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Everything posted by bangadang

  1. "experts" so funny I know an "expert" who says Warren is not a Native American as she claims
  2. He's trolling again. He has been super rude and divisive, annent Trump and Trump voters, then comes on here and says, "Why all the division"? This board is very left wing but it does not reflect the country thank God.
  3. The Homosexual Movement (whatever that is) has been around for thousands of years. I could not care less what people do in their bedrooms, but I dislike all this minority fanfare and divisiveness. Do what Thou Wilt but Harm None.
  4. I deferred my pension to get 1% every 9 weeks and get next year's April rise, and then I will take it. I HATE that I won't get the annual allowance that I paid into, but I know several people who cheat. It is a disgrace, but you may owe thousands and a fine if you get caught out. It's not worth the risk, I think.
  5. I'm sure her/his girlfriend won't mind too much?
  6. Very true luckily Biden is out!
  7. All he ever was was a good talker. He achieved nothing when in office when he could have been great, as I thought he would be. Go retire and dwell on what could have been Mr.O
  8. Dude, you need a reality check. You and others sidetracked yourselves on a very pro-left board, but that doesn't translate into reality away from the posts on here. The voters voted- it's over.
  9. You lost? Give it up, man. Your raving about Harris and the Dem 'unity' was wrong, and you can't accept it (of course).
  10. This reads like some AI made up thing? threesomes? come on this is BS
  11. I agree, but we are swimming in a lefty, woke pond on this forum.
  12. Both sides are as bad as each other - there is no 'truth', just differing versions of illusion. However, IMHO, Dems manipulate truth more than Reps and weaponising the legal system has gifted the GOP with millions of votes. Now it's Trump's turn, and that's what the people wanted, a bit of payback.
  13. If he knows, it's none of your business. If you are a close friend, you can mention it carefully and subtly if he doesn't know. If they got married and he finds out later and asks you, "Did you know?" What will you say?
  14. I believe it was fair, and the GOP made sure any difficulties in 2020 were overcome. By the way, I believe 2020 was fair, but lots of manoeuvring by the Democrats did help their vote count. Some posters might not like it, but, luckily, the US decides its own fate, not a bunch of bored lefty expats over here.
  15. I hope he makes it through the four years, as he deserves it. I wouldn't say I like many of his policies, but he has endured assassination attempts, legal and politicised nonsense and constant attacks by the liberal media. He stood tall throughout it ALL, and I respect him (not necessarily like him) for that. Harris lost because she avoided any serious questioning and was not elected to the role. When she tried to be elected, she failed miserably. Americans are not stupid, and they see that there is no substance. Dems need to look at themselves, ditch the woke BS and choose a sensible candidate for next time.
  16. Ok, thanks for clarifying, but I seem to remember many posts by you on how wonderful Harris was and how she would win. Never mind this board has learnt a lesson I hope (though that is doubtful).
  17. Are you jumping forward 40 years? Such foresight!
  18. I think we are almost there. The popular vote, the electoral college and the Senate? America decided not you
  19. I don't blame Ukraine at all, but it is not America's war. Stop paying billions for nothing that is not USA business. I want whoever is in the White House to end it - Harris said nothing so Trump won.
  20. "gracious dignity" like you all insulting Trump for the last 2 years? That sort of "dignity"? Democracy WON today but you can't even admit defeat by the PEOPLE
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