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Everything posted by madone

  1. who died and made you boss? I reckon its you we don't need
  2. you are in far greater danger from the family with a philipina. greater poverty, less to lose.
  3. there is no real parallel between Thailand and the pit of despair that is the Philippines. Thailand doesn't have a single slum that can hold a candle to the open cesspools that surround metro Manila and other major urban centers
  4. Canada has its own bloody problems. Trudeau is what we would get if harris and trump had a child in office,
  5. Thank you so much chat gpt. good effort.
  6. A car drove by here the other day. It was going quickly, with no pinstripes, just a dark blue. Any idea what it could have been? it definitely wasn't a truck
  7. it could not be more obviously a green pit viper from the triangular head to the red tail.
  8. Hard to find a better specimen. beautiful.
  9. Not in the least. i cant even take solace in the notion that this will stop the endless bloody bickering over the topic on the board.
  10. What a crock of <deleted>.
  11. Nobody will win here. both options are worthy of despair and derision.
  12. With the exception of the very well-traveled and very well-off, Philipinas smother you, stalk you and bleed you dry. They will take any chance to get their hooks into you and pin you down -- never believe a girl who tells you she is on the pill and check the condom for holes. The only exceptions are the very well-traveled and well-off folk who spend as much of their time abroad as at home. Lower-income, lower-educated girls from the provinces are horrific. You can keep them and their unsightly facial moles. then there is that accent, nothing grates on my patients more than a Philipino (male or female) calling me sir or pretending that the Taglish they spew is the same as speaking English. she makes my skin crawl, irritating stick insect that she is.
  13. And, in other news, there is no news
  14. or course they do. and irony, and satire. I had a very good Thai friend down south who was remarkably sarcastic.
  15. nor is verbosity an indicator of intellect. Which is to say, you are both talking <deleted>e
  16. Even Afghanistan was progressive. Khaled Hosseini's Kite Runner was set in far milder time.
  17. would you consider yourself a fluid speaker?
  18. she thought you were a nonsense-spouting fool. If you are going to be sarcastic, you need a better handle on the language. This is a mess.
  19. unlike our UK contingent who seem to think that they have a patent on irony.
  20. sums it up, yet still the poster here bicker like fools when they should be asking themselves how did we get here?
  21. I think you should learn your history before you expose your ignorance any further.
  22. Who are you to question her remarkably brave act from the comfort of Thailand?
  23. so brave. I wonder what the final straw was.
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