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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Gee mate that is a bit harsh. But with all the slaughtering of young kids and women in Gaza the Jews playing the victim card, which they have done very well since the holocaust, is wearing very thing. If they want to fight over religious garbage deport the lot of them.
  2. Send the lot of them back. Palestinians to Gaza and the Jews to Israel and they can fight it out amongst themselves over there. They shouldn’t even be in the UK if they can not assimilate. pi44 off.
  3. Deport them to Gaza and then they can fight their cause there.
  4. I think most people when they see a farang man with a Thai woman automatically presume that they met in similar circumstances. Thai women have a reputation worldwide. And that reputation is for sex. Massage shops, beer bars, gogos, karaoke, hairdressers, soapys etc etc wink wink nudge nudge
  5. Calm down old fella. it is not racist at all. We are discussing physical attraction, personally I don’t fancy Fijian women, it doesn’t make me a racist. Everyone has different tastes, in women, cars and home decorating for example.
  6. Well Grumpy Grandpa won’t be annoying him and his remaining friends playing music anymore.
  7. Without wanting to trigger Lou I agree if not all then most.
  8. I find the younger generation can’t hold their grog as well as us middle aged. They are a bit over sensitive these days
  9. Well t least they will not be laughing in my face.
  10. Yeah thanks. I was told it is better to learn the thai writing from the start so I am going with that. i am up to บ now. I have also learned the basic vowels. ะา ิี ึื ุ ู For my speech I might use the phonetics to help me though. Good idea
  11. No such thing as a bad dog breed, only bad owners who don’t train them.
  12. Ok, so do those Thai boyfriends and husbands get jealous while they are sucking us dry?
  13. Taller, wealthier, more handsome, well endowed. The things all women want. Thailand is a special case as there are many 8,9,10s females and not enough 8,9,10s males to go around. That is why culturally the 8,9,10s men often have mistresses, they are ok to share a good man.
  14. To be fair to Bob I think it is one of the reasons that the Thai women find us more attractive.
  15. I don’t understand why the farangs can’t see this. Last night in Patong I must have seen 20 hotties with westerners and don’t think I saw a single hottie with any Thai men. Slim, busty, flawless skin as smooth as silk and stunning facial features. It is what it is. There are quite a few on this forum who seem addicted to arguing, especially with relative newcomers like me. Moths to a flame. I think if I had started a thread “ why do farangs go with the ugly women Thai men don’t want” these same muppets would be arguing that we get the cream.
  16. Phuket but started building a house upcountry. thousands do including the very, very top of Thai society. Sister of somebody can not name is one example. I think you have just insulted 100,000 western husband thai wives and most of the readers of this forum.
  17. No, the latest figures show over 100,000 western males hare married to Thais. About another 2,000,000 are still searching.
  18. I don’t think so, but why would you care anyway. Life in the UK would be very boring without booze. Every milestone and special day is made better with booze. Celebrating births, deaths, birthdays, xmas, watching sport, public holidays, going to the races, holidays abroad etc. Could you imagine how boring those events would be without the drink?
  19. Yes but many of the posters here think they are a one off by a lot of the comments. Sure I am marrying a girl who made a living from sex work, even if I wasn’t everyone would think she was anyway because she is Thai marrying a foreigner.
  20. No “most” indicates more than 50% Many is something totally different. Tens of thousands do, so that counts as many. Not the same at all, you are just making things up to argue. Which is sad.
  21. I met mine in the UK. That considered she has a more worldly view than the rural girls you refer to. And she chose me, so I must be doing something right.
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