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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. The water vapor will trap particles, and they will fall to the ground.
  2. I am sure he doesn't think enough.
  3. Who is more delusional? Biden? Or the idiots here who swallowed all the Democrat lies?
  4. Perhaps I should charge for my A+ non-infected no mRNA blood. My son's is the same.
  5. State a fact and I'll let you know.
  6. I can guarantee you, that A King wouldn't last 1 day. They would have to manufacture them daily.
  7. When you get EVERYTHING wrong, that isn't an accident.
  8. Most of the <deleted> are represented here. Where are they now. The usual idiots are still hurling invective but a lot of them have gone into hiding. I also hope they head straight to a hell built by democrats. They should have to live this way forever.
  9. The afternoon of the 20th. That's when BRANDON leaves and takes all the a$$hoIE$ with him.
  10. Does this mean the man with the slashed face had to go, too? Animals. Did the Taxi Driver give a super Wei and order Grab for dinner?
  11. You know nothing. What a shame. If the rider did a lousy review immediately after the ride, what makes you think, oh, I assume you know how to think, forgive me, that the driver can't figure out the horrible review 2 minutes after the ride?
  12. I rated this trash 1 star. Had there been a -10 stars, I would have clicked it.
  13. I can tell you what two managers, a cashier and a corporate call center, told me about Fuji. The staff gets nothing.
  14. Wrong. I don't hand over anything to anyone, phone and passport included. I don't give my passport to hotels, I show it to them and have a copy ready. Where were the police during all of this?
  15. Stop guessing, you are not good at it.
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