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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Most americans dont pay attention to politics and thats for the best as majority are too stupid to make an informed decision as whats best for the country
  2. Youre just one of those wants to watch the world burn types. People like you are why i avoid foreigners when im in thailand
  3. I live in america. Black people i know cant stand kamala. Dont know where you get this from
  4. Google search of politico.com - Allsides.com rates its media bias as "Leans Left" as of 2024.
  5. Must be a good reason why the world hates China, i think ill go with the propaganda rather than your opinion
  6. I can understand why young americans are liberals…because theyre brainwashed by their college professors. As for the american boomers on this forum…they must just be dumb and ignorant or dont care what happens to america because they no longer live here
  7. Then it shows how much louder the libs here have to be to get anyone to listen to them
  8. Theyre waiting until people forget about her wanting to defund the police and maybe pivot into her all of a sudden wanting to protect the border
  9. I watched it on twitch. 6k viewers from a niche video game platform. How many viewers does kamala have? None since shes avoiding the press
  10. Any proof of that? You gonna give us more polls from washington post and msnbc?
  11. To wish for destruction of USA is to wish for destruction of the world. Who else will lead it? China isnt a leader they just copy everything america does
  12. Theres nothing he has ever said that has shocked me as much as he likes to talk but ill never forget kamalas stance about defunding the police. I dont think Americans will forget either
  13. Im an actual american living in America and the only trolls here are the anti-trump folk that spend all their time talking about how evil trump is and completely ignore the other candidate.
  14. Younger generation thais all have given up on their government and the ones with means flee to western countries
  15. Sort of too late for the UK. Still hope for the US but the liberals here hope all countries become like UK in the future
  16. Democrats would have all south america come into the united states if they could, as long as the illegals vote democrat. Europe is already feeling the effects of open borders, will America wake up in time?
  17. Vote democrat and see a lot more stuff like this in America
  18. Too late for that isnt it? Sort of well known that democrats want to turn America into europe
  19. Restaurants goal is to have people come back not to look out for your health. Goes without saying in any country you should prepare your own meals
  20. They dont care how you look all that matters to them is your money
  21. I dont relate to men who pay hookers for sex. I also dont relate to those who judge the men who do that
  22. Democrats who dont bow down to islam and submit to almighty allah deemed traitors by the out of touch left
  23. Young to make it seem like they represent the people, but only as long as the young selections are corrupt
  24. Kind of the same way thais will gang up on you if they see you in altercation with one of their own
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