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Everything posted by bangadang

  1. Thank you - I never drink during the daytime, nor every day. Despite your attempts to paint me or anyone else as alcoholic because you feel so smug being teetotal. My father drank daily and died at 92 - Rods Stewart is still a major rock star and is 80. Churchill managed, and won WW2, and drank far too much. You are oversimplifying it to justify your personal choices. Cheers!
  2. I agree three days a week off is wise, but there is NO one way that suits all. Some are genetically stronger than others; some drink beer/wine, not whisky, and some drink plenty of water. MANY variables.
  3. And what? You come across as very self-righteous and pompous. Nothing worse than a preacher.
  4. I don't know anyone who supports that, and the only people who claim it are the losers at the election. How about park the hyperbole?
  5. He was an appalling President with thousands of deaths in his disgusting hands. And I believe he is blissfully unaware of it.
  6. Not necessarily. Why label people? Are people who have sex every day are addicted? I drink water every day. What does that prove? I agree daily is probably unwise, but I don't think Rod is an alcoholic, and at 80, who cares?
  7. No idea, but at 80, he's doing really well... He mentioned his wine drinking on this interview with Dan Rather:
  8. A troll nothing burger post as usual.
  9. I agree on quality, not quantity. Rod Stewart is still going strong and drinks a bottle of wine a day.
  10. This is ridiculous I can say in decades of dating I have never looked at a date and thought, "Jeeeze, did she vote for Clinton"? Number one TIT and I assume 99% of our dates are with Thais. If I like her I'm thinking how to get her knickers off not if she votes.
  11. Yes, that too!!! Cheese with a glass of Chianti? What better? I'd rather die at 75 drinking and enjoying red wine rather than 80 and living like a pious monk. But everyone can decide and we should respect everyone's choice just that I dont want to go partying with a teetotaler, thank you very much, haha. Imagine it, a fabulous date; she loves to try the wine - we go to the restaurant, order four cheese pizza - and WATER. Yes right - I wont be getting laid that night that's for sure.
  12. It's no one's fault these things happen, and they have for thousands of years. Planning is the way to mitigate them, something Newsome will have no clue about. He is more worried about Trans toilets than disaster management.
  13. Newsome is gruesome! what a farce and my heart goes out to those that are suffering.
  14. UK is down the toilet and thank God I moved here. The world is, frankly, on the slide just about everywhere.
  15. Of course, Starmer is so much better, right? or Truss? Boris even? people who live in glass houses...
  16. We don't know yet what his second term will be like. If he halts Biden's war in Ukraine, he will go down as a hero in history—if he doesn't, he will be seen as useless, too. We shall see soon enough.
  17. Love it - don't think too much enjoy life! wine, woman and song you can't live forever
  18. I think this works well for me, too. 4 nights on 3 nights off
  19. Biden is an embarrassment who is being told what to say and do by others. Biden's legacy is stupidity, laziness and incompetence.
  21. you sound like a barrel of laughs lol I won't be worrying about drinking wine when I hit 70. My father drank wine from a teenager and died at 92. You all overthink! Just don't drink every day. Personally, I'm having a dry January, and after 31 days of drink holiday, I'll be back to wine a few days a week.
  22. I can understand why—it's very boring to be around straightjackets who piously say, "I don't drink." If they don't drink, which is their choice, don't come to the bar! people have been drinking wine for thousands of years. If done with some control, it's fine. Jesus turned water into wine for a reason lol.
  23. That's not true - the election was: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NY Times, FB, Harris, Biden, Obama, Bush, The Law + all the others vs Trump who won?
  24. What's the matter with you? Biden won the primary and was stabbed in the back by his lovely wokie friends. Then, out of spite, he declared for Hooray Harris and look how that turned out.
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