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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Women also have no concept of national sovereignty, and given the choice would have open borders. The west is run by women, the result is complete chaos. If the current woman PM of thailand was actually in charge there would be open borders, but Asia is actually all run by men.
  2. Pretty soon russians will have such a bad reputation there, it wont be safe for any of us
  3. Youre too focused on political correctness. It has made you bitter in old age
  4. Your views indicate you are for trump but youre not cuz youre antiamerican. You said trump 2024 was “cooked”. Should we hold you accountable for having zero credibility?
  5. Calling trump a racist is so 2016
  6. No, i dont think the leftists here will move on. I think they wont post here anymore, their shame beyond belief
  7. Pretty sure the only reason youre in this thread is because your country is lost to islam
  8. Otherwise known as the left
  9. Youd better not cancel their booze money
  10. Theyve sure kept kamala under wraps since that disastrous 60 minutes interview
  11. Called it yesterday. Trump better beef up his security before he goes anywhere near looney california
  12. I read the title at first as stolen ice cream and thought that might be thenstupidest thing ive ever heard
  13. Most likely he was a democrat
  14. Still ignorant to the fact biden kept trumps tariffs as they are
  15. Hes from the UK. nobody is doing worse than them
  16. Youve got a major british inferiority complex if ive ever seen one
  17. Yeah if it werent for that no one would go
  18. Obama did nothing for blacks
  19. You can pay as much as you want for a college education, the most important things about life you will not learn from a college professor
  20. At least the rightwing brits still comment on their clownshow politics. This guy pretends like it doesn’t exist
  21. Not like the censorship of when it was controlled by the left
  22. Should elections be decided by who has more money? Dems flawed logic
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