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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. I think the dems are that oblivious. Look at some of the comments made on this forum.
  2. There's a lot of time from now till then. With most people having the attention span of a goldfish now a days...don't be so sure.
  3. I find it comical that actions they take at times to save face...end up making them lose face. They are too entrenched in their views to ever see it though.
  4. He should get a Buddha tattoo.
  5. Thai buddhism is an oxymoron. Now pardon me I'm off to buy my way into heaven. Who wants to come make merit with me ?
  6. He can barely walk down a step. There are numerous videos online. He also fell off his bike that's how good he can ride it.
  7. The language always amuses me with these people. If this was a foreigner there would be a nation wide manhunt underway. Pattaya this IS your reputation. Who are you trying to kid. What a joke.
  8. You are a nothing burger here.
  9. Thank you for that equally useless article.
  10. Is there a point to this thread other than the usual Trump bashing. Wake me up when the nukes fly. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
  11. Dr Mike on YouTube did a great vid on RFK. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hPJcpmsKayE&pp=ygULRHIgbWlrZSByZms%3D
  12. You can thank the Vietnamese operating at a loss to consolidate the market. Oh ya and they are stealing the electricity too. Some Chinese and Russian farms as well but mostly Vietnamese. Some huge players from all over the world have set up shop in thailand. This comment is simply ill informed. I can get Piatella hash in a few minutes in thailand. I've never even seen it in canada.
  13. I think he was referring to the OP. Your reply still stands though. It's sad not funny.
  14. This John oliver you mean... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HlHo-F1z_aw&pp=ygUXSm9obiBvbGl2ZXIgdHJ1bXAgZG8gaXQ%3D
  15. Ha. Appreciate it. I mean who's the fun sponge that puts a confused emoji on that comment.
  16. I see someone put a jealous emoji on your comment. Some people will never be happy.
  17. I was stunned at how many people were on the beach at all hours in patong.
  18. Odds are ill still be here in 30 years. Help me please.
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