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Everything posted by madone

  1. WTf are you on about? are you really bickering semantics over this?
  2. the "white anglo saxon" faces are on the customer end of things.
  3. indeed, all this covid nonsense detracts from more important discussions about bargirls, ladyboys, and Trump
  4. perhaps if you were a little more vague ,,,
  5. everyone that used to participate is dead?
  6. Asking means they sought consent. I fail to see how that is problematic. There is far more on this site that I find cringeworthy and even disturbing
  7. dull and predictable virtue signaling <deleted>e from you. I don't find the post particularly funny, but neither do I feel it is my place to gatekeep humor.
  8. what part of the distinction between Thai AirAsia and Air India Express confuses you?
  9. Why is this so important to you lot? JFC, if there were no plants, trolls, or AI on this site it would be empty. given the majority of the original demographic are dead or near enough to it, they have to generate interest somehow.
  10. who cares, as long as you are not here banging out the same old complaints
  11. Jesus, you are going to give me a sore neck.
  12. Every time you post I just find myself just shaking my head.
  13. Organize all the news you want, the fact is there is almost zero mental health infrastructure in Thailand, particularly in terms of treatment accessible to foreigners
  14. Actually, it is. You are not humor's sole gatekeeper. Thank god. Being able to laugh in the face of tragedy is a beautiful human trait.
  15. Why go looking for conspiracies? Every car I have driven in the last 10 years unlocks when the car is in park
  16. Well you are the universal yardstick, so I guess that solves everything.
  17. Defunct services that had users spend the last 6 months chasing missing transfers
  18. remarkably like cyclists and motorists in the UK. Big ICE is a dangerous opponent it seems
  19. Sure it is. No point in acknowledging that EV fires are little more than an outlier, and ICE engines are statically more likely to catch fire. Nor is it worth pointing out that no Western nanny state has yet banned EVs due to their dangers. This is simply some fool exercising what little authority they have. I'd like to say well-intentioned fool, but this is Thailand and given that EV sales accounted for a fair percentage of vehicles sold in Thailand over the last couple of years, it wouldn't surprise me if some Thai ICE vehicle manufacturing lobby was whispering in a few ears. it seems to me rather like the controversial vape and the thai tobacco monoply's successful effort to keep them illegal did despite the unhindered sale of cigarettes.
  20. what a crock of nonsense. you are comparing a Western upbringing 70 years ago with the Thailand of today.
  21. I enjoy drinking, but not enough to justify feeling like <deleted> when there are better things to be doing.
  22. exactly this, except I was born in BC
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