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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. 90% of the political articles here are just leftist nonsense. Some of them not even american
  2. I dont watch any media, left or right. I just listen to trump and harris speak. Anyone else really listening will vote trump as the common sense candidate
  3. Who cares what you think? Youre not American
  4. Well regardless youre not american so your opinion matters not
  5. Arent you british? Stop spending your time trying to turn our country into yours
  6. Black people dont even like her
  7. I think its no secret he was never really running the country
  8. Wouldnt doubt that Americas enemies want Kamala to win
  9. This chick is going to get completely wrecked when she debates trump. Like a pig to slaughter
  10. the rigged numbers from left propaganda?
  11. I know you all sure would like to see the US become like the UK
  12. we have Europe as a case study for when countries become too liberal. America is next
  13. Obama took a lot of time off too. Selling your country out must take a lot out of you
  14. Theres nobody here that has a strong case for kamala as president. Democrats could nominate a sock puppet and get everyone to rally around it as long as trump doesnt win
  15. Trump threads attract liberals like flies to <deleted>
  16. Who are you kidding. Hes not doing a damn thing. Thats why they call him sleepy joe
  17. Im speaking from experience
  18. You obviously dont have any kids. Good choice. Some people shouldnt
  19. Imo, a life without kids is not a life worth having. And exactly, nobody knows the future. Reality isnt nearly as bad as living your life online
  20. I think typical thinking would be accepting the article at face value. The story is too bizarre to not have doubts
  21. Why not. He seems mentally ill
  22. You want this to happen to the USA because you are lower than pondscum
  23. My point being…what is the point of anything if your countries currency isnt worth the paper its printed on?
  24. Right. So abortions allowed only with democrats. And they will be unaffordable too
  25. When is america is burned to the ground and the dollar cant buy anything are democrats still going to be talking about abortion?
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