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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. Correct,about the length of a lease

    A farang cannot be in a Blue Book, it is reserved for Thai nationals. He can be in a Yellow Book, which is reserved for foreigners, but it's value in living here is minimal (IMHO). If easy to get in your area he should get it, if difficult, must ask himslef if it is worth it

    Not entirely correct - a falang PR can be included in the Blue Book (I am)

    and so I am as well, holding a PR, with me name in our Blue House Book and a Thai ID number to boot, so there Langsuan Man whistling.gif

    No,Thai ID Card, btw, only the number which I still use in some good ways. coffee1.gif

    Win coffee1.gif

  2. These are things no Thai I have met can explain!!:

    Me no Thai and not Ke-mo sah-bee", but:-

    Why do policemen wear clothes that are too tight?

    So that their bosses Kan check if the have put some weight on since been in fitted with their uniform.

    Why do policemen wear white T Shirts?

    Please read a Phucet news on line paper, as some non that gave them some.

    What is it about uniforms? My daughters have different ones for every day! Let alone government officials

    It is to ensure that they are always clean, tidy and fresh. We are in the Tropics btw.

    Why are the electric switches upside down?

    Are they really? one learns something everyday.(Which Country are you from?)

    Why does the electric current fluctuate wildly?

    If up country it all depends on EGAT and PEA. In BKK not too much.

    Why do most hotels not have 3 pin plugs?

    Too tight fisted I say.

    Thais tell me, and I agree, they don't understand why Lotus does not stock large enough clothes

    Simple really, they only stock what they can sell. If they cannot sell the larger ones then only Thai size that sells well will be stocked.

    Why do Thais like unripe fruit?

    Ahhhhhhh go one. They buy them for two or three reasons,

    A) No fridge to keep the fruit in as it is packed with other types of perishable food.

    cool.png Having folks around for a barrbie so then the fruit is at room temperature and not freezing cold.

    C) They like the bitter and sweetness to come out as well as a great way to keep your teeth nice and shape, together with cleaning ones bottom out.

    Why Thai/International companies don't spell check their adverts.

    Too lazy I say, as they relay on the advert folks to do it for them, that's their job right, wrong, it is the Companies Job to get it right.

    Why are Thai ATMs back to front?

    Nice one there.

    Since most are outside of Banks, hence ................

    If you have them the other way around say a stand alone one, you are welcomed to get mugged, robbed and more by folks behind the ATM's. At the front folks see you.

    Why does life come to a halt at 12.00 on the dot so everyone can go and eat?

    What's the big deal then as it is Correct and that should also be in each and every country in this world I say. It is named "Your midday meal".

    Why in some Jangwats do the dogs have vaccination labels and not in others?

    No fund? You have me beat there. Most Thai Dogs that run wild and bite folks should be sent to another country V or C.

    Why is 100B 1 loy not 1 roy

    Ddepends on which province in Thailand you are in. Some say Aroy and other say Aloy to the food that they have eaten.
    In Kan the Thais still however say River Khwae and not Kwai.

    Why are second hand cars (and new cars) so expensive here?
    Due to Taxes.

    Why does Thailand drive on the left? Is it because the first cars came from Japan? But then why does Japan drive on the left?

    We all drive on the correct side of the road and other countries drive on the right hand side. I mentioned this many times before on this ThaiVisaDotCom forum.

    Why are traffic lights in all Jangwats not the same?

    No Funds to make them all the same I think!

    Why is most Thai acting 'ham acting'?

    Cos Thais love pork and not beef! w00t.gif

    Win wai.gif

    • Like 1
  3. I did read what you wrote btw, however since you do not know why they charge a little more Lakegeneve, it is due to the fact that the Burmese Immigration Office is 4 kms further on up the road and it is not tarmacked, rough and earthy, hence, pay a little bit more to stay in your comfort zone, a Thai taxi would not be allowed to take them there anyway, so why walk that far blink.png

    There a thai official took our passport to the burma side and returned with 2 new fresh stamps

    In addition:- I do read other Kan forums to get the latest news on issued pertaining to this province. I cannot mention the forums as it is against ThaiVisaDotCom rules. So there you have it. thumbsup.gif

    Thank you for your understanding on this issue. facepalm.gif

    Win coffee1.gif

  4. I didn't read all the comments so i'm not sure if this has been confirmed...

    But I just got back from my Visa run in kanchanaburi

    The taxi (we paid 1200 bath for the 2 of us...but you can probably get it cheaper) took about an hour to get to the border

    There a thai official took our passport to the burma side and returned with 2 new fresh stamps

    After filling in the usual arriving in thailand folder i got my 15(Different for every country) new days

    It cost me 700 bath at the border, i think it should be 500 but arguing with the guy didn't help a lot so i just payed

    So yes, a visa run at kanchanaburi is definitely possible. And it's easy as f...

    Just to be crystal clear given your previous confusion about where you crossed.....

    Who did you pay the 700 baht to exactly? A Burmese Immigration Officer???

    The normal charge at all other designated Burmese Land Crossings (ie. Rayong/Victoria Point, Mae Sot/Mywaddy & Mae Sai/Tcheilek) is officially US$10 (310-320 baht) or they ask for 500 baht at a patently bad exchange rate. (Obviously the US$ is the preferred currency with which to pay).

    Thus, unless this charge has recently increased (??), you were paying more than twice the official rate.

    It all depends where your are based ?

    If in Central and West of Thailand then that is the place to go for a few baht more or just go to ( all other designated Burmese Land Crossings (ie. Rayong/Victoria Point, Mae Sot/Mywaddy & Mae Sai/Tcheilek) ! Witch Cost-a-Lot-more. coffee1.gif to get there and back. blink.png

    Up to you folks that is what I say facepalm.gif

    Win thumbsup.gif

  5. http://www.theage.com.au/travel/all-hail-the-taxi-20130904-2t54b.html

    London cabs far outstripped the runners-up as the best in the world, failing only for being expensive. New York taxis followed in second place, commended for availability and driver knowledge, but condemned for lack of driver skill and friendliness.

    1. London

    2. New York

    3. Hong Kong

    4. Tokyo

    5. Singapore

    6. Bangkok

    7. Berlin

    8. Helsinki

    9. Dublin

    10. Madrid

    Win thumbsup.gif

  6. Hi Spaniel,

    We meet once again.

    Have a look at my


    As for Kaeng Krachan lots of places, just ask the locals? Very large area btw.

    Next, Kan, lots of Camp Sites. i.e.


    and then at the Huay Mae Khamin Waterfall


    both places have toilets and showers etc....

    Hope this helps you and all folks wishing to visit these places.

    Win thumbsup.gif

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