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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. No I don’t. How many is it?
  2. This farang follows the Brit who krapped in the Bangkok street and washed himself in the spirit house a couple of months back. Over on the Chinese language version of Aseanow the Chinese are asking why do they let these filthy farangs into Thailand on easy visas and that it serves the Thais right for letting the farangs in. Meanwhile Deputy PM Anutin is in a meeting with TAT telling “I told ya, but you didn’t listen!”
  3. Or stark raving mad?
  4. No such thing as a bad dog breed. Only bad owners.
  5. I think you are missing the who and why it was deleted and will not be retrieved. I will let you figure it out.
  6. Oh bargirl girlfirend! Wait, she is different! She is only the cashier.
  7. Who asked you? I asked mickeynmike. Why are you answering? sorry things are not working out for you here.
  8. Yes, very true. The “you won’t ever need to vote again” to the Christians an obvious example. Faux do it for the other side. There is only alternative truth left. They are all stark raving mad. How did it come to this?
  9. No, I don’t listen to women. Especially women over 35, I don’t really see them either, they become invisible after 40
  10. Agree it comes from both sides as I stated. The whole country is stark raving mad.
  11. Murdoch,in his quest for money, has singlehandedly caused the great division and hatred of the left versus right in GB, USA and Australia. He has stirred it up and convinced the gullible that they have problems that they don’t. Created unnecessary fear. And made billions doing it. And unashamedly they also use the line “you can not trust the mainstream media” of which he is. You can not trust his version of mainstream media because all he cares about is clickbait.
  12. Thanks Charlie. Very informative. Perhaps we should translate it into Thai and make some pamphlets to hand out to the Thais to read also.
  13. Word salad is the new buzzword. Buzzword is an older version of a buzzword.
  14. Headlines like “Meghan Kelly DESTROYS……” is popular clickbait that comes from both sides and this style has come out of the USA. It is the sort of rubbish that the stark raving mad get sucked in by. Megan didn’t DESTROY anybody. Didnt she get sacked from Faux?
  15. If Native Americans had any sense at all they would send everyone back to where they came from. Too much trouble these immigrants. Same in Australia withe Aborigines. Nothing but trouble all the farangs.
  16. Or probably not. You are losing it.
  17. How is your assimilation into Thai society going? Fluent in the language, taken up Buddhism, or Islam if you are in the south?
  18. Not at all, seems reasonable to me. Pay up or go to court. These Aussies make us all look bad. He has probably been at it all his life. It isn’t like he was going to die if he didn’t have vitamin c. Lowlife scum
  19. He has probably been doing it all his life. It is in their DNA
  20. Very true. People who can not understand it which is most of the population and a very high number of Trump supporters need someone to blame, so Trumps rhetoric appeals to them. They are unaware that he plunged them a lot further into debt, and he won’t admit that just repeating the “the economy was never better when I was in charge” nonsense. They are suckers and as a result, losers.
  21. Trump wouldn’t lie would he
  22. Agree, but is able to use his sociopathic/narcissism to his advantage. He uses the stark raving mad for his gain.
  23. Gee Dan, you are a bit defensive.
  24. Plenty of lube, relax the sphincter and deep breaths. Good to go.

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