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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Yes your previous year of slandering Trump is a yawn.
  2. Ok forever blue guy whatever you say.
  3. Fox news is a joke too.
  4. Then fix the problem and stop providing a 2 tier system that mostly effects the lowest of society.
  5. Why would I provide you examples of literally dozens of anti Trump gibberish comments you made ere. If it makes you happy here's a link. www.aseannow.com You made the comments everyone knows your stance. Own it.
  6. All schools should provide children with the best chance at a future.
  7. Private school is an unfair advantage. All of those claims about families need to be backed up or they are worthless. Anyone can claim they had to do this or that. Oh no so hard off skipping a family holiday. The horror.
  8. An outright lie. No where in your ilnk does it show the wealth of people attending private schools. People like you never learn do you.
  9. You of course have evidence to back up your ridiculous claim right?
  10. So you're trying to tell me private schools are not attended by rich people? Haha now I've heard it all.
  11. You know you just keep making really off statements. What's stopping a person from viewing AN without being a member ? My comments are rooted in fact. We're you not a huge never Trump guy ?
  12. Maybe the government should do a better job. Private education is not a human right thags ridiculous.
  13. Again. Your judgement is brutal. Your post history tells the story too. Keep on doing you big fella.
  14. I did. Now please show me where it states that attending a private school in UK is a human right. A statute or a law or something. Not an ongoing court case.
  15. Your link proves nothing. Claims. It is nor a human right to go to private school.
  16. You're saying you never stood by Biden in the last year or so. Laughable.
  17. Provide a link for what ? For saying fee paying schools are non essential. And who cares about other schools suing the government. A human rights issue to attend private school eh ?
  18. Yes and Biden was tip top mentally. A much much bigger lie parroted by a large number of members on here. Yourself included no ?
  19. Thank you for sharing an opinion held by so few.
  20. I am positive these things only ever happened on planet earth when whitey came and conquered north America. Never before in human history has our species acted like that. Oh wait thay sounds really dumb.
  21. Still a legacy media defender eh. Bravo takes a lot of balls to stand out in your own defending a dying system that lost any and all credibility and respect they had left.
  22. Again you just showing how off your judgement and awareness are. Could I offer you a nice tall glass of chilled blue kool aid ?
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