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Everything posted by FriscoKid

  1. Fantastic! I'm glad you got that garbage off your chest. Do you feel better now? I'll bet in RL you look just like all of your famed stereotypes, but wrapped into one.
  2. You gotta be kidding me. Nobody will recognize any specific spam email. I receive literally hundreds of these same type of phishing emails per day in the form of fake offers; anything from car insurance to credit cards, deals on retail stuff at hypermarts, and the list goes on. It's endless and I've been getting them since at least the year 2000. But no matter what they say, they are all effectively the same simple thing: The offers are fake, the links contained in the emails are malicious, and they will lead you nowhere except to lots of site redirects and eventual possible identity theft. They might even give you a link that leads to a Trojan or key logger getting installed on your computer. The links will also have you added to many more spam email address lists. So the more you click on the fake offers then the more garbage like it you will receive in the future. Good thing is that nearly all this stuff gets spam filtered automatically. They rarely ever reach my inbox.
  3. Is that the going rate now? Sounds high. About double in fact. Is that the "I am repugnant" penalty rate?
  4. Well, well, well the habitual troll Conan, also known as Yellow Fever, aka Mekmong MICK, aka who knows what else (maybe susanlea), has now decided to post a topic that's been posted hundreds of times already and also copies another topic that was just posted a few hours ago (below). So this topic here is just more redundant spamming from this troll and should be locked and deleted. https://aseannow.com/topic/1336041-oh-beloved-bangkok-how-so-you-have-changed
  5. First sensible thing you've said after 100 nonsensical posts. So to each his own. This is where you are back on the slippery slope again though. You are assuming that nearly all sex workers are being harmed in some way when the majority of them aren't. As stated many times, many do it by choice, live a much better life financially as a result and some also enjoy the sex, etc. One size doesn't fit all and the fact that prostitution is now legal in many first-world Western countries means that governments don't see it as being something that is harmful to society. And for many who work as sex workers it's a profession that has saved many of them from a far worse fate.
  6. You've now spent the last two days incessantly and mindlessly arguing about prostitution, which is presumably something that isn't even a part of your life. Meanwhile, you are not keeping up with your house duties while all of this is going on. I pity your upteenth wife.
  7. You could, but then it wouldn't be true. Just like all the crazy and whacky fictional rubbish you post for 20 hours a day.
  8. Two slices of bread short of a ham sandwich. A pity you have nothing better to do with your life than post fanatical rubbish on AN for 20 hours a day. Imagine what your life would be like without the ability that you have to use your keyboard to endlessly behave like a hot mess?
  9. Oh, the web of denial and delusions we weave there Andrew Tate.
  10. If you are really into that fetish stuff, then get them to carry a golf bag full of putters and balls. Then you can also get away with the caddy narrative.
  11. A bit too kinky for me, but to each his own.
  12. I always have them to dress like a cleaning lady. Works a charm.
  13. True, but they all still need to enter and exit the building. And all goes within eyeshot of Sleepy Somchai.
  14. They make great parked car pushers. Also, they serve as a great way to get rid of uneaten food in your refrigerator which is about to expire. They are also great at keeping tabs of anyone who brings home a mistress every now and again when their wife isn't around.
  15. I think manic is being a bit too polite. The dude is a whack job.
  16. From short-time right to Hitler. Wow, you've got mental heath issues bro. Seek help.
  17. Just more judgmental and unfounded words without meaning. Do you think the insulting things you say to people, particularly whom you don't know, has any bearing on them, talk less of your intended, hurtful and evangelistic effect? Just give it up bro. Your diatribes are weak, tired, old, and outdated, just like that angry orange convicted criminal who has grand delusions of becoming President.
  18. Hey, earth to Freddie; just look at the number of positive emojis the original post has. There is your answer. Naah, but you are that dude who stands in front of Soi Cowboy waving bibles at strangers while they walk by and laugh at you.
  19. A man who believes in imaginary beings has imaginary thoughts and ideas. I regret all the time I've spent trying to relate to you as if you were a semi-normal hunan bean.
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