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Everything posted by Talon

  1. It was election interference creating election fraud -- so much so that a judge intervened and extended voting.
  2. Yeah, that cognitive dissonance affliction is still traveling hard in Leftist circles.
  3. Polls in this century have been skewed to SHAPE opinion, not reflect it. I always ignored national polls because the national vote does not determine the POTUS. The Electoral College determines the POTUS. Because of how the vast majority of media polls are skewed Left to shape opinion, I ignore them all. Like 2020, this election will be decided by machines and fraudulent ballots in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Because the momentum is so heavily in favor of Republicans, the ballot fraud effort of Democrats may collapse under its own weight. The legitimate vote numbers may be too overwhelming to counter this time; and the RNC has been watching closely and filing lawsuits ahead of election day vs questionable election procedures. However, 4 of those states have already announced that they will count ballots for as long as necessary to get their desired result. And all those voting machines that were supposedly not connected to the Internet are experiencing "bugs" nationwide (Michigan report) and other technical issues that indicate that they are indeed connected to the Internet. Elections in the United States are still not secure.
  4. That is all performative theater by two of the biggest Happy Talkers in the GOP. Stefanik is a GOPe Mush Rat with a voting rating of F. Comer doesn't do anything, but talk -- and nothing gets done. He and his buddy Jordan write angry letters, and the Democrats laugh and laugh and laugh. https://rlc.org/
  5. Pennsylvania Judge Intervenes and Extends Early Voting After Bucks County Officials Blocked Trump Voters Pennsylvania Judge Intervenes and Extends Early Voting After Bucks County Officials Blocked Trump Voters Sources are linked within the article.
  6. Brett Favre is from Mississippi -- born and raised.
  7. HQT has already earned IGNORE status.
  8. Democrat counties in Pennsylvania are chasing people out of line to vote early and threatening them with arrest. Polling locations were to remain open until 5pm. All of this voter intimidation was occurring after lunch. The RNC had to file a lawsuit, and now those polling locations are remaining open for 3 extra days. Watch closely.
  9. "It's time to bench Kamala, and put in the star quarterback -- Donald Trump."
  10. Well said. You get it.
  11. Yes, but Pence didn't run for POTUS and was never asked what he would do differently as POTUS.
  12. Except Pence didn't run for POTUS and was never asked what he would do differently as POTUS.
  13. That's been her response when asked how she'd be different as POTUS.
  14. Don't you ever wonder why lawsuit-happy Leftists don't file suit for reparations? They wouldn't win. 1. The plaintiff would have to prove lineage, which is nearly impossible due to the lack of records kept on slaves. Most documentation included only a first name, sex and age -- and that was in succession documents. Example: John - male - 43 years How do I know? I've seen and researched the documents. 2. The plaintiff would have to prove damages. How would they prove that as a descendant of a slave, over 100 years removed, that they have personally suffered damages? 3. The slave owner is dead. Who will be the defendant responsible (who never owned a slave and didn't even know the ancestor) for their ancestor's ownership of slaves and the damages owed to the plaintiff? 4. Slavery was legal until 1865. How is someone (a descendant) held to account -- retroactively -- when slavery was legal? How can a descendant in the 21st century be held responsible for the LEGAL behavior of the ancestor in the 18th century and before? There is no question that slavery was an immoral and destructive practice; but it has been outlawed for over 150 years. Because it would be almost impossible to conquer ALL FOUR legal hurdles described above, a lawsuit would most likely fail spectacularly. It's much easier to play on white guilt and cowardly and/or complicit politicians to just hand over the money.
  15. That too. It was full of nonsense, and Republicans who were supporting it caught hell from their voters. They backed off quickly.
  16. Altering and editing transcripts has been common in the Biden/Harris Regime.
  17. I've been expecting that shoe to drop all along. Yes, I realize nothing has been finalized yet; but it's always good to be aware and have a plan.
  18. And then you double down on coming after me. And still didn't / couldn't refute it.
  19. And Trump supporters -- at least half the country -- were the people who Biden intended to offend. So don't walk it back now.
  20. How can Colorado's election results be certified after that long lapse in time over days?
  21. Democrats are the UNDISPUTED CHAMPIONS of unintended consequences. It always blows up in their faces.
  22. Meaningless in the Biden/Harris Regime. They are altered/edited regularly.
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