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Rob Browder

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Everything posted by Rob Browder

  1. An agent can generally get extensions done early. Whether an agent can get that particular type of extension done is an open question, however. Is this is the old 10M Baht in condos and/or govt-bonds extension? If so, I would not want to let that lapse, or you might not be able to get it again, using the existing investments.
  2. If you are from a country whose consulates provide those statements, Immigration may demand you get it, even if you have the 12-mo of statements. They could also turn around and demand the bank-docs in addition to the letter, of course. In general, some IOs / offices don't like the "income method."
  3. There are - but not for all offices / districts - the district-level sign-off being key. It used to be reported for about 10K Baht extra vs retirement for that signature (a nice little earner for a signature), but a recent poster cited a much higher figure. I suspect, in the OP's case, the stamp might be from a far-away province vs Hua Hin - though would have to ask the agent to know for sure.
  4. An international-flight out of Chiang Mai and back would be better vs immigration-control in Bangkok (either airport) - if that is possible. If doing this by-air, i would bring proof of your parentage of a Thai - so, if any issue, can explain there was a delay obtaining your next visa to care for them, but be clear you will definitely get a new visa/extension based on this. Note that, per the MFA spokesman, the new 60-day entry DOES cover coming to visit family now - unlike before the recent change, so this is not violating any rule. Immigration are not the MFA, but, they did expand the reasons-for-use list.
  5. Hopefully, they won't even care about the branch-name for a retirement-based extension, as the district-office isn't involved. If they make an issue, can ask them to write a note to the bank, so the bank knows what to type/sign, to make them happy.
  6. The web-form is in error not showing the required "star," and not blocking submission w/o that date. Fill it in, and it should (hopefully) be accepted. As far as why they ask for redundant information and/or why these different systems are connected poorly - passport-change not updated everywhere, breaking when you make a new entry to the country, breaking if a hotel logs a TM-30 on you somewhere you visited for a day, etc - that is another can of worms.
  7. It will show the current branch. But your bank-book has the old branch-name in it - is what caused the problem in my case - "not the same." I thought it was silly, since same bank and account-number, but ... TIT.
  8. That depends on how long/often you are in Thailand. If you have only been here 60-90 days continuously, with months out before your current entry, then you will probably be OK A very long-stay prior could still be a problem. Otherwise, you should contact one of the Bangkok "visa run" companies and ask about the "guaranteed entry" program for entering by air. I am not sure which companies have that connection. The last report I read, it cost about $100 USD (from memory). If foregoing the agent-service, be sure to have 20K Baht worth of cash, a hotel-booking, and a flight-out within 60-days to show. This will not guarantee entry, but helps with the odds of not being denied-entry. Or, just use a different land-border.
  9. It doesn't matter how many years. If you have been on a continuous extensions-of-stay since you got that 60-day extension, they don't allow a 2nd one. If you left w/o a re-entry permit, and came back on a new visa or visa-exempt - "started over" - then you can do it. Ironically, if using a Non-O-ME Visa, you can get one on every entry, as they are "new entries to Thailand." But on extensions of stay, exit/enter with re-entry permit doesn't "count" as a new-entry. OTOH, you could try, and hope they don't look back that far in the database - assuming your current passport doesn't show that 60-day extension, and they don't ask to see your old passport.
  10. You might need a letter from the bank stating it is the same account (was the same acct#), with only the branch-name changed. I had to do this when they closed my local-branch and "moved me" to another one. But, that was for a marriage-based application, which goes to the district-office for approval, so the local-IOs are really paranoid of being punished (since I wasn't filing with agent-money). As retirement don't go to the district-office, they might not worry about it at all.
  11. Immigration prefer you just show the 2-mo seasoned 400K (3 months seasoning required at some offices in the sticks). They didn't even ask to see my work-permit, when I was working here and on a Non-O / Marriage, if I used the bank-money. The first time, I tried to apply using my job / income, and they gave me a list which was basically a Non-B extension-list involving a pile of company documents, with the Marriage-based docs added to it - a nightmare you don't want to try.
  12. I have not heard of rejection-stamps except at Poi Pet or the airports. At all others, reports indicate they just say "no," and you go back and get your exit stamp canceled. I had this happen once at Sadao (years ago), when I didn't know I needed to "pad" my passport with cash, to enter there - even with a visa, and a week after I had last left Thailand. Per the above - no - they just cancel your exit-stamp, thus re-instating your permitted-stay in Laos. No extra charge. The block was on the Thai side - not Laos. Thai Immigration there seem to want the same sort of "deal" the van-companies have made at their Cambodian checkpoints - where a payoff is made per-person, and varies by type, such that those with Non-O or similar must pay MORE to exit and return.
  13. Oh, yes, just forget about the incentives - welfare programs, working-illegally for many times more money than they can earn where they come from. Contrast to coming to Thailand from a Western country - NO welfare to leech from, and NO incentive to compete with the illegal-workers from the neighboring countries. We don't come here to work 6 10-hour days for less than we would earn in one. Every one of us spending our money in Thailand creates Thai jobs.
  14. Most of those in IT departments of BOI businesses, in my experience. Thais are welcome and have the skills, but seem to prefer not to have to communicate in English on a regular basis, so they move on to Thai companies. Most of the foreigners in those departments did not have English as their native language either, but is the common-language used.
  15. You are a callous xenophobe who doesn't care that multiple Thais lose their jobs, for each of us driven out. It is clear their lives don't matter to you at all. No one is "abusing" anything - unless you mean those from neighboring countries who work here illegally - driving down wages and opportunities for Thais. Oh, that's right, you don't care about actual Thai lives - just some zoomed-out version of "economy" which doesn't include many of them. I'm glad at least some in govt do care about creating more jobs for Thais via foreign-spending, which is why they are reversing their counter-productive "crackdown" policies. Let's see if the Immigration dept will continue to cooperate in this.
  16. The proceeds from such sales do not go to the USA-taxpayer. Corruption in what Eisenhower termed the "Military Industrial Complex" is a problem - as with other Federal agencies.
  17. I agree, but I see the "Orange Man Bad" people as equally simple-minded and moronic, vs Trump's "fans." Look at what this thread dissolved into - a bunch of issues which don't affect any one's standard of living, safety, etc. Just labeling the other "front-person" as "ebil" / bad. Talk about policy-points and documented history, and both "sides" freak out with cognitive-dissonance, and attack personally.
  18. Keep in mind, the policies from PRIOR years causes inflation in LATER years. IOW, be sure to factor in Nixon pulling the gold-peg from the USD, and the Johnson/Nixon war spending, with regard to what happened under Jimmy Carter. Also see Paul Volker's sky-high interest rate policy, to try to bring the inflation back down, after that - taking effect part-way through Reagan's years. it is a mistake - often made - to look at where we were in an economic-cycle WHEN a president was in office, and give them "credit" or "blame" for what transpired. Their policies may have some short-term effect, of course, but it's not that simple. Do not misconstrue this as a defense of the policies of any of them, however.
  19. 1) Corporations would be more efficient about it, as it is "corporate bottom-line" money which would be spent - so would be a small fraction of the corrupt contract system which US-Gov uses. 2) Any cost increase would, therefore, be offset by a multiple-larger decrease in govt-spending, thus lowering inflation and tax-burdens. 3) It would NOT be bad AT ALL if more manufacturing returned to local production. We had tariffs until the ~1990s which ensured this to a much greater extent than what I propose, and had a much higher standard of living at that time.
  20. The Trump/Biden tag-team spending is what caused the inflation.
  21. No, the corporations would just have to pay for their own protection in international-waters, instead of bankrupting the USA-Gov / people to get it. The same goes with all the wars that have NO benefit to American people - a "free" overseas-asset protection racket for the same companies destroying our country with trade/outsourcing policy, and flooding our labor-market to systematically drive every USA-career into a "hand to mouth" existence. Note that the USN and Air-Force wasn't able to do much with the Yemen / Red Sea situation, recently. Naval warships / aircraft-carriers are becoming increasingly irrelevant - just big, expensive, floating-targets.
  22. Which fact did I list with which you have contrary evidence?
  23. Both halves of the Uniparty media do the same thing. The system would not work, if they did not both do this. Americans HATE most of what both parties support, serving the Billionaire class who are strip-mining the middle-class (both the Left AND Right in-tandem) - so how to keep them from opposing those in power? Bingo.
  24. That's a Two-Way-Street. American politics boils down to voting AGAINST the one you "Hate Even More" - with MOST Americans wanting other choices - and more Independents than Rs and Ds combined, now. This was the basis for the appeal of RFK-Jr. During his speeches (the first one, and the rally-speech) I noticed RFK-Jr stripped-out the entire Trump-era timeline portion of his long-standing policy positions. This was sad to watch - and it came down to (paraphrasing), "I'm 70, and I'll be too old to do anything later, so have to do this to maybe accomplish something." Never mind in 2016/17, during the transition to the WH, when RFK-Jr had been tasked with leading Trump's promised "Childhood Vaccine Harm" committee - the goal of which was to merely get the HMO Data (anonymized) and do statistical analysis to look for correlations between different vaccines, age given, how many given at one-time, etc - and any associated health-issues later. This was hardly "radical" - just good medical science. But then, Trump got a $1 Million donation from Pfizer, and much more from other related entities, and immediately threw RFK-Jr and that commission under the bus. Clearly, Big-Pharma thought there was something they needed to hide in that data. That RFK-Jr would side with Trump AFTER this, shows he never really cared about his law-practice's bread-and-butter issues - because everyone in a Presidential administration "serves at the pleasure of the president," and Trump just needs a sufficient media-distraction (like fake Russiagate was) to abandon his promises, again. RFK-Jr knows this. It is sad watching people sell out - even when I don't agree with much of what they support, as is the case with RFK-Jr now - and was with Bernie Sanders, before, with whom I disagree on almost everything.
  25. "Putin Assets" - so, not when Trump upped the sanctions, blocked Nord-Stream-II (for Big-Oil to sell LPG), started lethal-aid to Ukraine (Obama refused), and unilaterally withdrew from the IMF-Treaty with Russia? Then Trump blamed Biden for the war, as if he had been the "peace guy" - when all Biden did was continue the same Uniparty pattern of ignoring Ukraine violating the Minsk Agreement and escalating.
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