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Everything posted by Talon

  1. All skewed to make an attempted Steal more believable. However, this time, the lifting may require far greater strength than last time. Bears watching the states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The major Democrat counties have their ballot counters in place and have already announced delayed counting.
  2. Democrat Leftists are not America Last. They have transformed into America Never.
  3. Arab Americans support Trump because of his focus on Peace and Prosperity and not bombs and wars.
  4. JOY
  5. You get it. Leftists always accuse their opponents of the crimes and dirty deeds they've already committed or actively planning. It's in the Playbook.
  6. If I had a great record of prosecution, I would have already outlined every case that I prosecuted and the result. I would gladly rub Republican noses in it. But Kamala is quiet; and no one can find anything of significance.
  7. The research has already been done. No one has been able to find anything of significance regarding the "importance" or "critical nature" of any cases prosecuted by Kamala, and no one has found more than half a dozen total cases about pretty much nothing. And no record of any cases that were prosecuted on appeal.
  8. Yes, that "ignore things" affliction runs rampant with Leftists.
  9. Leftist economists. DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS. MORATORIUM on ALL IMMIGRATION for at least 5 years. There is no "working together" with Leftists in the United States.
  10. It's not about LEGAL immigrants who contribute to the socio-economics of the United States. The problems are a result of ILLEGAL ALIENS. I don't care what is estimated. They are ILLEGAL. DEPORT. THEM. ALL. And as a result of all of the illegal aliens, ALL IMMIGRATION -- including legal immigration -- should be halted for at least 5 years.
  11. They make claims -- and then expect you to source their nonsense.
  12. For some reason, the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) has never gotten through to Leftists. It's that ignore thing that is so prevalent with them.
  13. Everyone -- including many Democrat voters -- are still wondering where all that infrastructure money went for bridges, roads, the Internet, etc.
  14. No, it's not the ones on the dole. It is businesses and individuals who provide the tax revenue for the ones on the dole.
  15. They lying-a55 Leftist Thug Media is consistent.
  16. The intellectually dishonest Left loves to ignore the fact that Harris has no accomplishments and ignore the fact that Trump has numerous accomplishments. Those pesky facts always get in the way.
  17. Actually, they will be deported on the basis of their illegal entry into the United States -- regardless of their country of origin. Illegal Aliens deserve only passage back home. DEPORT. THEM. ALL. The Illegal Alien Tax affects every American Citizen in some way; and unfortunately, some people have been forced to pay that tax with their lives.
  18. You can't be a Democrat -- or Leftist -- without being a hypocrite. Hypocrisy is necessary in order to complete their mission.
  19. So many are leaving that it will cause them to LOSE seats in the House -- not to mention all of the tax revenue that will happily be embraced by the destination states.
  20. It's always great to see Leftists trying to justify the waste of US tax revenue -- AGAIN.
  21. They can't tell us that either. I'm curious to know what EXACT temperature they believe is the perfect temperature. Where EXACTLY on the Earth should that temperature be measured? How do they explain higher temperatures when man and industry didn't even exist? They can't tell us. They just want the money and to make us all miserable.
  22. I never said they didn't have a valid reason. The current House GOP doesn't do anything but Happy Talk. They're not going to do anything but performative theater. ALL of their House committee hearings resulted in ZERO over two years.
  23. Exactly. The Green Leftists can never tell us HOW -- specifically -- or in any MEASUREABLE WAY -- the results we can expect from their efforts with climate change. Climate change is real and has always been true; but the HOAX part of it all is that no amount of money and no group of humans have the ability or the power to slow, stop or reverse the all-powerful and ever-changing climate.
  24. All true, but nothing to do with what I posted.
  25. That's true, but it doesn't remove the fact that there are over 150 GOPe Mush RATs in the GOP House and Senate who don't want Trump to win. Oh, they talk a good game. Some even endorse him, but when you look at their voting records, they vote with Democrats and against America First.
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