.
  8. I admire your dedication to this forum Lou, but I don’t have time to read every story. So a brief summary would stop the drink driving, killed a local speculation.
  9. So tell us Lou. Not all of read all the news.
  10. Quite possibly but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help him. Everyone makes mistakes, he has lost a leg. Was anyone else injured or killed in the accident?
  11. It is a free market they can charge what they like.
  12. I never used to hate them. But from what I have seen over the last year, the lies and the slaughter of little kids daily, I do hate them now. i suspect millions around the world are feeling the same.
  13. Just a tip. They are not kitchen knives. You are in the gardening section.
  14. If only the previous government had the balls to do this we wouldn’t be in the mess we are now.
  15. I always snort plenty of viagra if paying for a LT so I get me money’s worth.
  16. Unless you have a wife or girlfriend that actually is employed. I think that is the best balance. Have one that works long hours six days a week and do the short times when she is at work.
  17. Probably just fighting over whose turn it was with a hooker.
  18. Because the sex only lasts 10-30 minutes of the day. Why would you want them hanging around the other 23.5 hours? Better things to do.
  19. Thailand can reduce some to ranting raving dribblers if they have grown up in a soft nanny state environment in front of screens with a lack of strong male leadership. Living in Thailand is best to go with the flow, on the roads and in life.
  20. And I thank you for your 46 posts on that thread. more than double anyone else. Appreciate it. It also surprised me that 28%, or about 1 in 4, claimed not to drink drive. Where I drink everyone does, no one catches a taxi. I suppose a forum like this would attract the teetotalers that I would never meet out in the real world as they don’t socialise much which I think probably explains the higher than expected number.
  21. Like most of us on this forum according to a recent poll. Not all of us want to spend all day looking out fake French doors at a fake lake in Outer Issan counting down the final ticks and tocks of the old clock.
  22. I have never had an accident it Thailand. And with my defensive driving skills doubt if I ever will. You have, as recently as yesterday. The trick here is to be one step ahead and always be prepared.

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