Most americans dont pay attention to politics and thats for the best as majority are too stupid to make an informed decision as whats best for the country
I can understand why young americans are liberals…because theyre brainwashed by their college professors. As for the american boomers on this forum…they must just be dumb and ignorant or dont care what happens to america because they no longer live here
To wish for destruction of USA is to wish for destruction of the world. Who else will lead it? China isnt a leader they just copy everything america does
Theres nothing he has ever said that has shocked me as much as he likes to talk but ill never forget kamalas stance about defunding the police. I dont think Americans will forget either
Im an actual american living in America and the only trolls here are the anti-trump folk that spend all their time talking about how evil trump is and completely ignore the other candidate.
Democrats would have all south america come into the united states if they could, as long as the illegals vote democrat. Europe is already feeling the effects of open borders, will America wake up in time?