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Everything posted by bangadang

  1. She knows, and those of us who are unbiased know, that she would be eaten alive. Can you imagine her chatting for three hours? Answering questions? She can't talk for three minutes on any subject!
  2. Do you agree that the USA should not be interfering in Ukraine, Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest? or do you just like it one way?
  3. I had thought the Democrats had it figured out, but Harris is so ineffectual that I believe Trump will take it. Let's see, I would love to see the <removed> poster's faces.
  4. This? Are you serious? "a Trump adviser told The Shade Room producers that Trump was “exhausted and refusing [some] interviews but that could change” at any time, according to two people familiar with the conversations." This is the problem these days, "an adviser said, " a source said," and those "familiar with conversations" said. Where is ethical journalism? They make half this stuff up with no accountability - on both sides.
  5. Misinformation and deflection are not a good combination. Go watch the dinner and tell me he looks exhausted:
  6. I.Q.? Because you may disagree with someone, it does not mean they have a low IQ, and you have a high IQ. That, to me, is appallingly arrogant and not a sign of high IQ. Did you watch the dinner? Hugely funny and intelligent by Trump and embarrassingly cringe-worthy of Harris. I think it's very close, but silent voters might turn it Trump's way. It's exciting, and I will watch it all night. If Harris wins, I will not denigrate her supporters as having low IQs, although I have my suspicions.
  7. She is pretty awful, and I think she may well lose. Not attend the dinner? what a gaffe!
  8. Links, please? Who in his team said that or are you making it up?
  9. Jeeze hope the officer is ok - young idiot just threw his own life in the garbage.
  10. Thank you - I have also been to Russia many times, and what you outline is, in fact, the truth, but it will be buried in people's bias and lightly thought-out opinions as served to them by MSM.
  11. RFK is a decent man who speaks the truth, and most don't like it.
  12. I think most people would feel that way after the election interference run by the Dems. Seems there are no clean elections in the US these days.
  13. What's Schwtarzegger got to do with it?
  14. I'll be here until I go up in smoke. Go back to Farang land? For what? IMHO, the world is going down the toilet, and this is a sort of hiding place. I would hate to be young now, with WW3 around the corner. Carpe Diem.
  15. I don't like much about Trump, but some great minds have joined him, people I admire (Gabbard, Musk, RFK, etc.), so he's worth a rethink versus the question-dodging stand-in who seems to have no substance at all. It's close not sure who will take it.
  16. I'll leave you to it, Earl, for kinder environments, as I obviously walked into a furnace here. Enjoy yourselves.
  17. I'm sorry you feel that way. You're mistaken. It does feel very cliquey here, though, so I'll leave you all to it. Enjoy!
  18. Responses to attacks - but I won't return the favor. I was called a Liar when I simply p[posted a 50/50 possibility of an ABC affidavit, which I pointed out might be a troll. Why are some allowed to be rude and when called out on it get flamed? can't we all be polite and respectful? is this not a debating forum? all ideas welcomed?
  19. Please tell me when - I just joined and have been careful to be polite. I responded to an unprovoked attack and others supported my quest for some degree of politeness.
  20. Does that include accusing other members of lying? If so, it is very welcome
  21. I take a great interest as you do, it seems... please stop the toxicity and be polite. Fair?
  22. What's a Trumpette, sir? I'm not American and not a fan of Trump, and I don't understand your insinuation - is it a troll?
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