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blaze master

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  1. I remember a short while ago the trudeau government celebrating a nazi in parliament. People were super happy about that. You know the right wing nazis. Errrm.
  2. Gaslighting ? Like starting a thread such as this. Using the wrong character too. What a hoot. Maybe take a deep breath before your next froth session. You have reached the precipice of your horrible hatred and anger display daily on this forum. Disgusting.
  3. Not sure why you got cry baby emojis to this truth. If it wasn't why was the policy backed by the courts.
  4. More than likely some food will be thrown on the road for the beast to lap up.
  5. Most people are far more liberal when they are younger....then they grow up.
  6. Yes you made that quite clear during the run up to the election with your posts.
  7. Oh don't worry a few of them will be along soon enough and can't press the stupid emoji button fast enough to show how superior their thinking is.
  8. Tell us how you know this for a fact. You have a link right to back up this claim ? Otherwise it's just your useless opinion.
  9. Only zero doubt in your mind. Meanwhile back in reality things aren't really like.that at all. Please keep at it though. It's helping you bigly.
  10. As long as it falls on a particular side of the fence. All is well.
  11. One particular poster has raged back onto the forums after playing hide and seek. It's quite funny watching him froth.
  12. Hopefully we hear less and less about dei and more about the actual qualifications and credibility of each person. Fingers crossed it means a fade away into a misguided time in history.
  13. Thank goodness it's only a small fraction of totally unhinged people. As evident by their continued garbage postings on here.
  14. Keep digging in with this utter tripe. It's worked out so well over the last year. What a pathetic thread.

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