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Everything posted by madone

  1. again, in case you missed it. This is Thailand.
  2. Khun Neeranoot probably wanted to wait until she had amassed some likes before acting
  3. not that it matters, but I can't help but wonder if he was actually acting suspicious, or if they just decided to search him without probable cause.
  4. Perhaps because its a British news outlet warning British citizens on behalf of a British business.
  5. right you are there was the whole no seatbelt thing too. I don't know about you, but being put on the no-fly list would be disastrous for me, it would spell the end of life as know it. far more effective or resource efficient than jail time or fines
  6. perhaps its time to catch him on video and post his crimes to social media showing everyone what fine, stand-upping, and virtuous soul you are. just think of the likes and recognition you will receive.
  7. I have no issue following the rules. I also agree with them. I do take issue with their covertly taking a video, posting it to social media, and seizing the opportunity to make it about them by taking it to the press. What is wrong with reporting it to the cabin crew and leaving it at that?
  8. gee, and i thought no one had noticed
  9. that used to be a night out on the piss for me back in the day
  10. The rule of thump, the first tenet of whoopass appropriate,
  11. the breadth and depth of the ignorance you manage to demonstrate with so few words is truly an achievement
  12. Vaping on a flight is obviously wrong, but what a crock of utter <deleted>e. Dizzy with righteous indignation no doubt. didn't wear a seatbelt!! i suspect this woman is a difficult person to like
  13. every one of these conversations on AN is further proof the US is fokked. how tiresome you all are with your tiresome left and right bull<deleted>
  14. Explain to again why -- as the sole ruling party -- the rich need to buy anything in China?
  15. See, I don't think the man in the hot seat is the problem. I think it runs much deeper than that. America has lost its middle ground, the common thread is shrinking under these ridiculous left-right divisions. broken, and people would rather be right than united
  16. What nonsense, its far worse this year and began earlier, as something of a night owl, i can say that levels have been in the red at night for around a month. Heightened sensitivity? More like heightened pollution period. As for this whole sentence, this i why you don't print unedited AI. It is absolutely meaningless Again, Bangkok has been in the red overnight on many occasions this month, WTF,
  17. Hardly a glowing recommendation is it. are you proud of what America has become and the direction it seems to be moving?
  18. Does it get tiring standing on that soapbox?
  19. you may find this hard to believe, but your experience may not be definitive. For 5 years now, I have never set foot in a bank. Agent transferred to me using the app sent a guy to the bank across the street to get the paperwork, (I signed the forms to authorise printing the statement) and when he returned I transferred the 800k back with his fee.
  20. There is no need for that. You either sign the withdrawal slip for 800k before they deposit the cash or use the app yourself to transfer it back to them. You can increase your transaction limit from the app itself.
  21. I reckon you have never watched Australian news, which never tired of exposing his gaffes and senior moments.
  22. none of those are doing nothing
  23. Thank you Captain Obvious, you have set the internet right. you must feel much better now.
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