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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. Quote

    National Anti-corruption Commission urging her prosecution on charges of corruption and dereliction of duty

    Questions needed to be asked first.

    1. Why did the NACC refuse other witnesses to testify? 3 if think, but correct me if I am wrong.

    2. Once the Rice Farmers knew about this pledge, did they also Cheat by growing cheaper low grade rice without fertilisers ect., and/or saying it was 5% broken rice or better?

    3. Why would anyone place Rice Pledged rice into Warehouses with old and rotten rice in the first place?

    4. Are the Warehouse Owners not responsible for the storage and well keeping of such New Rice (as in the pledge) and not mixing it up with old and rotten rice?

    5. We keep on reading reports, near on daily of missing, rotten, spoilt rice, as the real checks and balances are carried out, not good news by the way, is it?

    So the bottom line is ............. who did it and when? coffee1.gif

    Win facepalm.gif

  2. Costas2008, on 14 Jul 2014 - 18:18, said:

    Because we have a camera?

    Don't want to be sarcastic, but looking at my photographs in my computer and the numerous albums I have, keep wondering, why on earth, I took all these pictures, and why I keep them.

    Considering that I scarcely look at them.

    So, now you asked the question that is my conclusion.

    Your post it's all Greek to me. blink.png

    Please post your photos and lets see what you have then. coffee1.gif

    Your best photos of course w00t.gif

    Win facepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  3. Dancealot, on 10 Jul 2014 - 00:34, said:

    Thanks Kanwin, appreciated. How about I move them out of the way?

    Very easy, no need to speak at all, just show them your camera, pointing that you wish to take a photo and 99% of folks just move a bit for your shot.

    A small hand wave (with a smile of course) pointing to were they could move to out of the picture/photo.

    Your camera must be ready to take that shot btw.

    One or two clicks and off you go.

    Why waste time to remove objects after the fact, just do it then and not after.

    The KISS principle is still alive and kicking.

    Keep It Simple Silly,facepalm.gif

    Win thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  4. digitalchromakey, on 10 Jul 2014 - 19:26, said:
    Kan Win, on 10 Jul 2014 - 18:14, said:

    Hi Conrad1979 and Folks,

    Please check the date that your blue book work permit was renewed last month until to / when?

    I think it would be the same as your "the year long NON IMM visa expires 14th August? No permit to stay and no work permit as they go hand in hand. Should this be incorrect, please tell me.facepalm.gif

    I did have a problem last year with my blue book work permit renewal in May, as my PR ended in September, in the same year 2556. No problems, when to my local Police Station and got another 5 years, fee 800 baht in early May and extended till September 2561.

    Try to the get your new one year extension on your old half page passport as was mentioned by digitalchromakey as Immigration Dept. in Bangkok are fully aware of the British Passport problems. Once and if you have that, sort out your work permit renewal that it matches the same date as your permit to stay in Thailand. Your Employer would be able to assist you matter, and please go earlier than your 14th August date, next week would be a go start, say on Thursday!

    Good luck to you all in your quest to stay legal in this Great Kingdom of Thailand.

    Win thumbsup.gif

    Work permits are no longer automatically aligned with/locked to the exact same period of extensions of permission to stay.

    It is now not required, other than that your WP should be extant when you apply for a new extension of permission to stay based on working in the Kingdom and vice versa for your new extension.

    Both are normally of one year duration so they stay in sync but chronologically offset relative to one another,

    Thank you very much for correcting my post.

    Sawadee Khrup wai.gif


    P.S. and a bump up as well before it gets lost whistling.gif

  5. Hi Conrad1979 and Folks,

    Please check the date that your blue book work permit was renewed last month until to / when?

    I think it would be the same as your "the year long NON IMM visa expires 14th August? No permit to stay and no work permit as they go hand in hand. Should this be incorrect, please tell me.facepalm.gif

    I did have a problem last year with my blue book work permit renewal in May, as my PR ended in September, in the same year 2556. No problems, when to my local Police Station and got another 5 years, fee 800 baht in early May and extended till September 2561.

    Try to the get your new one year extension on your old half page passport as was mentioned by digitalchromakey as Immigration Dept. in Bangkok are fully aware of the British Passport problems. Once and if you have that, sort out your work permit renewal that it matches the same date as your permit to stay in Thailand. Your Employer would be able to assist you matter, and please go earlier than your 14th August date, next week would be a go start, say on Thursday!

    Good luck to you all in your quest to stay legal in this Great Kingdom of Thailand.

    Win thumbsup.gif

  6. Try it without the .........the Folks......... in your photo.


    Focal Length 14 mm

    Exposure Time 1/320 sec

    Aperture f/2.8

    ISO Equivalent 800

    Much better for me.

    Win thumbsup.gif

  7. sometimewoodworker, on 03 Jul 2014 - 07:18, said:
    Kan Win, on 02 Jul 2014 - 18:08, said:
    bigsteve, on 02 Jul 2014 - 17:14, said:

    bigsteve, on 02 Jul 2014 - 17:14, said:

    No. Adding pages is something they will not do in British passports

    Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Since when may one ask? coffee1.gif

    Win wai.gif

    It has never been done for British passports

    Thank you to all of you your replies, btw.

    To get out of this back log, they have allowed us to get a 1 year more on our passports before going to Trendy, so why not cut out more problems, by issuing Additional Pages to the Passports that still have a Long Life in them, say 2 to 5 or more years.

    Just as I said before "Just thinking out load".

    • Like 1
  8. craigt3365, on 01 Jul 2014 - 15:58, said:

    Very nice map! I just pinned it to a few threads.


    Hope you mention in your threads that the Line from Kan to Nam Tok is still there, and the rest of this line is "Dead" as is The Death Railway." there is NO such Line. wai.gif

    Win thumbsup.gif

  9. neverdie, on 01 Jul 2014 - 14:32, said:neverdie, on 01 Jul 2014 - 14:32, said:

    Thanks for posting on topic.

    I smile at customs with my solid gold tooth or teethes (how do English write more than one tooth w. t . f.

    Please NeverDie just loose the es, at then end of teethes

    It is = Teeth biggrin.png

    As one of Liverpool good player's sank his teethes into "This Year's Golden Tooth or Teeth, World Cup 2014 Award" .

    And I am not a native (English) speaker by the way. but Kan spell a little w00t.gif

    Win wai.gif

    • Like 2
  10. Hi Folks,

    Just thinking out load! coffee1.gif

    Should you have a near Full Passport, could the British Embassy Consular give you extra pages attached to your current valid Passport (like in years gone by) to help you out of this problem, before you apply at Trendy, as once you have applied there, no chance at all, as your Passport will be cancelled, as I have read.

    By the way, I go mine extended for another year, hope the queue goes down by then.

    Most of all, Good Luck to all of you thumbsup.gif

    Win wai.gif

  11. Oh dear, what has the OP's done now? facepalm.gif

    A nice sleepy old town (4kms long appox.) and (only on Sundays btw, busy as hell on other days) 3rd largest province in Thailand, and as mentioned, prices by Muggi1968 correct and by canarysun a great way to get away from all the "Ex Pat & British Clubs whistling.gif

    My view of Kan and "Thailand as I see it" Kan be found in the link below


    Together with the "Big C" now opened north of the town, just pass the Famous Railway Line, there is no need to go to Lotus Tesco any more. Our round trip to there was 24kms and now appox. just under 10kms.

    Most of all "Welcome to Kanchanaburi" as all are most welcomed. wai.gif

    Win thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  12. rajyindee, on 26 Jun 2014 - 09:11, said:rajyindee, on 26 Jun 2014 - 09:11, said:
    watso63, on 26 Jun 2014 - 08:34, said:watso63, on 26 Jun 2014 - 08:34, said:

    Received this email this morning. Better late than never, but it seems the main reason given as to why applications cannot be made online is because of THAI LAW REQUIRES PASSPORTS TO BE KEPT ON A PERSON AT ALL TIMES. I have seen this discussed on other forums and it is simply UNTRUE, THERE IS NO LAW.

    I read a similar claim on another forum, so I e-mailed the Embassy and asked them to specify which law they were referring to in their online advice. I haven't had a reply yet.

    I think and correct me if I am wrong, in Thailand, that all people over the age of 15 years old must carry some sort of ID, meaning the Thais must carry their ID Card and we non-Thais also must have our very own ID, hence the need to carry our Passport at all times.

    Win facepalm.gif

  13. bigsteve, on 24 Jun 2014 - 21:55, said:

    Successful 1 Year Extension:

    I live in Phuket and have a 6 year old Thai/ British daughter. Her British passport was due to expire mid July but we don’t plan to fly to the UK until late August. I was just about to send off for her renewal when the news broke in the UK about the backlog of passport applications. Fortunately for me HMPO announced the plan to offer this overseas extension service.

    I made my call to the British Embassy on the 17th June. The number is 02 305 8333. It is an automated service and a bit tricky to navigate but once I had worked that out I got through a friendly and helpful voice who promptly offered me an appointment for Tuesday 24th June. She also let me know the documents I would need, namely

    Daughter’s UK passport (the one to be extended)

    My UK Passport

    Copy of (Thai) mother’s passport (I am not married – may be different for married couples)

    Birth Certificate (which is Thai and therefore also needed English translation)

    She also checked that my daughter’s passport had at least 3 blank pages. To qualify for this extension the passport can be expired by no more than 6 months or due to expire within the next 6 months (7 months if the place you plan to travel to requires 6 months remaining on the passport). My daughter didn’t actually need to be present.

    So having got the appointment, we took the standard overnight bus from Phuket bus station to Bangkok as advised by Digital Chromakey who had been there for his renewal application in May. This was the 36 seater at 680 baht each way or there is a slightly more luxurious 24 seater for 1,050 each way. Our bus had a little Thai pastry and bottle of water on each seat as well as a blanket and pillow. The journey was fine and we arrived at about 7:30 at what I think was the Northern Bus terminal (which I think is near Mo Chit). At this point I made a mistake. Being a bit groggy from the overnight trip and being beset by taxi drivers as soon as the bus door opened I foolishly agreed to 350 baht in a taxi to Sukhumvit but this worked out ok as we had another errand to run at the Swedish Embassy before my appointment. What I should have done for the British Embassy is find my way to Mo Chit BTS Station and from there gone to Phloen Chit BTS Station which is just across the road from the Embassy itself. (As stated before, Digital Chromakey has made the journey and probably knows a better route).

    Be warned – getting into the Embassy takes a while so I suggest arriving for your appointment at least 20 mins early. They kept my rucksack and made me turn off my phone. I was also told at the gate that as I had an appointment I did not need to take a ticket to join the queue. When I got inside the consular office it was unclear whether to wait for my name to be called or to ask at one of the counters when the previous person finished. In the end I compromised and waited until 15 minutes after my appointment time and then went to the counter. I am still unsure which was the right thing to do. Either way, the lady behind the counter had my daughter’s name on a clipboard and said she would see now see me. She verified that I had not already applied to renew this passport. If I had, I would not be allowed to extend it. She had me fill out the application form while she made copies of mine and my daughter’s passport. You can download this form from the Embassy website before you go if you want to save some time. (On the application form you will need to write down the Thai address of the applicant so make sure you have it). She was very pleasant and helpful and within about 10 minutes I left, armed with a new 12 month extension stamp in my daughter’s passport. She did tell me that the “12 months” is, in effect only 6 months because of the standard requirement of 6 months in the passport to be able to travel. As I left, I then heard her calling a name so presumably you do actually wait to be called....


    [For anyone doing this from Phuket, we decided that the journey up by bus had been long enough, especially with a 7 month old baby in tow and therefore decided to fly back to Phuket rather than take the 12 hour bus back down. To get to Don Muang Airport from the British Embassy, jump on the BTS at Phloen Chit and go to Mo Chit. From there head down to the road (sorry, I didn’t pay attention to which side but easy enough to ask at one of the BTS ticket counters for Don Muang Airport) and grab the A1 bus at the A1 bus stop near the bottom of the steps. It goes directly to the airport and costs 30 baht. Flying back down with Nok Air (booked at the airport 2 hours before the flight) cost 1,600 baht.]

    I hope this report proves useful to some. If anyone has any questions I can answer I’ll be happy to smile.png


    Hi Steve,

    Same day, same time, was a bit late for me 9.00 am appointment, due to the traffic on both then route No. 7 and then the old main express way.

    Made an appointment AND download the PDF that was provided by one of our members, which I thank you for very much wai.gifPrinted it off and filled in the required details a day before, so no problem at all, showed my PR and my Thai Driving License. The very nice Lady took them and asked to wait. Not too long later I got it.

    Got there, left my phone and got a plastic number card and got scanned once over, had to show my money clip, (I know how to do it as it is metal) before they scanned my pockets.

    And "Smooth as Silk" thumbsup.gif

    Great Service, and well done by the British Embassy in Thailand wai.gif

    Win smile.png

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