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Everything posted by TedG

  1. Most, but not all.
  2. The DA magically turned misdemeanors into felonies You should be able to learn more by reading this link. https://news.syr.edu/blog/2024/05/07/law-professor-the-manhattan-district-attorneys-convoluted-legal-case-against-donald-trump-gets-more-convoluted/
  3. Intelligent people can see though the lawfare of NYC.
  4. It seems like Bidne has much to hide.
  5. Joe must be proud of letting the cash for kid judge go free.
  6. The US Government needs to make some tough decisions about the federal budget. The combined cost of Social Security and Medicare is about 9.0% of GDP in 2024, projected to grow to 11.1% by 2035 and 12.3% by 2098, with most of the increase attributable to Medicare. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/TRSUM/?utm_source=chatgpt.com
  7. There is a third choice. Russia can become civilized and leave Ukraine.
  8. The goal of the war was to turn Ukraine into a vassal state.
  9. The illegal invasion which is taking down Russia.
  10. Crimea belongs to Ukraine.
  11. Then, they can move to Russia.
  12. The people of Ukraine don’t want to be assiocsated with Russia.
  13. I feel bad for some of the drug mules. They have no idea what they are getting into.
  14. She traveled via China, which is a huge source of illegal drugs.
  15. Being a drug mule is a bad idea. I wonder how much she was paid.
  16. Setting at the rate at 23% is extreme. Russia has issues.
  17. What did Putin say when he warned the USA?
  18. Are you still pushing this dumb narrative?
  19. Be specific.
  20. What Russia is doing in Ukraine is a crime.
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