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blaze master

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  1. Wow still a Biden was mentally fit team member eh. I thought most of you scattered. Good for you.
  2. I would go see a doctor about your vision my friend.
  3. And your advice for the millions of thai who flaunt traffic laws daily ?
  4. Ya the 20 million dollar yacht parked at surin beach last night is saying hey we're poor.
  5. Get help. It's all over the news with many different sources reporting it. You sound a little strange He has even released it on official government letterhead. Ndp calling for a vote of non confidence. Ya no chaos at all. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NLB3TJJGDMM
  6. Get help. It's all over the news with many different sources reporting it. You sound a little strange.
  7. Everything is still fine no chaos at all. https://news.google.com/read/CBMi-gFBVV95cUxPQkFLN1Y4cUNuejBKejNacVUxRFFjZFkxU1hKZnNwODBPeGRJT2VOUG1vWVY3ZG1scEJkNXUzb1YyajkyV2xjc1YzendoVGluZDdjdWUyd2U2WVR0ZGg5LXdkeWRXZFJZTVZqbzlyb3Z1OHo2RnlEeVM5eG90dDdEcEZHX3RLR3czSThQNWU5QTNsMy1PZzJzRDJ2dEFVNTAtYVFpSGVIb01DVUJTQ0ZSeFhYMkt2eWpuQVVaLUxFNnlkcnFNc2ZtTU00Y1RHOUtxeHVUY2UtS1hnUktUWERoSTNoR08yRE5ONDFYVTR2MjdWdF9oRzMwaGNn0gH_AUFVX3lxTE1oMzFFLWdJanJkbDRzVTBkaEdLNGJuOXRnWWY1Vks4TS1BNmJqc1psWmFCWW5NcmVCUUhkRHpYVnlUSzZ2SEJNSnQ0Rm5tdDZJSEhiZE9WMURpUFJNSzllMFhqQU9UT1g4OXZLWHBGbzA1T29vajVSMndUbXpyWW1tRTlQX3FYY1k4bktMMTIwamtHcVZGUDRRZXRGZWxBR2hZck1RX195R2ttREZpNWhRNngzam9Wa2hSa3hpSEdYNy0wY2o5QURESF92WGdQOHRJX1dnWkRjMDluRFVsMW5jZjFqMUxxTXdMeHhhUUVmVGEwWllBaG9xWU1HMEwxSQ?hl=en-CA&gl=CA&ceid=CA%3Aen
  8. Why is it people try to connect Trump to almost anything. To bring back a word that became quite popular on here by the brigade. Just weird.
  9. Tug should be along any minute now with a glowing bowl of bs talking points. Oh wait no he won't.
  10. That's what happens when you grow up in a middle class family.
  11. Your ability to see a Harris win was spot on. What reality are you talking about. Taking into consideration you were part of the Biden is mentally fit crowd.
  12. You kept up wonderfully at the Biden is nails conspiracy so what exactly are you talking about. Your political view was so wrong yet here you are still telling others they don't get it. What a laugh.
  13. Unlike your pathetic delusion that Biden was mentally fit. Trump ran to dodge prison eh. What a laugh considering the trumped up charges are falling like domino's.
  14. I expect this thread to be filled with shock and apologies from those on the left who continued this lie. It was so thick on this forum daily with comments ridiculing anyone who dared question the narrative. What other lies have been started by theses despicable people. Anyone on the left still want to say Biden was tippy top in the year before he crashed out. Still ill a few on here willing to defend it The whole system was exposed as a farce.

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