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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. theblether has an announcement to make, theblether hereby announces that he is an idiot. theblether has spent the equivalent of 10 years in front of computer screens, and has only just found out how to copy an image.

    To celebrate this new found skill, theblether would like to share some more photos. theblether is going to ask his Mum for a How To Use A Computer Correctly class for his Christmas.

    Suva, Fiji.......I got this printed on canvas and my mother immediately stole it. What do you think? Tips please

    Could of been a little bit sharper and more colour in it


    Shame that the bottom leaf as just missing the end of it.

    Good post thumbsup.gif and as others have already posted about your other photos, this was my try with the Water Lily.

    Win smile.png


    and has only just found out how to copy an image.
    Do you mean linking your photos to a forum? coffee1.gif
  2. I think in this instance it would be far less dramatic in landscape form. With a wider angle lens you could probably pull it off without losing the best part of the cloud, but in this case I think the shooter made the right decision.

    One thing to try in the future when lacking a very wide (10-20mm) lens, is to take multiple shots and stitch them together afterward. There is free software for doing this.

    Sent from my K1 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Sure agree with you on that point 'cdnvic' and not to Hi-Jack this thread, just left a link onto one of mine taken so time back with an Oly 8080 and wide angle lens.


    Nine shots in all and near or abouts 165-170 degrees appox. All taken vertically/portrait to capture the maximum of the sunset and still keep the river in this photo.

    Win smile.png

  3. To tell you the truth I was looking for a bit of technical input, I'd like to learn a lot more about digital photography. Also I've a couple of thousand of photos of my lady

    Have you tried reading about the technical aspect of digital photography? coffee1.gif

    Lots of links have been posted in this forum for you to read cool.png . Please take your time and read some and then come back and ask your questions.

    You could try http://www.dpreview.com/ as well.

    win13 whistling.gif

  4. Hi draggons,

    Super photo really wai.gif

    For me, what takes the biscuit is not how the clouds are shown, but the landscape below is shown in the fullest of both the houses, left and on the right hand side are lit up with the electric cables also running between them.

    Now that is a photo that I would take to my photo printer (professional), frame it and hang it on my wall.

    Thank you very much for sharing this photo with us.

    And to all of you, Sorry folks, sad.png but as an indifferent landscape photographer as I am, I see it a bit different from you and like it thumbsup.gif

    Win w00t.gif

    • Like 1
  5. a "real poison" seems likely...

    they saw each other dieing and when you see your sister with blood on her lips, you will make it out of the room, no matter what... except you are wholly unable...like that:

    The second stage of the intoxication is increasing paralysis. Many victims are unable to move; even sitting may be difficult. There is increasing respiratory distress. Speech is affected,
    http://en.wikipedia....toxin#Poisoning (blowfish)

    same source:

    the victim, although completely paralyzed, may be conscious and in some cases completely lucid until shortly before death

    I am with you on this one dingdang.

    So is that why the two sisters could not even open the door of their room and crawl out to get some help?

    Very sad days for their family and may they both Rest In Peace.


  6. Hi Folks,

    Did you read what the OP wrote?

    I see that Farcebook is growing massively in Thailand, with something like 10 million users. I'm concerned about the effect this will have on relationships.

    So may one ask you, what has " Facebook" got to do with this topic?

    Win thumbsup.gif

  7. Thank you for your comments to all that replied.

    The flash one looks like a flash picture, it has that artificial light look to it. The other one is better. I would Photoshop that stick out though.

    Flash is an artificial light in any camera that has one, so yes it does look like that as you say, but without the flash there is no real / natural light is there? in the foreground that is.

    I really like the hanging stick as it does not distract the distant sunset, but give the photo a more natural look about it. Why take nature away from the original photo?

    Win thumbsup.gif

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