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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. They play each other 4 times per season and what do you get ???????????? Boring Scottish Football League.

    What has been said already, you have 42 teams in Scotland, or so, them make it into TWO Leagues and play only twice per season with THREE UP and THREE Down.

    Well that is what I think w00t.gif

    Up to you all coffee1.gif

    Win, a Mansfield Town Fan thumbsup.gif

  2. So Celtic will win most of the Prizes this coming season then........ Sad that they do not have a real challenger ahead.coffee1.gif

    With wishful thinking, the TV, Sky or whoever, should show all of the Rangers NewCo live instead. thumbsup.gif

    Sad days indeed for you all Scottish Premier Football fans sad.png

    Win, Mansfield Town Fan btw,

    Up the Stags w00t.gif

  3. As per the Forum Rules which I got caught out off a little while a go...(twice btw, the first time 2009, they changed the rules which I never knew about until then in those days, SBK wai.gif told me about a new rule.......which I was not told about before hand).. in a PM whistling.gif

    Perhaps a new sub-forum or an up-dated one on your new rules or/changes would be in order for all of your ThaiVisaDotCom members and most all for us old-timers. thumbsup.gif

    I did however provide in that post that I did change the post as quoted, without knowing about this new rules and then got notified about:-

    30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

    Yes, you may quote like I did above, but not change the quote itself coffee1.gif

    Win that got screwed by the new rules and ..............................not knowing about them. blink.png

  4. Thanks for the kind words theblether and hope you have some success drawing attention to photography in Thailand and on Thai Visa. Not sure TV is optimized for the photography buff as the focus seems to be elsewhere but there is no harm in trying.thumbsup.gif

    And also thank you for

    and Kan Win is just a genius

    Sorry but no, I am not. Just like you are an Amateur Photographer. w00t.gif

    I have well over 2,000 photos on my web-page (NO Adds btw).


    Win :wai:

  5. You can really shop it up too much and this one has that effect in my opinion....


    Some dramatic changes would no doubt help it....but changing a photo radically from what your eyes see...to something more artistic I do not like....but thats just moi.

    But great looking storm regardless.

    Here is one of mine and shopped


    Three shots and then used Photomatix Pro. Now this is what I call ........................


    • Like 1
  6. Avatar never give me any grief only yours as you are kneeing and wai-ing to your junior, is that correct in Buddist tradition? if it is I am very sorry for PM'ing you.


    In addition, I have never ever seen Non-Thais kneeing and wai-ing to junior monks, sure for more senior monks, yes, they show respect, as I do as well with a wai.gif

    Win from Kan smile.png

    Hi David,

    Thank you for your post.

    It was the kneeling bit that took me aback? (sorry for missing out the l in the kneeing bit above).

    Win thumbsup.gif

    P.S. I like your new one as well. w00t.gif

    • Like 2
  7. If I knew the name I would tell you. I said hidden, as from the road not secret. You have to descend a steep hill to get to the beach, once there you will find many deck chairs resturaunts bars ect. You will find it on route 4025, north of Kamala about half way to Laguna

    Hi waza,

    Could this be the beach


    Taken a few years ago.......

    Win w00t.gif

  8. What do I win Win? cool.png

    Nice try, as me photo has Thai signs off the road on the houses on your left, but NOT on me sign itself (as you have shown in your photo with it in Thai) only a Drunk Driver ? on a straight road me think. w00t.gif

    Win thumbsup.gif

    I put your comment into Google translate but it didn't help. lol. Ok, sorry mean joke. I appreciate people whose native language is not English posting on and English board. Try that again, start by using "my" instead of "me" and maybe it will turn into something intelligible. smile.png

    The Topic is "Thai Signs Make Me Tink Too Mutt" was not it?

    I tried to keep up with that in me posts.

    Sorry if I was wong


    A fountain of youth Kan be found at "Wat Phra That Doi Suthep" Chiang Mai"

    Win coffee1.gif

  9. It's my nephew (in waiting) when he was a novice monk.

    Had that for a year or two.

    A long time member here (who I assume was born in Thailand) PM'ed me and said that my first Avatar (novice Monk and me) offended him ... don't know why. Did ask ... didn't get a reply … maybe the Avatar wasn’t too offensive.

    David48 cowboy.gif


    Hi David,

    Sorry for my lateness.

    I am the one that PM'ed you with other things about photos .......

    I am from Europe.

    Avatar never give me any grief only yours as you are kneeing and wai-ing to your junior, is that correct in Buddist tradition? if it is I am very sorry for PM'ing you.

    My step-son Khun Thai went into monk hood and I did not Wai to him, just bought him some KFC each and every time we met up with him.

    In addition, I have never ever seen Non-Thais kneeing and wai-ing to junior monks, sure for more senior monks, yes, they show respect, as I do as well with a wai.gif

    Win from Kan smile.png

  10. Any idea why I can't edit my photos?

    You are too late to do that as I think you have attached them.

    Perhaps a post noting the photos, i.e. 1. Wat ..... 2. Wat... You do not need to re-post the photos, only the places where they are would help me along and other members.

    Win wai.gif

  11. Any more ideas how to kill an alien?...

    Yes, we do have a few BTW

    First lets start with the famous one "The Kawe Pat" (spelling???)


    No not that one, but the one below

    Cow Pat


    next get the Alien


    Pickled as a rats ass........then us this magic spray


    End of the game and you also

    Kan Win w00t.gif

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