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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. shaggy1969, on 21 Aug 2014 - 00:10, said:

    Also now that I have got your attention.I would like to ask when or if you will start posting images on the photo forum again.

    You and Your photos were an inspiration to me when I first started viewing this forum and they are to me greatly missed.



    Well Shaggy,

    Thanking you very much wai.gif

    I have a small problem whistling.gif of $100 to be sent to my Pbase. Com account from where I post my photos on and then link them on to here.

    I have the money in Thai Baht, but with no credit/debit card as I only use cash in Thailand where I live.

    Lost contact with a friend back in the USA that did it for me years ago.

    When I Kan resolve this small problem. then the Show Will Gone On. Until then it is on hold. facepalm.gif

    Win sad.png

    • Like 1
  2. QuoteQuote


    Posted 2010-11-25 09:38:08

    Evaluation in this subforum should echo the overall spirit of the Photography forum, to develop and encourage photographers at every stage of learning their hobby#


    Be honest# People post here because they want advice and proper critiquing helps them learn#

    Offer suggestions based on your own experiences#

    Post regardless of your equipment level# While expensive SLRs help, a simple point & shoot camera is fine to learn on#

    Point out resources that will help the poster, such is relevant articles or topics in the forum#

    Post an example that specifically demonstrates something that will help the poster#

    Take criticism as advice# You don't always get the response you like, but it will often teach you something#


    Insult, or denigrate the poster# "That needs to be shot from a lower viewpoint to make it more dramatic" is fine, "That picture is boring" is not# Responses may be deleted if not constructive#

    Get too hung up on the artistic side of things# Everyone has their own particular artistic sensibilities, so try to focus on the technical aspects#

    Bring gear level too much into things# Some great shots are made with simple cameras, and a budding photographer with proper help and encouragement will go on to better #and more expensive# things#

    Post a photo response of your own that does nothing to help the poster# If you want to show off your skills, do it in a separate topic#

    Argue over reviews# Questioning or sensibly debating is fine but arguments won't be tolerated#

    Lastly, thanks to all those who post with a genuine will to offer the gift of their experiences to emerging photographers# Your efforts here are much appreciated

    Evaluate my new Camera photos should be added to a new forum/thread or should it be here?

    As was mentioned many times, Please could your keep the photo/s posted to 1 or if you really have too max 3#

    I thank you all folks, please read the rules in Evaluate my photo first before posting for us to Evaluate your photo

    For myself, 1 photo at a time lets keep it simple shall we, The old one Kiss


  3. Hi Folks,

    Sorry, by me mentioning the Cat spoke first, as the Cat looks down and very sad to me, and it was the first photo that I looked at, hence, as said


    Kan Win, on 19 Aug 2014 - 18:23, said:snapback.png


    Sadly, the cat spoke first..................................................

    With the ...................................... that was meant by, that I have not looked at any of the other photos in the offering.

    So if I offended you shaggy1969 by my post, then I am very sorry and sincerely apologies. wai.gif

    Win sad.png

    • Like 2
  4. Johnnie99, on 13 Aug 2014 - 16:28, said:Johnnie99, on 13 Aug 2014 - 16:28, said:

    Wait - Hua Hin has a beach?


    There is one if they, the Ruling Party did the same as in Phuket and other places



    [attachment=278998:Hua Hin beach.jpg]


    Look at the road and then and remove all that is on Public Land on the right of this photo to the east/sea, then you will have your real Hua Hin bay and beach.


    In Cha Am there is no problem with their beach.


    Win facepalm.gif

  5. Misterwhisper, on 30 Jul 2014 - 18:21, said:

    It'll only get rather hilly once you're way past Thong Pha Phum and the Vajiralongkorn reservoir.




    Yes that is true, however, to go to Vajiralongkorn reservoir is NOT on the road to Sangkhlaburi. blink.png


    To go to Vajiralongkorn Reservoir, go straight up and past the right turn into to Town Thong Pha Phum , but, turn right and  do some shopping there and feed the monkeys if you like at Vajiralongkorn reservoir. Well we do.thumbsup.gif


    Then go back to Thong Pha Phum and hang a right at the only traffic light for miles(kms) , there is only one btw.

  6. Misterwhisper, on 30 Jul 2014 - 18:21, said:

    It'll only get rather hilly once you're way past Thong Pha Phum and the Vajiralongkorn reservoir.


    Not sure why Kan Win mentioned to take food.



    Do not forget to fill your tank up with fuel in Kan,  facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif and take some food with you as well as a cooler box.


    Well it is up country a bit 200 kms or more, from any Town, and without any proper help so to speak of should you need any.


    That is why I posted this.


    Hope that answers your question.



  7. alien365, on 29 Jul 2014 - 19:20, said:

    Thank you, much appreciated. I tend to believe most people exaggerate and so I don't take any notice but I worry one day I will get caught out and look like a complete tit. My luckiest escape so far was driving to the huge tree in kanchanaburi. The road became a mud track and it started to rain. Sliding everywhere. If I had got there five minutes later I wouldn't have got out. Lesson learnt anyway, when I have more money I will buy a pickup!

    Sent from my GT-P6800 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Hi alien365,


    Thank you for your post and comments, wai.gif


    Was this huge tree in Kan near the Kan, Military Horse Stables used by the Army? and the Tree sigh post was something like "Monkey Tree" as I have been there and fully tarmacked many years ago.


    Very interesting post. thumbsup.gif


    Win facepalm.gif

  8. nong38, on 30 Jul 2014 - 10:27, said:

    Lets give them a chance and see how it works out, changes can be made as it goes along.

    Hi Folks, 


    They, have had their chances, The Military, The Armed Forces of Thailand since 2004. till today, in deep down south of Thailand have NOT stopped the bombs and killing of innocent working folks like teachers, children etc.....each and every day?


    Thailand for the last 10 years has surfed enough from this carnage, deep down south. where both Soldiers (Armed Forces) and Police Forces are present.


    Why is that, may one ask?



  9. LivinLOS, on 30 Jul 2014 - 17:23, said:


    chiang mai, on 30 Jul 2014 - 12:41, said:


    John1thru10, on 30 Jul 2014 - 12:31, said:


    chiang mai, on 30 Jul 2014 - 12:26, said:



    Because the law of the land says they can't and it's very clear on this point how difficult can that be to understand!


    The rest of what you've written is simply opinion and blah de-blah that is presented as fact.



    So, you are in support of Thailand's immigration system being out of balance with the rest of the civilized world, and discriminating against Thais in the process - as long as you can take advantage of those loop holes for yourself?  That is what you mean.


    And, the rest of what you write is simply opinion and blah de-blah that is presented as fact.  Although, the 'blah de-blah' you dismiss are actual news events reported around the world at this time.  You might know that if you had any actual interest in Thailand beyong what you can get out of it by exploiting those loop holes for yourself.



    Yes, if that's what Thailand wants, it's their country and the Thai's are free to make whatever laws they wish, of course I support that, nowhere is it written that one country must follow the example set by others..


    And please do tell us what loop holes I'm exploiting? I've had a fully legit O-A visa here every year for the past fifteen and my contributions to the Thai economy are fairly substantial. In addition I do my social part by sponsoring two family members through university, are those the "loop holes" you refer to - what you know about my "actual interests in Thailand" amounts to slightly less than zip!



    For the last 15 years you have been leaving the country once a year to apply for an O-A issued outside Thailand ?? 


    That seems crazy.. 



    Hi LivinLOS,


    I must have missed that part out, sorry, could you point it out to me please?


    Win thumbsup.gif

  10. Hi Folks,


    This Law about carrying an ID of yourself and the Law about which place you are staying, reporting you by the owner of the abode that you are in, has been here for many a year.


    I carry all of my ID's with me, at all times, nobody ever asked me for my Passport ID at check points only for my  Driving License,


    As for the abode address, for sure, in the hotel that I visit and stay one or two nights, I show them my Driving License old and new, as the old one has my PR address and my new one my ID number.


    There is however a report that I have to make, that if I am not living in my abode address within 15 days, under my PR status, I must report to the nearest Provincial Main Police Station of my new address (most of them do not know what a PR is btw outside of the touristic spots).


    One hopes, that this post will help you all.


    Win thumbsup.gif




  11. LivinLOS, on 28 Jul 2014 - 19:34, said:
    Kan Win, on 28 Jul 2014 - 18:30, said:
    Coolpix, on 28 Jul 2014 - 17:20, said:Coolpix, on 28 Jul 2014 - 17:20, said:

    Labour Department in Phuket using very old and outdated instruction/attachment to the law and claiming that Photography as occupation is forbidden for foreigners in Thailand,even this is not really true.

    It was, but Thailand changed the law and removed the photography from this list if forbidden occupations.

    Now that is true Coolpix.thumbsup.gif

    This next question is not for you by the way. coffee1.gif


    Do we, Photographers, have to have a Company to be registered for our Work Permit with or just apply for one without a Company for this Work Permit ?coffee1.gif

    Take photos, sell them in and around of Thailand and then to the whole wide world?w00t.gif

    Win thumbsup.gif

    This is perfectly fitting to all the arguments for artists and content creators I am trying to make in the digital nomad thread.. I assume you mean like shutterstock sales or similar ??

    Yes, but more of a private sales with Pbase.com, with photos only of Thailand.

    Well that is my thinking, but any other way, would be great to know.

    I am a PR holder, by the way. Would that help also?

    Win wai.gif

  12. Hi alien365,


    No, not really as you put it




     I have read that the road is extremely steep with rugged terrain in this area


    Just a few pot holes that you should miss on this, yes the 323 road after Thong Pha Phum.


    Nothing major at all. Been there and back for a numbers of years.


    A wee bit bumpy sometimes by the way, with your Honda (automatic) have a  careful eye on the potholes,  and you should be fine.thumbsup.gif


    Do not forget to fill your tank up with fuel in Kan,  facepalm.gif and take some food with you as well as a cooler box.


    Win whistling.gif











  13. Coolpix, on 28 Jul 2014 - 17:20, said:

    Labour Department in Phuket using very old and outdated instruction/attachment to the law and claiming that Photography as occupation is forbidden for foreigners in Thailand,even this is not really true.

    It was, but Thailand changed the law and removed the photography from this list if forbidden occupations.

    Now that is true Coolpix.thumbsup.gif

    This next question is not for you by the way. coffee1.gif


    Do we, Photographers, have to have a Company to be registered for our Work Permit with or just apply for one without a Company for this Work Permit ?coffee1.gif

    Take photos, sell them in and around of Thailand and then to the whole wide world?w00t.gif

    Win thumbsup.gif

  14. David48, on 24 Jul 2014 - 03:37, said:

    I don't know what you need so I'll give two different things, tell me if you need more.

    Here is the link to the high rez version on PhotoBucket - http://i1288.photobucket.com/albums/b489/MoDavidTH/2%20TWINS/20140721_104137_hires_zpsb2490e44.jpg

    Great 'in the moment' photo, lousy and visable background ... facepalm.gif

    Do you tone down the background?

    Leave it as it is?

    I have no idea.

    I really like the photo AS IT IS. Depth of field is great, in my mind.

    Make the background BLACK, not for me, as you take away life and then place your twins in a darkened room with all of the ghosts hidden behind them? No, not for me, sorry,

    However, saying that, if you take a shot of a flower and then made the background BLACK like is


    That's works for me, but surely not with your twin boys. whistling.gif

    Win facepalm.gif

    P.S. I am an odd sort, by the way.w00t.gif

    • Like 1
  15. mikemac, on 24 Jul 2014 - 15:45, said:
    Kan Win, on 23 Jul 2014 - 18:02, said:

    National Anti-corruption Commission urging her prosecution on charges of corruption and dereliction of duty

    Questions needed to be asked first.

    1. Why did the NACC refuse other witnesses to testify? 3 if think, but correct me if I am wrong.

    2. Once the Rice Farmers knew about this pledge, did they also Cheat by growing cheaper low grade rice without fertilisers ect., and/or saying it was 5% broken rice or better?

    3. Why would anyone place Rice Pledged rice into Warehouses with old and rotten rice in the first place?

    4. Are the Warehouse Owners not responsible for the storage and well keeping of such New Rice (as in the pledge) and not mixing it up with old and rotten rice?

    5. We keep on reading reports, near on daily of missing, rotten, spoilt rice, as the real checks and balances are carried out, not good news by the way, is it?

    So the bottom line is ............. who did it and when? coffee1.gif

    Win facepalm.gif

    You are right about one thing, questions should have asked back

    The only ones who will answer your anal questions are

    I was thinking more of The National Anti-corruption Commission could/would answer these questions in their prosecution case of charges on corruption and dereliction of duty as They, The National Anti-corruption Commission did not investigate (the real Truth behind this case) so now the Junta has to do all the rice checks, which I am very glad that it is being done, by the way. wai.gif

    1. Why did the NACC refuse other witnesses to testify? 3 if think, but correct me if I am wrong.

    So was this, as you put is, an anal question also?

    As for the Ex-PM returning back from her summer holidays in and around the world, I think that she will return on time as she stated. thumbsup.gif

    Win facepalm.gif

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