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Everything posted by bangadang

  1. Thank you - for me this was issue number ONE - stop funding this useless war
  2. Where are all the lefties gone? Most said it would be a Harris landslide.
  3. Thank God for that. No trans athletes, no Ukraine war, safer streets, closed border, support for the Police, illegals sent home. If you believe in democracy, you will support the people's choice, right?
  4. Won the electoral college, won the popular vote; it's called democracy!
  5. Yes, that's true, but luckily, I'm well into six figures. Let's see what 47 does - first, stop the Ukraine war!
  6. No idea?
  7. It doesn't look like America agrees with you
  8. And the American voters are sick of you Harris worshipers who cannot see in front of their smug noses. I'm not a MAGA supporter - Stein! But a choice between Harris and Trump? Trump all the way
  9. I never said I was leaving; I said I hardly come here as all the name-calling is infantile from boozy expats who should know better.
  10. "unlikely"? are you sure? you totally misread the obvious
  11. How's the election going?
  12. here's a bigger laugh - you lose
  13. No one cares what your immature opinion is; Well, maybe a few on here who think like you do. "once again, puerile"? I hardly ever come here. I wonder why?!?! Some of these posts are genuinely embarrassing.
  14. Nanny lovers have to stick together, right? You seem like you are clutching at straws.
  15. If Trump wins I would love to see your smug face LOL
  16. So simple isn't it? You should run for President
  17. No, but it's only an opinion. He has huge faults, but I prefer him to the liberals on most things. I think he's wrong on Israel, right on Ukraine and sort of wrong (ish) on pro-choice (which I support in early pregnancy). None of us know and it will be fascinating to watch.
  18. Comparing Madison Square Garden with a Hitler rally is laughable. Clinton, Bush and Elvis played there - are they fascists, too? The absurdity from Dems continues.
  19. If he wins, it will be in spite of the shenanigans to ensure he loses. No IDs, early voting, attempts to kick him off ballots, nonsense subpoenas. No one knows the result we all just project our bias (both sides). We will know soon enough, but I think Trump has it. Enjoy the show!
  20. That's not true, and you know it (I hope). GOP said each State must decide, and killing babies at 8 or 9 months is grotesque. I am for early abortion and pro woman's choice - within REASON.
  21. Seriously? jeeze
  22. Because when it says, "Why do you throw your support behind a convicted felon?" when everyone who has half a brain cell knows the charges were political, it doesn't warrant a rebuttal. It is just a farce and Dem word salad. Why bring up his wife? Was Harris just playing tiddlywinks with Mayor Willie? Give it a rest? The hypocrisy of it all!
  23. Oh great, another left rant. Why not throw Hitler into it as well?
  24. It was a bad joke - what's wrong with you? What is a worse joke is Harris snuggling up to Dick Cheney, Romney and 'do the Fandango' Scaramucci !
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