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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. wilcopops, on 31 Mar 2014 - 23:18, said:wilcopops, on 31 Mar 2014 - 23:18, said:wilcopops, on 31 Mar 2014 - 23:18, said:
    Kan Win, on 31 Mar 2014 - 20:34, said:Kan Win, on 31 Mar 2014 - 20:34, said:Kan Win, on 31 Mar 2014 - 20:34, said:

    ohh my, ohh my dear,

    I watch it, as I do enjoy seeing Top Gear, over here in Thailand

    However the final punch in the face was..............????? Fan-<deleted>-tastic.

    The wrong river (Not Buffalo), named KOK (cock) that they build it on and Not that river named Kwai (Buffalo),

    Kwai ? btw where is that rivercoffee1.gif

    So all in all "Me Hats" are off for Jeremy Clarkson thumbsup.gif

    A bridge too far I think for him and BBC, as it would or could be "Mission Impossible" to build a bridge over a Thai Buffalo river.w00t.gif

    There is no such River in Kanchanaburi named Kwai

    It was and always has been the Khwae Noi and Yai after the two dams were build (Please prove me wrong) whistling.gif

    Before that Meklong? I think?blink.png

    Win w00t.gif

    That depends on which alphabet you choose to use to write Thai in Western script. What you appear to be doing is query the mis- pronunciation which was ​started by Henri Boiulle and his publishers.

    The TG bridge was over a river near Chiang Rai called "Kok" (more peals of laughter from juvenile BBC presenters).

    Again it may be "GoG' as their is no h after the k which is the JAPANESE way of writing Thai in western script.

    The river in Kanchanaburi was re-named after the event in order to cash in on tourism

    Thank you very much for your post.

    However it does leave me with a question?

    I know "Bang Na", but where has the (now famous Kok or GoG) come from?

    Was it from our capital city Bangkok?


    The river in Kanchanaburi was re-named after the event in order to cash in on tourism

    Only for none Thai tourists as the Thais call this river


    In addition me spelling as wrong in my post. I should have been "Maeklong" (canal mother) I think ? Please correct me if I am wrong. blink.png

    Thanking you all for read. thumbsup.gif

    Win wai.gif

  2. ohh my, ohh my dear,

    I watch it, as I do enjoy seeing Top Gear, over here in Thailand

    However the final punch in the face was..............????? Fan-&lt;deleted&gt;-tastic.

    The wrong river (Not Buffalo), named KOK (cock) that they build it on and Not that river named Kwai (Buffalo),

    Kwai ? btw where is that rivercoffee1.gif

    So all in all "Me Hats" are off for Jeremy Clarkson thumbsup.gif

    A bridge too far I think for him and BBC, as it would or could be "Mission Impossible" to build a bridge over a Thai Buffalo river.w00t.gif

    There is no such River in Kanchanaburi named Kwai

    It was and always has been the Khwae Noi and Yai after the two dams were build (Please prove me wrong) whistling.gif

    Before that Meklong? I think?blink.png

    Win w00t.gif

  3. Tourists who visit the Surat Thani area are stopping over on their way either to Koh Samui or to Phuket.

    If you are in this area one attraction is a must to see "The Rajjaprabha Dam" (also called Chieo Lan Dam). It is secluded and undiscovered by tourists.

    The dam is located in the Khao Sok National Park, on Road 401 to Phuket off the main Route 41 going south.

    Hire a long tail boat for a hour trip or so if you wish as long as the weather is good.


  4. As for JLCarb post #48 you posted the #48.?

    Never mind that.

    With the resent news of Passports stolen/lost/washed in Thailand (MH730), it is a good thing that this so called "Clamp Down" is happening.

    Do you not agree with that or do you think these Terrrrrorrrrrrrrrr-ists are just going to leave this country alone? No they are NOT. They will stay and always be a group to use Thailand as there base, down south.

    So, The Thai Immigration Dept., may have missed out on a lot of these "False Passports", hence the so called "Clamp Down" to find the people behind this could be due to that.

    Sawadee Khrap,


  5. Kanchanaburi and Ranong are probably similar distances from Hua Hin

    Are you for real??

    Kan is about a little over 300 from Hua Hin and then up to the boarder in Kan about 100 odd kms or so.

    So then, the total approx. would be 400 kms, whilst Ranong over 500 kms and more. Then having to catch the boat ????????????????????? kms and more.

    Time is on your side, please use it well.


    Apologies for my innacuracy in posting the correct distance to Kanchanaburi and Ranong from Hua Hin.

    The main point of my post, which I think I made clear, was that the trip from Hua Hin to Kanchanaburi was much easier than the trip from HH to Ranong. It's a much easier drive and you don't have to mess about trying to get a boat over to Myanmar in Kanchaburi like you do in Ranong.

    I also wanted to show people the state of the border on the Myanmar side which is why I took the photos. And now that a member has also provided GPS coordinates (which I didn't have when I made my trip), this thread now offers up a good but of info for anyone considering making the trip in the near future.

    Guess there is no pleasing some people.

    Opps, I also have to Apologies for my inaccuracy

    Kan Win

    Kan is about a little over 300 from Hua Hin

    No it is NOT. It is little over 200 from Hua Hin. Lets say 190 kms to Cha-am Beach from Kan Town (that I have done many a time) and then 25-30 to Hua Hin. This would make it approx.. depending where to start from Hua Hin about 230 kms.

    As for the boarder crossing from Kan Town as has been posted approx. 70 kms.

    Very sorry for my wrong, silly me for the typo.

    Now that I have made my amends in this post, please visit Kan and stay for a night or more and enjoy the rivers (there are two by the way) and many other places in this third largest province in Thailand.

    Welcome to Kan thumbsup.gif

    From, The Land of Peace and Love wai.gif


  6. Take the early morning train to Kanchanaburi all the way to Nam Tok.

    Win thumbsup.gif

    A few years back, I took the train from BKK to Kanchanaburi (River Kwai) and on up to the end station (can't remember the name of the station). I simply loved it! It took hours, but it was so quiet and peaceful... lovely scenery.

    Nam Tok, as was mentioned.

    Win coffee1.gif

  7. Satit told the crowd that Thai people would not have to be in debt for 50 years.

    O.K. The High Speed Train Railway Line is not for me, cut that and you may save 700 Billion, Great.

    Thailand likely would be better off with duel railway line, as Minivans, trucks and cars at that speed to Nakon No Where are much faster.

    On the udder hand, (what he did not tell them was) that they will have to live in caves as transport will also be a no no, a go go area due to floods as they will conquer the land (Bangkok as well) and most of all I really hope that you all have a high ground in this Great Country called Thailand.

    You many be able to conquer the fires, but, however you will not in Thailand at this present time conquer water nor anytime soon we all know.

    So one lost, lets see what happens with the Water Works project shall we, @ 350 Billion Baht.


  8. Good job this wasn't being grown commercially two years ago or there would be 50 million tons in storage rather than 20.

    Joking aside. The world already produces enough rice, maybe more than enough judging by the way the price is falling.

    All this will do is result in lower prices and more Thai farmers giving up rice farming.

    You forgot to mention one thing, the rice, if as the OP posted is 100% better than the rubbish rice (broken, dirty and smelly at best) that is served in most places around Thailand, then yes I will for once eat Thai boiled rice and lets get rid of the bad rice that the farmers have SOLD with all the pest controled drugs that they use.

    Win coffee1.gif

  9. I like the part where they trundle through the gates of the Danish Embassy on Sathorn Soi 1. The gate posts and lamps are still there, but the surroundings have changed from a natural jungle to a concrete one. I live very nearby so is delightful to see what it once looked like.

    Thanks for posting Boycie. Even wifey was interested!!!

    Hi Folks,

    Please do the needful and press the "Like" button as I did on the OP.

    Win thumbsup.gif

  10. 1. The Constitutional Court, the Civil Court, and the Criminal Court have already ruled that the PDRC protests are constitutional.

    1. Whilst the Thais and our freedom of movement is/was blocked on the roads of Bangkok and other areas of Thailand before and now by peaceful protester are they constitutional then?

    2. The right to VOTE was BOLOCKED in some areas of Bangkok and Thailand are these also constitutional then?

    3. Is, the right to work were you are permitted under ones Work Permit and denied access as per your Work Permit is that also constitutional then?

    I would really like these protesters to try and stop ME from going to my office near the new airport. coffee1.gif

    Win wai.gif

    • Like 1
  11. Gives the army more reasons to stage a coup.

    As in 2006 (a peaceful coup) and then let the guns fire in 2010. Is that what you mean?

    No way Nicky Master, as they, the Army know what they have done in one or three past coups with Gen Suchinda vs Major Chamlong, Yellow shirt mob in those day and still is today living in Kan. We have no problem with his village as we live and let others live, nice and peaceful in the Land of Simles


    Please read more about Thai History on this subject before making a comment like that.

    Win coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  12. Does that mean that yesterdays 'crack-down' is now considered illegal?

    I cant wait for the DSI to round up the CAMP-O leaders and throw them in jail... oh wait...

    No, it was legal yesterday cause the court hadn't ruled on it.

    Now I guess all they can do is Threaten to Disperse protesters - again and again and again?

    You are wrong.

    The situation has never been legal.

    The constitutional court ruled long before that, the protests are legal, and under the constitution can not be broke up or dispersed.

    Today's ruling from a second court backs up the fact that yesterday the CMPO and the police acted illegally and can indeed be brought to justice.

    So, are you telling us that taking over Bangkok's Freedom and other Provinces to Travel is legal?????? bah.gif

    Win, and I do travel a lot in and around Thailand thumbsup.gif

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