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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. I was stunned at how many people were on the beach at all hours in patong.
  2. Odds are ill still be here in 30 years. Help me please.
  3. Welcome to Costco...I love you.
  4. Yes....yes it most certainly will.
  5. Did you write this with a straight face ? So you're telling me in the few short weeks since Trump started stomping around that this has resulted in a sudden aids problem ?
  6. Weird Al and Weezer did a great remake. Watch out for that air kick from Al. Deadly. Op friends likely went to Nigeria Tanzania and Uganda.
  7. Do you have a link to verify that claim ?
  8. To be fair there has been quite a few comments lately referencing Trump and Putin engaged in some sort of sexual act. All by the left I might add.
  9. Did you even read the MSN linked article posted by,the OP ?
  10. There's already dozens of threads open talking about this stuff.
  11. So asking for who made the claims is got nothing ? You're a strange one indeed.
  12. Doesn't stop them from making these kind of strange claims.
  13. I wish you would comment more like this. No nasty name calling or hatred. Just a well thought out reply. Great comment.
  14. Who specifically made these claims ? If it was a Republican the link brigade would be demanding their pound of flesh. All we have to go on is trust me bro.
  15. I stand for the latest cause. Did you update your Facebook with the Ukraine flag too ?
  16. It's an opinion. Get over it geez why you so angry. Don't you think people making accusations should come forward. Or you think it's ok that people make wild claims annonymously. Shoot even this forum wants proof when people make claims.
  17. Really ? I recall you supporting a mentally unfit biden while the poster you are replying to tried to warn you he wasn't fit.
  18. 3 people are making claims. They need to come forward. That's the truth or did you miss that part ?
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