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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. Its not our fault duck shooting season starts soon! tongue.png

    Is it ever out of season?

    Speaking of changing user names ... isn't about time you became smokie44 and mygoodself David49 ... biggrin.png


    Happy belated Bird-Day to you both ducks, quack, quack, on or off season, and in Europe it is shooting time, game ON.

    1. make sound of duck: to make the harsh sound that is characteristic of a duck.

    2. speak irritatingly: to speak loudly and endlessly in an irritating manner (slang)

    Thaivia® 2001-2013© All rights reserved.

    1. to smokie the bear.

    2. to the 49'err

    Win who else could write this Khrap w00t.gif

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  2. I'm assuming they're referring to officially organised events. I'm also guessing that the regular Loy Krathong with ordinary people doing their thing riverside etc will go ahead on 17th.

    Thank you for your post as that is correct "officially organised events" are postponed as per the Thai Gov. orders.

    However, the floating of your own Karthong on the 17th November 2013 is NOT and Kan Not be postponed, only as was mentioned before, the Festival with live music shows etc. etc. etc. which go along with this festival has been cancelled/ postponed, which is correct in my view.coffee1.gif

    My wife and I will float our Karthong on the 17th November 2013 as normal same as each and every year.

    Win from Kan wai.gif

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  3. Win ... I really have little idea what you are on about ... but let me have a stab in the Cave.

    The red directional arrow is a tad obvious.

    As it the '07' date and the Thai inscription.

    So maybe the electrical lead dangling from the roof into the pond below ... just to add a touch of excitement ... w00t.gif

    But my real guess is that previously it was a vampires cove, there was a massive battle and the stone Crucifix lying in the pool is the only remaining evidence of same.

    ... am I close?

    Hi David48,

    Look at the photo from the top to the bottom, well you did choose the bottom part first. coffee1.gif

    Show us what you mean then not in just words, but by cropping the photo and re-post your work.

    Nice try and I thank you for it thumbsup.gif

    Please have another go w00t.gif

    Win facepalm.gif

  4. Try the Felix River Kwai Resort. It's one of the better hotels in Kanchanaburi town, has a lovely tropical garden and large pool, and the river flows by right behind it. To get into town (on the opposite bank), they provide a free river shuttle boat.

    Stayed there a few times over the last few years. In my opinion the best of a less-than-great selection in the town itself. Didn't know about the shuttle boat. You can also walk across the famous (replica) bridge into town - just a short walk from the hotel. That said, it's probably best if you have your own transport when you stay here.

    Yes, it is the best from the rest in the mid range priced hotels.

    The only drawback is as AyG mentioned "Own Transport" is a must, in my mind should you wish to stay there.

    Other places not mentioned are due to the above "Own Transport".coffee1.gif

    Win thumbsup.gif

  5. The kwae yai river is running high and fast just now and is a dirty brown colour!

    This river is run by EGAT (Srinakarin Dam) making our lights work at night etc... and just 20 kms up river out of Kan town on the 3199 road, during our rainy season there is a very small river that joins it, yet another Khwae full of mountain rain run offs, hence the colour of the water flowing down.

    Up river from there it is clear and clean. Now your know. coffee1.gif

    Win facepalm.gif

  6. Hi Folks,

    So you have been on a photo shot, trip etc.. snapping away, then you down loaded your photos AND ...................I did not see that!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, The Challenge is:-

    Lets see how good you are at cropping, re-posting, naming some or all of these items in the photo below.

    The rules are as follows:-

    One crop, one post, and the name or names of what you see per post please.

    Let The Challenge begin.

    Winner will be the one who gets the most likes w00t.gif

    Win facepalm.gif, who else could have posted this "Challenge" wai.gif

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