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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. Thank you all for your photos, quizzes etc. and to the starter (the OP) of this great railway journey across Thailand, Dancealot, :wai:

    Me, only have a few, maybe more of Kan and other places that I have taken my time out to photo them.

    It is funny to see our members taking their time out not only to post their photos on this subject, but to really see what they saw. neus.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptR4K2not3.gif

    Win, who else could post this smile.png

    • Like 1
  2. Oh and please stop BASH-KIR-err them folks, facepalm.gif

    Not that it matters when they pee in the middle of airport tho.

    If you are second or third generation Polish, living in England, you really are English, so not same thing.

    The Pee was on the Runway btw. and not in the middle of an Airport, just on the tarmac. I have seen lots of folks having a pee on the tarmac roads of Thailand. tongue.png

    1st Generation from our Mother and Father. My age is 64 year old now, living in Thailand, and holding a Thai PR.

    So yes, it is the same thing to me as all Slavs should always behave in a true and proper manner, just like we old farts use to do in our younger days.

    Sawadee wai.gif

  3. Good for them! Their names don't sound too Russians by the way...

    these men are BASHKIR nations, the muslim republic . anyway they are Russians). I am shamed

    I too would be ashamed if they where Polish. coffee1.gif

    Oh and please stop BASH-KIR-err them folks, facepalm.gif

    You are not included in this post StasD btw, just for all the other folks that have posted such Khrap about us Slavs with valid Passports and names NOT being native to the country of their Mothers and Fathers like mine, Brit Passport Holder, but with a Polish name.

    A Polish refuge out of West Germany after the WWII, hence Win from Kan = Kanchanaburi.w00t.gif

    Sawadee wai.gif

  4. I cannot believe that his neighbour said that he had one party after another.

    I have known Keith (aka Kheeneeo Keith)for as long as I have lived here in Kanchanaburi and he most certainly was not the partying type. He was living here when I arrived over 18 years ago. He did relocate to Goa for some years but returned to Kan some 8-10 years ago. He lived extremely frugally hence his nickname and had few friends. A regular visitor to the Jolly Frog where he would sit every day have a few drinks and then go home. Never had a girlfriend in all the time I knew him. Kept himself to himself. Dying on his own at home seems to fit in with the way he lived his rather sad life.

    Well ProDriver, I have known Mr. Keith for about the same, 10 or more years and as you said in your above post not a partying type, kept himself to himself. Dying on his own, I feel that it is what he wanted to do, no bother anyone just sipping his brandy and watching the TV.

    Rest in Peace Keith and thank you for the phone number Keith that you gave me so many years ago to contact your folks back home. thumbsup.gif

    Win wai.gif

    • Like 1
  5. plus report to the police to update your police book every time you leave and arrive back in the country - telling them where you are going etc.

    That part is not true is it jko? jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

    You only have to report to the nearest Police Station IF after 15 days you leave your abode in your Police Red Book address in Thailand and NOT outside of Thailand.coffee1.gif

    Win with a PR before I became was a member on this forum. w00t.gif

  6. it looks like the brains stay at home if tourists leave for vacation.....

    A bit like the brains stay at home behaviour exhibited by personages living in Thailand who profess not to be tourists on vacation, but "residents" you mean ?

    This may have not been the smartest move, but are you suggesting all accountability is on this girl ?

    The tiger temple has a great deal of accoutability in this case... for encouraging the girl to do this, for a fee, I assume

    Having been to the tiger temple, there is "hard selling" by people at the temple for tourists to get their photo's taken simply because they are making money out it, so they are going to tell somebody anything to get their hands on the cash...

    these are wild animals and the temple should not even encourage this...

    Did the Tiger Temple compensate her and her sister for the "Lost Holiday that they did not have after that event"?, having saved their funds for 6 months to come to The Land of Smiles, Thailand?


  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2407513/Student-19-mauled-400lb-tiger-Thailand-popular-tourist-attraction.html

    Nothing in our local Thai Media Newspapers about this sad sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png accident and hope she will be able walk normally once again wai.gif

    Did the Tiger Temple compensate her and here sister for the "Lost Holiday that they did not have after that event", after saving their funds for 6 months to come to The Land of Smiles, Thailand.

    Win from Kan coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

  8. I't seems that the main problem was a build up of floating weeds that got tangled among the bridge supports and not just the volume of water.

    It was suspected that the damage was caused by strong floods.

    You don't say coffee1.gif

    Please read on folks

    A bridge area food vendor Apiradee Aree, 24, said she heard a loud thud from the bridge and saw a section being swept away at 6.30pm on Sunday. Three nearby rafts were also swept into each other before sinking. She urged authorities to speedily fix the bridge before the tourist season resumes in a few months.

    Sorry folks, but, floating weeds do not make a loud thud noise, only the rafts in Kan make a noise like that.

    Win from Kan sad.png

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