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Everything posted by madone

  1. it would seem the thaiger has given up on the human review process entirely, what a complete crock of <deleted>e.
  2. Personally i doubt you cycle in any country
  3. Should we limit our posts to a single account of our prolific sexual prowess and be done with it?
  4. it would seem the thaiger has recognized the fundamental challenges facing the aseannow demographic
  5. amazing how similar in writing style they are. Also it is nice two completely different and unrelated new users to the platform who joined within days of each other back in June (within a month or so of the site changing ownership) are so aligned in bringing new engaging content to the site What a happy set of coincidences! it must be serendipity
  6. point well missed straight whites.
  7. how is this different from the other article?
  8. this is the best thing that could have happened to the leftitst media they have 4 more years of Trump-fueled indignation.
  9. Good argument? I went for a 60 km ride in Bang Krachao under blue skies and watched the sunset over the water at Queen Sirikit park. I don't need to argue. I do it, as do many others here, apparently. I certainly saw other people on their bikes today. Men, women, all sorts of folk. Just not you. It is you who are making defeatist hysterical remarks like this from the sidelines after falling off a motorcycle like your own fears and shortcomings are universal. I meant it when I called you a cautionary tale. I pity you for your dramatic excuses and losing what little spark you may have once had -- we all rode our bikes to school as children in a different era btw, well done. Today I'm going to ride to Nong Bon Lake after I get some work done. it's a nice loop. I won't need that beer. perhaps you can drink it for me.
  10. Agreed, the Skylane is brilliant, but the headwinds can be nasty. The upside is that the tailwind makes some serious speed possible. Another thing to know it is a strictly enforced one-way lap, so you commit fully to the 24km .ride. if you decide to bail you need to call for the truck of shame to pick you up and take you back to the start.
  11. they are actually 10 for you 10 for the bike. Still ... I think they are trying to up to 15 each way for foreigners on weekends
  12. indeed. you are the most poignant of cautionary tales.
  13. there are bigger boats on wat klong toei Nok, not only longtails
  14. You have had a motorcycle accident so riding a bike is dangerous and a death wish. Oh ok.
  15. At the wat klong toei pier (bangkrachao side) there is M-bike rental, they have everything from massive Dutch bikes to some newer mountain bikes and hybrids. they update bike almost every year and have hundreds. Ill be passing by there today on my ride
  16. I ride there several times a week, it's great because I can tailor the length of the ride from my doorstep on lower Sukhumvit depending how much time Ihave. There are decent larger boats under the Bhumibol Bridge and at Wat Klong Toei Typical week day loop is 50 to 70 km more on weekends. I generally don't take the ferry there though I return via the Wat Klong Toei pier. There are quite a few regulars who ride there weekly, Thai and foreign, I also ride from home to the Sklylane, out to Ayutthaya or towards Bankhunthiantalay. Pattaya is in the works but I hear that can be stressful.
  17. I was waiting for you or someone like you. What an utter load of twaddle, you have no idea what you are talking about because you have never even tried riding here. if you had biked even a fraction of the distance you claim, you would understand that the roads here are not nearly as dangerous for cyclists as you make out. let's be honest here, when was the last time you were out on a bike logging those hundreds of thousands of kilometers? When was the last time you went 100km in a single ride? utter <deleted>. the walter mitty of the cycle world -- but not in Thailand, too dangerous.
  18. and it is this parroting of the pro-car mythology that is causing tensions between cyclists and drivers making UK and other Western cities dangerous for bikes. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/bike-blog/2021/dec/13/how-a-myth-about-london-bike-lanes-and-congestion-took-flight https://theconversation.com/cycle-lanes-blamed-for-urban-congestion-heres-the-reality-173388 https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/fact-check-are-cycle-lanes-really-making-traffic-worse-in-london/
  19. The point is that, even if they steal high-end bikes, there is nowhere to sell them and they are so recognizable they can't really be used. The community that buys and sell these bikes is so tight, they inevitably get recognized. I have seen facebook messenger groups go vigliante on folks posting stolen bikes here. The giveaway is the seller knows nothing about the 3,000 dollar bike the are flogging. a low-end bike is much more likely to get nicked because it doesn't stand out.
  20. head out to the skylane any old day in the late afternoon and see the hundreds of this of all ages exercising. I also see commuters every day, far more this on the road than foreigners, its an if you build it they will come thing, but it doesn't happen overnight
  21. Funny you mention that. bicycles are far safer here than anywhere I have ever lived. I don't think twice about leaving my bike out front of foodland or Villa while i nip in to do some shopping, and every office building has abundant, often guarded motorcycle parking
  22. sure they do. all you lack is firsthand knowledge from experience Stay safe on that sofa, my old mucker. perhaps you should stick with discussing the adventures of trump
  23. Tell me where do you cycle? I bet you don't. Seems to me that the ones most vociferous against cycling in Thailand haven't been on a bike in years. Meanwhile, avid cyclists in civilized countries like Canada, the US, UK, and Australia report increasing hostility and actual malicious and dangerous behavior against them. Check out any cycling forum for confirmation. Re seeing behind you" these days you can even buy bike radar that tells you exactly where the cars behind you are, how far away, and how fast they are moving. I personally think it's stupid, if I'm going to get hit from behind, I'm <deleted> anyways. Just like in car, I check over my shoulder regularly, but more importantly, I hold my line and ride predictably. No swerving, no weaving. Unlike western drivers, Thais are very familiar with sharing the road with two-wheeled vehicles,
  24. Sure would be nice to se a map. As someone that cycles 10k km per year primarily in and around Bangkok, I am skeptical that these walk-cycle lanes will improve safety and provide a viable alternative to driving. Cycle routes need to run parallel to traffic not share space with it. Bikes need to be separated from cars by physical barriers and paths kept clear of pedestrians. Also, paths need to connect. There is no point in a cycle path that suddenly ends, leaving a rider looking for a way to get back on track or worse, a path lures you into a dangerous situation if you are not familiar with the route. Otherwise, its just plain safer to use the roads like a car would
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