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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. No it was just an observation. You are now backtracking and admitting that I didn’t actually say it, but in your mind you imagined I “seemed to be suggesting it”
  2. No, others have differing opinions but it isn’t argumentative. You are argumentative. Not an opinion, it is a fact. playing the victim are we Lou.
  3. What is odd is you misquote, or twist to simply cause an argument. You had sisters as a child? You are entitled to your opinion.
  4. just the travel costs were keeping her down. tough being a single mum with 5 kids in the Philippines Sounds like you are annoyed about the rules. It’s complicated
  5. Growing up in poverty, widowed, family to support and caught out by Covid. Not everyone grew up in a nanny state, wrapped in cotton wool on government benefits.
  6. As do millions of Cambodian, Burmese and Laotians in Thailand
  7. He loves to argue and will twist words or even completely change them to get an argument in when there was none. it is his style. I knew what you meant. Everybody knew what you meant, if he did.
  8. Doesn’t change things, who said it does? The uncertainty and confusion of that time might have been the reason she overstayed. Might have been love, work, family or something more complicated. Nobody was predicting back then it was going to drag on for years. no need to reply with “ well she should have got a Covid visa extension” or any of your other arguing thoughts.
  9. I visited Pattaya over a decade ago. I stubbed my foot on the footpath and a couple of days later it was infected. So I thought I would wash it out in the sea with the salt water. I only waded in to my ankles and spotted three used condoms, a dead frog and other assorted rubbish. Amazes me people swim in the filth. A mix of turds, urine and semen from all different corners of the globe.
  10. Yeah right, and his mother was a virgin and his dad was Santa Claus. The cost of living is smashing many back home now, we shouldn’t be wasting tax payers hard earned dollars on religious nutters. Get rid of them all.
  11. Agree, round up all the Muslims and all the Jews and send them to fight each other in the Middle East. Why should the UK taxpayers be burdened with their religious nonsense. They will never get along. Ever. How much is it costing us?
  12. There is no government funded ambulances in Thailand. They are local volunteer rescuers and are self funded from donations. Or local hospitals. i just paid for an alternator for a volunteer ambulance. The staff go down to the local temple who give them food that was donated to the monks in the morning. i am sure if you would like to buy automated external defibrillators for them it would be very welcome. Since they are relatively cheap and all.
  13. And how successful have they been doing it. That is why millions dream of moving here full time like I had done. saying that Thailand doesn’t know a thing or two about tourism would be like saying it is too cold here. No one speaks English properly. Mate, I think you have lost the plot. This story is about having too many tourists, not about needing more. Vietnam and the Philippines don’t stand a chance. They never have, and they never will. When are you heading over?
  14. Reminds me of a trip in the redneck belt of the USA about 20 years ago. i was chatting to a couple of 20 something’s and one mentioned that he had had sex with his sister. i voiced my disgust that he would have sex with his sister and he turned to his mate and said to him about me “ He must have an ugly sister” it is more common than you would think.
  15. The girls also have smaller milkers. Diet and climate.
  16. Gee that is pretty sick. if he has fathered your daughter then she is likely to have health problems.
  17. The suckling pig on a spit is my favorite. They often put it on at parties. And Cow Car Moo is another good pork dish. Stewed pork knuckle with rice, a boiled egg, some kale and the give you the spicy sauce in a seperate dish so you can add to taste.
  18. You must admit he has the “look” about him. Bald, glasses, desperate guilty look about him. Amazing how a lot of them have a similar look.
  19. Thanks Frits, I hope you appreciate my research into the issue above.
  20. Ok I was responding to a fellow Brit who compared Thais to Brits. so let’s have a look as his claim. In the year ending March 2023, there were around 50,500 offences involving a sharp instrument in England and Wales (excluding Devon & Cornwall). This was 4.7% higher than in 2021/22 but 7% lower than in 2019/20. That is only about 1,000 reported cases a week. So it is a daily thing back home also. The West Midlands has been renamed the West Stablands. Data from NHS Digital shows there were 3,775 “hospital episodes” recorded in English hospitals in 2022/23 due to assault by a sharp object. This was a 9.5% decrease compared to 2021/22, and a 3.6% increase compared to 2014/15.
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