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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Texas and florida are becoming more desirable places to live than california and new york
  2. Basically yeah scary brown people. Democrats want latin drug cartels and radical islamic extremists in our country. They succeeded turning europe into that and now america is next
  3. Allow south america to walk into the US and give them the benefits instead
  4. All the liberals here have is their phony leftwing news sources. Nothing based in reality. Americas enemies want the democrats to win
  5. I have trouble believing the accuracy of a poll that claims americans age 65+ would vote for Harris considering that shes currently in favor of gutting Medicare
  6. And the left will continue to enable them
  7. Its comical. Feel bad for people still listening to their government. Im buying bitcoin
  8. PA goes to trump. Kamala is against fracking. That states economy relies on fracking
  9. Its an honor to be mentioned with him. One of the sane voices left here
  10. Why are liberals so outraged that conservatives have their own two medias to choose from with the sea of filth and lies of abc cnn msnbc washington post ny times and all the other left media out there
  11. Gas in this country has never been higher, except for this time before elections where government is suppressing the price
  12. You are delusional
  13. They have built her up and keep her hidden. Once the debates start she will be like a fish out of water. She will be trying to read off a script while trump improvises
  14. People here cant afford groceries anymore. Government and media can make up any statistics they want its not going to change the reality
  15. Proof is i live here. I dont get my info from leftwing abc msnbc or any media for that matter
  16. Gas prices have also been kept artificially low before elections as well. As soon as democrats stay in power things go back to the way they were, skyrocketing prices for everything
  17. Anti israel people are also anti american. You dont abandon your allies due to virtue signalling
  18. Regular americans view trump as rational and the left as out of touch. No lefty polls will help your case
  19. How about appointing the best suited person for the job? The west is declining majorly due to this diversity inclusion crap
  20. Not all of them want the world to burn like this guy though…hes what the english would refer to as a “nutter” i think
  21. UK is dystopian. Trump for another four years would delay islamification
  22. You probably dont even know whats best for your own country at this point what makes you think your opinion matters on american politics
  23. If trump loses, usa will become europe and have no ability to control chinas actions anymore. china invades thailand and kills all the foreigners in isaan
  24. Trumps racism is old news, americans dont care anymore. The hot topic is antisemitism and hamas. The left supports islam. Regular americans dont
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