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Everything posted by bangadang

  1. leave then... you sound like a barrel of fun lol
  2. Win is a win bro never mind, you can wait another four years and put in Newsom then you will lose even more comfortably.
  3. He did actually and was kicked out by his friends who selected, not elected, a successor. The clown is dead, long live the clown!
  4. He can't do worse than sleepy Biden. Looking forward to the end of the war bro!
  5. Houston is the size of the win. 2.3m live in Houston, Texas - it is not a "sliver" just your inability to accept you lost the popular vote, lost the house, lost the senate, lost the electoral college, yet still whine and bleat about it here on an expat forum. It wont change anything.
  6. and thank goodness!!! now we have a chance to stop the USA-sponsored war
  7. Ah, you'd prefer warmonger Biden would you? you lost get over it haha
  8. Do you think 2,300,000 is a sliver? seriously? your delusion is obvious - you LOST get over it. Not just lost but lost the Senate and The House. You were bleating about a Harris landslide.
  9. Appalling mischaracterisation, where was Biden? At the beach on a deckchair? you lost suck it up!
  10. Someone familiar with the event told me the Police were all at a DEI training session that day.
  11. You always prefer? Your arrogance is astounding! The thing about you woke lefties is that you are so sanctimonious.
  12. Still POTUS and won everything, and your person NOTHING despite your crazy posts about unity etc. You are irrelevant, and no one cares about the made-up convictions. Suck it up and try shutting up for a change?
  13. As opposed to Ukrainian cowards? 100,000s escaped the hell but I would call them smart not cowards.
  14. Dems want it banned as most on there don't like the wokie dems. Harris ran from SM as fast as she could.
  15. Everyone knows this is absurd, and most people don't care. You lost the election for everything. Now, you whinge and whine from the sidelines. NY abused the system to get Trump but it's backfiring.
  16. I think you mean riding? Anyway, this is only one thing: what about signalling??? Licenses, insurance, mand aintenance Thais are all "mai pen rai" until something happens.
  17. What's good for the Goose...
  18. Sorry, I didn't know chickens were pets. They are usually kept for eggs and to be killed and eaten—false equivalency.
  19. A disgraceful overreaction. Were the chickens in a coup? NO but the dog owner also has some culpability. 6 months in jail for the killer and a warning for the dog owner.
  20. I can't live on 1m baht in one year! It must be trolling
  21. Policemen should not be hugging little girls end of the subject.
  22. Financed by proxy? Weapons provided by proxy? Technicians coding by proxy? the only bit the poor Ukrainians are doing is fighting, and even some of that is by proxy.
  23. Hiding the Burisma antics imho
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