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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Keep trolling then.
  2. What does you being English have to do with how wrong you were ?
  3. Classic projecting. Who said I don't like criticism? I dont even like the guy. I see you aren't coping well either. I get it it must hurt being so off on your assessment of what was happening.
  4. Stand down what.You're part of the never Trump crowd. You're a Biden was razor sharp guy. Don't need to read your pathetic post history. Just the last few months is enough. Ps just because someone has been a member for a month doesn't mean they haven't visited the forum for years. There you go with another stupid post Stand up chap.
  5. You just can't admit.you are wrong eh. And from your post history that happens a lot. Carry on with your weird emoji use though.
  6. Nor will he ever spend time in jail. It was foolish to think he ever would.
  7. Also ps...didn't you get the memo ? Most of the charges are bs and the population doesn't seem to care about it all.
  8. How many days has he spent in jail ?
  9. Some of the effects mentioned by the OP can come from distinct strains.
  10. Clearly you used all the tissue last month.
  11. But but but Trump. I see you aren't coping well either.
  12. Almost every reply to this by the left has been but but but Trump.
  13. Exactly. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=COQf3U1KzHw&pp=ygUlam9lIHNjYXJib3JvdWdoIG9uIGJpZGVuIGJlc3QgdmVyc2l
  14. I forgive you for this comment.
  15. Where did I say you mentioned bide. ?
  16. The real news who told me Biden was sharp as a razor blade. That news you mean ? Or.
  17. Real news hahah good one you funny I likey.
  18. I avoided nothing. You think what you want with your grandiose theories of things that may or may not happen. Go anger bait another poster.
  19. I see you learned nothing from being completely wrong. Nor will you. Expected though. Cheers.
  20. You've been smug for years. Your reply is yet another example of what went wrong. Ps. A wrecking ball through government is exactly what people voted for.
  21. You sure see things clearly Mr kamala is a shoe in for pres. Can't take a single one of you seriously considering how off your judgement was. Keep digging in though.
  22. Who said you were missed. The forum is better without hysteria and bullying style propaganda. Ask kamala looks like she had about 5 dabs before coming out from weeks of hiding. That's the kind of strength that would of shown world leaders who was boss eh.
  23. I see you can miss the point quite often though. That John fella sounds exactly like a good repeater. I'm sure he though kamala was a foregone conclusion too with all his edumacation. Here is a list of things that the so called intelligent highly educated were smart enough to see. Hillary was gonna win sure Trump will go to jail. Please bring up more of the cases etc as proof of nothing. Joe Biden was razor blades sharp. Kamala would win the election hands down because bla bla bla I'm smarter than you. Shall I go on or is that enough of the intelligence on display for one comment ?
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