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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. I bought Thai gold bars about 1 month ago, and if I sell them today I have a return of 5%. Sure it can go down from here, or further up, but I'm sure that over the timespan of a few years I will beat the 2% the bank pays me. Next week 3 term deposits expire, and they will all be switched to gold bars.
  2. Good, have some term deposits expire in 1 week, and will buy more gold. Easy to beat the 2% interest, and no withholding tax to claim back either
  3. The witches of Eastwick / Jack Nicholson Must be seen with Dolby Digital sound
  4. Started filling in the form for re-entry, but not sure what to fill in in this space. The preceding text says "and shall return", but I assume I shouldn't fill in YES there.
  5. Isn't this the same story that got covered in November last year?
  6. That image reminds me of the WWE events, which are shows with fake wrestling fights, and seem to cater especially to Americans.
  7. Did you self proclaim this title on yourself?
  8. It's quite obvious that all those car manufacturers who STOP investing and producing EV's, know something more than you. Or how would you explain they stop engaging in such a promising market?
  9. Hey Georgia. How's life in the hospital mental ward where you are living? You already figured which gender you wanna be?
  10. I believe you will receive Thai baht at the exchange rate of the day
  11. How many times have you started a similar thread now?
  12. I noticed in the past few weeks they also added a lot more red/white curbs, thereby limiting available parking spaces even more. Add to that the parking spaces occupied by rental bikes and cars, and it is very difficult to find a parking space. Maybe build them first?
  13. give it time and your wish will come true oh! we are not talking years, months at the most ! the thai people indifference will see to that Please, how much longer we have to wait, as it clearly goes the other way.
  14. That is in contrast to your mum's basement. Time you start to make one. With an average of 100 posts a day (since you rejoined), you could at least try one now and then.
  15. I only wonder why they then keep feeding the troll? When one of those suspicious members makes a post, it hit's 2 pages with replies in the next hour
  16. With nearly 100 posts a day, obviously you haven't been out of your mums basement for months. Using youtube again for your travel stories?
  17. Portugal is more expensive than Thailand, if you want to be served. If you get your stuff from the shops and markets, Portugal is a lot cheaper
  18. So 20% to tax payers, and 20% to reduce the debt. Where does the other 60% go?
  19. Is that why you had to move to third world Cambodia, because you couldn't afford Thailand prices anymore?
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