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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. I have heard many of you speaking English. You suck. I don't know about you, but most Brits murder The King's English.
  2. ah, the exception proves the rule. What balls.
  3. I'm not sure I can find it, but there was a video of a Thai Taxi Driver slowly running over two dogs with his taxi. Your post is nonsense.
  4. I am happy to use WISE. Don't send on the weekend. Swift doesn't work for them on the weekend, and during the week the transfer is usually less than 1 minute.
  5. Are you automatically apologizing for the Asians? It's not just me, I have seen it with others as well. Are you showing me YOUR bias?
  6. With this nonsensical sentence, you have made this about me and not the Asian phenomena I asked about.
  7. I speak perfect American English. Many Thais compliment my English, saying I am very easy to understand. You're wrong. I keep my thoughts separate from each other, and my pronunciation is near perfect.
  8. So, it is noted that I speak one number at a time, and I do it slowly.
  9. C'mon, Charlie, I speak several languages and have only experienced this here. They stop me at three numbers with their repeating. I have to ask them to listen to the entire number set and then repeat it to me. It saves so much time, and their way takes more time.
  10. They aren't being thorough because they never get it correctly. I am very clear about my speech. Besides, I never said I didn't say it to them in Thai. English or Thai is the same result. They get confused with these ridiculous sets of 3.
  11. I hope you consulted your Doctor about using your brain. Next time, get permission.
  12. I'll send you my prompt pay so you can pay me for the service charge of my posting here.
  13. Great advice, as long as you are not exiting a box car in Auschwitz. Go to find a queue; there are so many. I choose not to be a dupe.
  14. I asked. I got many apologies. I explained to the store manager that Westerners see the service charge as a tip. They don't know and do not tip the waitresses, who get nothing from the semi-legal pickpocketing by the restaurant chain. Waitresses pay for it in labor, and the restaurant garners more profit, which they do not share. STOP corporate pickpocketing!
  15. Yes and I still use Wise.
  16. Impressive, you turned it into a climate change platform. It's too bad your statement is clueless. Farmers burning sugar cane is not climate change.
  17. It doesn't matter what the number represents. I call any call center, and if I have to give them a credit card or bank account number, the bloody annoying people, almost all of them get three digits, and then they read back the three digits and do it for the entire set of numbers. It bloody annoys me, plus they never get it right the first time, and then I have to repeat the process until I have had enough and demand they do not repeat the number until I give it to them entirely. What is this? I have never encountered this in the USA. Is there an explanation for this in Asia, as it is almost entirely universal here?
  18. Wonderful. Do you pay the service charge? That is what this thread is about.
  19. I just got a call from the restaurant manager to apologize for the service charge, saying she can't make it not print on the bill. They returned my money.
  20. My next question is whether the 90 baht service charge (for nothing) is also taxed. Let's do some math.
  21. After reading the Bangkok Post article, I just called Fuji +66(0) 2026 6514. They are refunding me. 90 baht. Yeah, nothing right. Think about how much money I can keep from the corporate pickpockets in the future. It adds up. It's a form of questionable legal/non-legal pickpocketing where you voluntarily let them put their hands in your pocket to extract more money. Never again. https://www.bangkokpost.com/learning/advanced/2407506/restaurants-warned-over-10-service-charge
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