If by isolationist you meant he would have kept out of other countries business, thats a good thing. He was consistent with his policies and seemingly uncorruptable. If you think he was extreme in any way thats because you only think what the media tells you to think
I do believe 2020 wasnt a legitimate election, and i do believe this time dems will make every attempt to cheat again. These polls are just one way they can try
I dont follow any media and i dont believe any persons opinion about him. Just that America is currently headed for what the UK is right now. Seeing how miserable and apathetic the UK posters here are about their politics, i see trump winning as delaying that by 4 years
Facts are this country is in massive decline and its american medias job to deny and deflect the blame. Id expect a change in president every four years from here on out until the two party system becomes obsolete
Only advantage australia has is shares no borders with anyone. Other than that, australia will go the way that america does. That includes more inflation and an increasingly unhappy young population that cant afford houses