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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Na na na na hey hey hey goodbyeee
  2. However low the IQ is of the average american who votes for trump, it is still higher than harris
  3. It was only a problem for people speculating on real estate, which i would never do because i dont understand anything about it and dont want to deal with the hassle
  4. You can lose on any investment, as per 2008. Nothing is safe
  5. Its all propaganda. Youd be better off reading opinions on facebook
  6. Sounds like you would love living in China. They dont give you the choice of living how you want to live, right up your alley
  7. This was funny. Thanks for the laugh
  8. Reality isnt CNN bro. You dont even know what investing is
  9. I appreciate your posts because if i ever want to know the truth about something i can just reference your thoughts and i will know that whatever you said the opposite is the truth
  10. If i were a democrat and i read that guys posts id be inclined to switch to republican
  11. We can run around in circles on this, you should just buy some just in case im right, then you wont have to be embarrassed about talking about it
  12. Welcome to investing..how old are you again?
  13. I hope you are young enough to witness bitcoin becoming the preferred investment over real estate. No maintenance no hassle. Basically like buying puts on inflation that never expire
  14. It is so clear that harris is unfit for the job that if she wins america wont accept that. They will take to the streets, and they should
  15. Wouldnt surprise me if he did. Look at how much hes accomplished with biden in charge
  16. I married a thai girl that looks good without makeup. As for avoiding ladyboys, i avoided anyone over 170 cm. I couldn’t and still cant tell the difference sometimes
  17. The relationship with trump and europe will be good as long as europe elects leaders with some balls
  18. Boy for a guy whose supposedly good for russia, the russians seem to wait until dems are in power to grab more land
  19. They had a better chance with biden even with his complete meltdown at the debate. Theyre trying to sell americans poop plated with gold with harris
  20. I didnt understand this from dems perspective either. The only explanation is they must know that theyre losing
  21. How come putin endorsed kamala then? Reverse psychology?
  22. I dont understand pedestrians or even cyclists in thailand. Far too risky to be on the roads in anything less than an SUV. If you place any trust in thai drivers you will end up dead eventually
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